
Throne of Battle Blood

In the vast universe, there is a forgotten ancient continent where there used to be wars and races vying for supremacy, with the human race struggling to survive in the cracks. However, after thousands of years of bloody struggle, the human race finally emerged as the ruler of this continent. However, the dawn of peace has not yet arrived, and a new crisis is quietly approaching. The hundred tribes are once again making a comeback, intending to regain their former glory. On this continent full of unknowns and dangers, there is a young practitioner who carries the dream of becoming the strongest and embarks on a journey to find the Throne of War Blood. His name is Wei Wuji. Unknown hero, a practitioner with extraordinary talent, he has gone through hardships, constantly breaking through himself and challenging his limits. He witnessed the glory and decline of the human race, as well as the life and death separation with his companions. But he never gave up on his dreams. He firmly believed that only by ascending to the throne of war blood can he become a true powerhouse and protect the people he loves and this land. Nowadays, stories of unknown heroes are circulating on this continent. His courage, wisdom, and perseverance have become role models for countless practitioners. They aspire to become strong heroes like unknown heroes, eager to stand out in the competition for the Blood Throne and become new legends. If you also aspire to become a strong hero like the unknown, and if you also aspire to constantly break through yourself on the path of cultivation, then please follow the footsteps of the unknown hero and embark on this journey of searching for the Blood Throne together! Here, you will experience endless excitement and challenges, as well as gain growth and glory. Let's pursue our own legend together in the world of Blood Throne!

liu_elk · Eastern
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126 Chs

Resolve;Four unreliable individuals

 Wei Wuji sidestepped to avoid Shi Leng's salute to him, and then hurriedly said, "Big brother did not have to be like this, earlier that battle, if it was not for big brother's hand, I and aunt Nalan, and those brothers of the Blood Rider Forbidden Army may have long been dead for a long time, big brother's life-saving grace, Wuji had not yet had time to thank it."

 Shi Leng waved his hand and said, "One size does not fit all, that day I was just coincidental, I was originally running to the Fire Phoenix clan's Tong Luang, it seems that, a drink and a peck, all determined by heaven ah, haha ..."

 "Haha ..."

 Wei Wuji and Shi Leng looked at each other with a burst of laughter, feeling that the distance between each other had gotten a lot closer again!

 The Dragon Clan's Dragon Zun! That was a powerhouse equivalent to the Immortal Realm of the Human Race!

 After getting Shi Leng's confirmation, the two brothers, Qian Tu and Zhao Xiao Hei, who were on the side, couldn't help but roll their eyes at Wei Wuji, it seemed that the wish to go to the Dragon Clan's treasure trove to exchange for treasures was considered to be in vain!

 This loser! Doesn't he know that we have an old man and a young man at the top? The Qian Tu trio hated and inwardly murmured!

 Huo Dongqiang, on the other hand, was looking at all that was happening in front of him with a shocked face, he naturally knew how valuable the remains of a Dragon Clan Dragon Zun were, he could not have imagined that Wei Wuji would directly take it out without any hesitation and give it back to the Dragon Mountain without mentioning the matter of the Dragon Clan Treasure Trove in the slightest.

 With an ice qi that was so perverted that it could restrain the blood babies of the Blood Clan, and possessing a stone knife that could cut through the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar, he couldn't help but be more and more interested in Wei Wuji!

 At this moment, Long Shan put away his agitated mood, he said to Wei Wuji with a serious face, "Brother Wuji, if you have time in the future, you should definitely be my Dragon Clan's guest, I, Long Shan, will be the host, and my Dragon Clan's treasure trove will definitely be greatly open to you, at your choice!"

 Zhao Xiao Hei's eyes lit up when he heard this, he swooshed to Long Shan's body and said with great joy, "Is this true?"

 Long Shan looked at Zhao Xiao Hei and said, "My Master Long Shan's words have always been true, but, Black Boy, this Master is only inviting Brother Wuji, what's the matter with you?"

 Zhao Xiao Hei hehehe smiled, he said to Long Shan with a pinched face, "Long Shan Senior Brother, Long Shan Grand Master, look, we can meet here, it's also considered a destiny not, you're an adult not to take into account the faults of the small man, look, I still have a jug of old wine here, why don't we sit down, allow my brothers to make a good amends to you, to say humility, and to forgive us for our previous impudence, can it be good? "

 Long Shan swept Zhao Xiao Hei's two brothers and Qian Tu a glance with a bashful face, and whispered in an urned voice, "Is there really a jug of old wine?"

 "There is, there definitely is, Old Qian, serve the wine."

 Seeing Long Shan's change in attitude, Zhao Xiao Hei immediately turned around and shouted to Qian Tu with a smiling face.

 Qian Tu glared at Zhao Xiao Hei and said with dissatisfaction, "When did I, Old Qian, say there was wine?"

 As soon as his words left his mouth, Zhao Xiaoxing beside him had already poked him from behind and said softly, "Stupid old Qian, this will serve that big brother Black well, maybe, some other day when we follow old brother Wuji to the Dragon Clan, we can also go to the Dragon Clan's treasure trove to take a look around, don't you think that it's a very promising thing to do? You're still called Qian Tu, but you don't even have the eyesight and awareness to do so?"

 Qian Tu's eyes instantly glowed when he heard this, and he let out a loud shout, "Yes, how could there be no wine when the Dragon Mountain Grand Master opened his mouth? Hundred year old wine, as long as you want, there is everything!"


 Long Shan's figure moved has come to Qian Tu's front, looking at his appearance, the wine has not yet been drunk, already started to get drunk, completely forget where this is? Who was he?

 Looking at the previous also tit for tat, in the twinkling of an eye has been as good as anything, just short of inserting incense to worship the four people, Wei Wuji and Shi Leng could not help but a burst of bitter laughter, shaking his head repeatedly, these four unreliable guys touched together, God knows what will happen behind!

 At this moment, on the side of the SiYin looking at two mouthfuls of old wine down, already can not find the north of the dragon mountain, she can not help but a little exasperated stomping feet, look at her face expression, I guess that the next dragon mountain's days will not be good, I am afraid!

 Wei Wuji, Shi Leng and also Huo Dongqiang didn't pay any more attention to the unreliable four, the three of them quietly looked at the bloodthirsty spirit pillars in the distance.

 Shi Leng said, "Someone has already gone in, I wonder who it is?"

 Huo Dongqiang was silent and said, "It could be my senior brother, Guo Yang, or it could be Pan Xin from the Cang Song Sect, their cultivation levels are all above mine."

 "Hmm?" Wei Wuji glanced at Huo Dongqiang and said, "You three are the only ones in this area?"

 Huo Dongqiang nodded and said, "Not bad, don't feel strange, although we know that the Hundred Races buried the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar, but the specific location, we are half-knowing, we only know the approximate area, if it appeared a little bit later, I may have already cruised to another place, and I would have not met you!"

 "This is the truth!" The time cold is also deeply agree with the road: "After all, the hundred races have been planning for a long time, if it is so easy to be found by you, maybe you early action, it seems that the hundred races of the human race research is very deep, know today's situation, even if you know there is a problem inside, to the personality of the human race, you will not be easy to give up, how are going to go ahead and give it a try! "

 "Ai, worthy of being the hegemon that dominated the ancient times, none of them are oil-saving lamps!" Wei Wuji said with a long sigh.

 The truth is also true, the Human Race and the Hundred Races have been looking at each other for many years, and both sides are each studying the other, they just don't know who is better this time within the Fallen Phoenix Slope!

 The blood rain was getting denser, it was no longer pattering, but began to fall to the ground with a sound, swish and swish, that round of blood sun in the sky had been completely covered by the blood cloud, and the whole world was shrouded under the blood light of that blood cloud, a bloody and blinding piece!

 Yau, the distant bloodthirsty spirit pillar suddenly emitted a rich blood light, under this circumstance, it looked a bit bleak and bizarre!

 Shi Leng let out a long sigh and said, "It seems like that person has failed, I hope he has not been transformed into a Blood Clan."

 Huo Dongqiang's hands behind his back couldn't help but tighten, his face flashed with a look of pain, after all, they had practiced together for many years, he really didn't want to cut that fellow cultivator who had been transformed into a blood race under his sword!

 Wei Wuji looked at the pained Huo Dongqiang and said, "Fellow Daoist, when you break, you break!"

 "With a clang, Huo Dongqiang's longsword behind his back was already in his hands, and as he gently shook it, the longsword had already emitted a buzzing sound.

 He did not make a sound, but he has already shown his determination with his actions, one word, kill!

 Huo Dongqiang's sword roar awakened Qian Tu and Long Shan who were drinking and stuffing themselves to the side.

 The four of them moved and had arrived beside Wei Wuji and the others.

 Qian Tu's face was a bit gyroscopic as he glanced at the distance and said, "It's coming out?"

 "Uh," Long Shan burped, his mouth full of alcohol, his drunken eyes waved both fists and said, "Coming out? Good enough, let's see if he can stand a punch from this great master!"

 Zhao Xiaohei, who was beside him, laughed and said with a stutter, "Long...Long...big brother, out...out...out, that...that...still need to say... ...say...?

 "Yes...yes...extremely," Zhao Xiaoxing hurriedly chimed in.

 "Dragon Mountain!" Si Yin, who had been silent on the side, couldn't watch any longer at this time, as she stomped her foot and scolded, "When this time is over, you'll be waiting to go back to the clan to be punished!"

 Zhao Xiao Hei smiled with a cheeky smile and said, "Haha, chick, the sky is big, drinking is the biggest, men's matters, you're a little pussy, what's the point of minding so much?"

 "You ...", Si Yin sniffed a moment of anger, she vigorously clenched her own fist, secretly looked at the time cold a glance, a mouthful of silver teeth biting clucked straight, if not the time cold was present, it is estimated that she has Zhao Xiao Hei and others pressed down on the ground, a maniacal flattening.

 "What time is it? Still babbling?" Wei Wuji couldn't help but say with a slight anger, he really couldn't look at it anymore either.

 With a flash of cold light and a movement of ice qi, four strands of ice qi had flicked out from Wei Wuji's fingertips, landing on Long Shan and the others.

 Wei Wuji's ice gas has always been extremely cold, cold gas into the body, Qian Tu and other people instantly excitedly fought a cold war, alcohol all wake up.

 Long Shan shook Wan since he still had a groggy head, suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he swept to Si Yin who had a furious face, he couldn't help but be shaken, and hurriedly rushed to in front of Si Yin, with a careful face, "Si Yin, you won't tell on me, right?"

 "Hmph," Si Yin let out an angry snort and twisted her head, no longer paying attention to him.

 Long Shan's face was bitter, following him, he glanced at Shi Leng again and found that his face was unpleasant, he hurriedly said to Shi Leng, "Big brother Shi, just now I drank just a little bit."

 With a sideways glance, he pointed at the two brothers, Qian Tu and Zhao Xiao Hei, and said, "It was all instigated by these three bastards, I reckon they must have done it on purpose! Say, did the three of you deliberately dunk this great master just now?"

 Zhao Xiaohei heard the words and immediately screamed: "Bullshit, heaven and earth conscience, Brother Long, just now it was you who yelled to drink one after another, we couldn't even stop it."

 "That's right", Zhao Xiaoxing immediately helped: "Not only do you want to drink, you also forced us to drink, saying that if we don't drink, we'll have to taste your fist, Big Brother Long, you said, your fist is so powerful, do we dare not drink?"