
Throne of Magical Arcana

"A falling star has brought the chaos. The throne of fate has lost its master. The nonbeliever who walks in light and darkness will make his debut." In this magic world, knowledge is power.

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving · Fantasy
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910 Chs

The Youngest in History

Editor: Vermillion

Facing Raventi’s spittle, Morris leaned back a bit and hurriedly said, "Calm down, Raventi, calm down. This isn’t what I mean. What I’m trying to say is that the discovery of the periodic table of elements can definitely show Lucien’s talent and his unique way of thinking, but it cannot reveal Lucien’s knowledge of arcana. His arcana level cannot qualify him to become the winner of Holm Crown prize."

Facing Raventi, whose arcana level was even higher than himself, Morris was a bit under pressure. He knew that if he had not come from the royal family and specialized in the school of Elements, Raventi would most likely be the president of the Will of Elements.