
Throne of Magical Arcana

"A falling star has brought the chaos. The throne of fate has lost its master. The nonbeliever who walks in light and darkness will make his debut." In this magic world, knowledge is power.

Cuttlefish That Loves Diving · Fantasy
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910 Chs

The Concert (1)

Editor: Vermillion

Sard seemed to be a bit slow and his eyes were dull, however, his smile was still very gentle and nice. He did not respond to Orvarit and Natasha’s question immediately, but followed his own pace to tell the story.

“Several months ago, some of our night watchers successfully targeted a sorcerer from the congress, which is very rare, since most of them who came to Aalto before never stayed here long, not to mention trying to contact the many hiding sorcerers in Aalto. After all, their shared goal was to find the remains of the ancient magic empire in the Dark Mountain Range.”

“Well…” Orvarit rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “maybe they were also trying to have more sorcerers and sorceresses in Aalto to know and join their congress in order to grow and expand. As far as I know, that’s something that the congress has been working on for more than two hundred years.” As a pious believer, the grand duke definitely knew much more about sorcerers than most other people did.