
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 105: Phantom Troupe gatherings!

Light realized he was but a minnow caught in the midst of battling Titans, his survival hanging by a thread beyond his grasp.

Though a member of the esteemed Ten Dons, Light understood that should they fall to the Celestia Consortium, his own demise would be inevitable.

And that was something he couldn't accept, not when he thought of his beloved daughter.

"I won't put Neon's life in jeopardy," he whispered to himself, his mind racing with calculations.

"...I must side myself with the one most likely to win...."

In the ruthless world he inhabited, loyalty was a luxury he couldn't afford.

His allegiance lay solely with his own survival!

For the sake of his daughter, Light was willing to do whatever it took.

In the busy city of Yorknew, a group of people made their way through the crowded streets before reaching the quieter side of town.

Here, the atmosphere shifted drastically, with deserted streets and dilapidated buildings dominating the scene.

The once lively structures now stood in disrepair, their worn facades bearing the marks of time and neglect.

Nature had taken its toll, reclaiming the abandoned spaces with overgrown foliage and tangled vines. It was a stark contrast to the bustling city centre, a forgotten corner where silence reigned supreme.

A palpable tension hung in the air as the group moved forward, their steps echoing through the dimly lit corridor.

"Consider yourself lucky that we're almost there..."

Nobunaga, who was clad in a traditional Japanese robe and shorts, scowled and turned away.

"What did you say? I don't see the harm in being late..."

Beside him was Franklin.

A towering figure with rugged scars etched across his face and stitched wounds sealing his lips grunted in response as the atmosphere suddenly became heavier.


Leading the way, Machi glanced back at them as she rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Enough! We're almost there. Get your shit together, Nobunaga, Franklin."

"Machi's got a point..."

The final member of the group chimed in.

It was Feitan!

He was a short man wearing dark, baggy clothes and a bandana with a skull motif over his mouth.

Knowing Machi and Feitan were right, Nobunaga and Franklin could only grumble in frustration as they reluctantly followed the others toward one of the rundown buildings at the center of the abandoned area.


Upon entering the building, the sound of uproarious laughter filled the air, unmistakably emanating from one member of their group.

Inside, Uvogin's booming laughter echoed off the walls, his excitement evident.

"...You're still fucking loud as ever," Feitan remarked dryly, drawing the attention of everyone present in the building.

"Oh! Feitan, your mouth is dirty as ever hahaha!" 

Uvogin's eyes sparkled with amusement as he faced the group, his laughter still echoing through the room.

Feitan couldn't help but express his annoyance with a click of his tongue, muttering under his breath, "...So irritating."

"Machi! Long time no see!"

A cheerful voice rang out, drawing Machi's attention to Kortopi, who waved enthusiastically.

"Kortopi, you're here early!"

Machi remarked with a hint of surprise in her voice since it was quite unusual for him to arrive early most of the time.

"Yeah, I tagged along with Bonoleov on my way here," Kortopi replied with a chuckle as he gestured towards a man wrapped from head to toe in white bandages.

Bonoleov gave Machi a thumbs-up, his eyes gleaming with pride.

"...I see," Machi responded, her lips twitching slightly at the exchange.

As Machi turned, her gaze fell upon another figure making their way towards the group.

"Good to see you all," Shalnark greeted them warmly.

Pakunoda leaning casually against the wall and Shizuku standing calmly nearby, both nodding in acknowledgment to the group.

"It looks like everyone's almost here," Machi remarked, glancing around at the assembled group.

Their attention then shifted to the figure seated at the far end of the room, his features shrouded in shadow.

"Leader, we've made it," they addressed him respectfully.

Chrollo rose from his seat, moving towards the group with deliberate steps.

His gaze swept over each member in silence before he spoke, "It appears that everyone has gathered..."


Shizuku, a petite woman with short-layered black hair and glasses, furrowed her brow in confusion.

"But wait... I don't think everyone's here," Phinks chimed in with a puzzled mutter, his confusion evident to all.

Uvogin scanned the room, counting the members with a finger raised, but his expression turned to one of annoyance as he scratched his head.

"That clown isn't here, Leader!" 

"No, he's already here," Chrollo's response was calm but firm. 


Everyone was suddenly alarmed as they swept through the group and all eyes turned towards a shadowy corner.


Slowly, Hisoka's figure emerged, a knowing smile playing on his lips, and his eyes closed in amusement.

"Ah, it seems you can sense my presence, as expected," Hisoka remarked with delight.

A predatory gleam flickered in Hisoka's eyes as he glanced towards Chrollo, a silent hunger simmering beneath his composed exterior.

"Kekeke... I'm itching to make my move," he thought to himself, a hint of excitement in his demeanor as he licked his lips.

Uvogin's temper flared at Hisoka's little prank, and he unleashed a barrage of berating words, but Hisoka merely offered a casual apology, further infuriating Uvogin.

The tension in the room immediately skyrocketed!

However, Chrollo remained unperturbed by the escalating situation.

He spoke slowly, "Now that we're all gathered, it's time to discuss our objective..."

Chrollo proceeded to outline their mission, an upcoming auction, initially believed to have been canceled, was actually still scheduled to take place, albeit discreetly.

"How confident are we about the authenticity of this information?" Pakunoda voiced her concern.

Machi quickly responded, her tone assured, "Don't worry, I obtained the details from a reliable source."

"Reliable source?"

Shizuku blinked in surprise, Machi wearing a smug expression as she spoke up confidently.

"Yeah, I got the scoop from some clueless guy who got invited. He spilled the beans without even realizing it..."


The group's interest was piqued, with Hisoka offering a small, knowing smile in response.

"And besides that, I've been keeping tabs on some shady characters who seem to be involved in setting up the auction. The chances of this intel being legit are around 87%..." Shalnark interjected while fiddling with his device.

"Sounds legit..."

With everyone seemingly convinced, Uvogin's excitement was palpable.

All eyes turned to Chrollo, waiting for his input as he slowly opened up his mouth.

A few hours later...

A sleek car glided to a stop outside a lavish building.

Sin emerged first, holding the door open for Raymond who followed suit, stepping out with a small smile playing on his lips.

Sensing the attention of onlookers, Raymond chuckled softly, his demeanor confident as he led the way inside.

"Let's go in, Sin," he said, beckoning his companion to follow.


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