
Throne of Battle Blood

In the vast universe, there is a forgotten ancient continent where there used to be wars and races vying for supremacy, with the human race struggling to survive in the cracks. However, after thousands of years of bloody struggle, the human race finally emerged as the ruler of this continent. However, the dawn of peace has not yet arrived, and a new crisis is quietly approaching. The hundred tribes are once again making a comeback, intending to regain their former glory. On this continent full of unknowns and dangers, there is a young practitioner who carries the dream of becoming the strongest and embarks on a journey to find the Throne of War Blood. His name is Wei Wuji. Unknown hero, a practitioner with extraordinary talent, he has gone through hardships, constantly breaking through himself and challenging his limits. He witnessed the glory and decline of the human race, as well as the life and death separation with his companions. But he never gave up on his dreams. He firmly believed that only by ascending to the throne of war blood can he become a true powerhouse and protect the people he loves and this land. Nowadays, stories of unknown heroes are circulating on this continent. His courage, wisdom, and perseverance have become role models for countless practitioners. They aspire to become strong heroes like unknown heroes, eager to stand out in the competition for the Blood Throne and become new legends. If you also aspire to become a strong hero like the unknown, and if you also aspire to constantly break through yourself on the path of cultivation, then please follow the footsteps of the unknown hero and embark on this journey of searching for the Blood Throne together! Here, you will experience endless excitement and challenges, as well as gain growth and glory. Let's pursue our own legend together in the world of Blood Throne!

liu_elk · Eastern
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125 Chs

Dragon Power of the Long Shan

Long Shan couldn't help but scratch his head at the words, scratching his head of hair that was originally quite neat, directly into a chicken nest, he thought about it, as if he felt that this was really his own style, but he still said unconvincingly under his breath, "Even if this is the case, you guys must have egged it on!"

Qian Tu instantly quit, he coldly said, "It seems that my old Qian's wine is considered to be wasted and fed to a white-eyed wolf."

Shi Leng frowned and looked at Long Shan and said, "Now that you have grown up, a little bit of wine is no big deal."

Long Shan was overjoyed at his words, "Really? It's still big brother Shi who treats me the best, I knew it's still you who understands me the most!"

Shi Leng was unmoved and said, "Drinking is drinking, but getting drunk and not recognizing it shouldn't be done!"

Long Shan immediately smiled and said, "Brother Shi, please don't sue me, tell me, how will you let me go? As long as I, Long Shan, can do it, just say it!"

Shi Leng smiled faintly and said, "You said that?"

"Of course," Long Shan tilted his neck and patted his chest, "A man of the hall, a man of his word!"

"Very well," Shi Leng nodded his head and said, "In a moment, if the one who comes out from the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar is a Blood Clan, you make a move, if you let him get away, what consequences? You know yourself."

"Haha", Long Shan sniffed a burst of laughter and said, "I thought something was wrong? It's not just a famous Blood Clan, watch me, in a moment, this grandpa will definitely use his iron fist to smash it flat!"

Suddenly, Long Shan seemed to remember something, turned back to Shi Leng and said, "What if the human race comes out?"

Shi Leng said indifferently, "Then you'll have to blame it on your bad luck."

"Ah!" Long Shan let out a miserable howl, his face unsightly!

"And me?"

Suddenly, Si Yin voiced out quietly, "Have you forgotten about me?"

Long Shan's face instantly became even more ugly, and with a single movement of his body, he arrived in front of Si Yin, smiling repeatedly, "Good Si Yin, good sister! I know you like that pair of spirit jade earrings inside the Hundred Treasures Building for a long time, when I return to the island this time, I will definitely fetch them for you and give them to you!"

Siyin's eyes narrowed slightly at the words and she said with a smile, "You said that?"

Long Shan bitterly said, "I said it!"

"Good, then it's settled", Si Yin smiled and softly said, "If I don't see that pair of earrings when I go back, hey, just like what Brother Shi said, what consequences? You know yourself!"

"Yes, I know," At this moment, Long Shan, like a frosted eggplant, hung his head and responded with a breathless voice.

Wei Wuji looked at the depressed Long Shan, he couldn't help but secretly laugh as he said to Shi Leng, "Big brother Shi, is there any problem?"

Shi Leng nodded and looked at Long Shan and said, "Don't look at him like this, when he fights, he can still be good, you'll know in a moment!"

Wei Wuji nodded, although the other aspects were still not very clear, but Long Shan's physique was indeed a bit shockingly strong, based on this alone, it was already not something that ordinary people could compare to.

The Divine Beast Clan of Exodus Cloud Island was an ally of the Human Clan in ancient times, and had also been traveling closely with the Human Clan for endless years.

Although the Divine Beast Clan, including the Hundred Clans, also cultivated the Qi within their bodies just like the Human Race, but in addition to that, they all had some special powers of their own, which were very different from the Human Race, for example, Long Shan's Dragon Power was one of them, and although the Ice Qi in his body could barely be considered as a special ability, he was still very curious to see just how different the Dragon Power of the Dragon Clan was?

"Want to run?"

Suddenly, Shi Leng suddenly let out a loud shout, and everyone was startled.

Only to see Shi Leng huffing and reaching out his hand towards a spot in the void diagonally in front of him, an invisible fluctuation instantly spread out from in front of him.

Accompanied by an unwilling roar, a blood-red figure had already revealed itself from a mile away.

"It's Pan Xin! He has turned into a Blood Clan!" As soon as Huo Dongqiang saw the figure, he instantly exclaimed with a pained look on his face, the result he least expected to see had still appeared. March 3yz

"Haha, it seems that my grandpa Long Shan's luck is good, leave it for this grandpa."

Long Shan haha let out a long laugh, his feet violently stomped on the ground, bang, the ground under his feet immediately cracked open a deep pit, when the soil has not yet splashed up, his figure has disappeared from the original place.

Good fast! Wei Wuji couldn't help but look aghast, Long Shan's body speed once again made him feel shocked, this kind of speed can be said to be the only thing he has seen in his life, it is really too fast, with this kind of speed, coupled with his strong body, he estimated that below the Reincarnation realm, no matter whether it is the human race or the hundred races, it is afraid that there are not many that can block him, no wonder Shileng was relieved to leave that Blood Race to him.

Long Shan's figure flickered, instantly had crossed a distance of miles, and came to the front of Pan Xin who had been transformed into a Blood Race, he moved his fists and let out a bellowing cry, "Go down to this great master."

Longshan's speed is really too fast, was cold from the void forced out of the blood Pan Xin, did not have time to make any reaction, has been his fists directly hit, a loud bang, he has been like a meteorite, towards the bottom of the loss of the blood domain space, and the guardian of the pillar of the spirit of the bloodthirsty spirit column slammed down.

"Boom" sound, blood Pan Xin has smashed down in the bloodthirsty spirit column above, bloodthirsty spirit column suddenly a burst of violent shaking, and then a blood light flashed, blood Pan Xin has been bloodthirsty spirit column recoiled out, smashed into the ground.

Wei Wuji and Huo Dongqiang exchanged a glance and couldn't help but be shocked, knowing that the previous Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar, when the Stone Blade wasn't used, the two of them couldn't do anything about the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar in the slightest. The blood clan Pan Xin, who was blown away by Long Shan's punch, was able to make the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar shake after impacting on top of it, thus showing how strong the power of Long Shan's punch was, it was far better than theirs by far!

"Roar", Long Shan let out a loud roar, an invisible air wave emanated from his body, a circle of golden aura surrounded him, at this time he was like a god of war clad in golden armor, looking incomparably majestic and sacred.

Qian Tu and the three of them couldn't help but look dumbfounded, Zhao Xiao Hei muttered, "My goodness, this big black man, no, Senior Brother Long Shan launched his might, it's really a stunning momentum!"

Qian Tu also said with a shocked face, "The Dragon Race, it's worthy of being a race that could be ranked in the top amongst the hundred races even in the ancient times, this physical vigor is really amazing!"

Wei Wuji looked at the golden halo that surrounded Long Shan's body and said, "Big Brother Shi, is this the Dragon Race's Dragon Force?"

Shi Leng nodded and said, "Not bad, since the time of his birth, Long Shan was already in possession of dragon power, it can be said that he is gifted, far surpassing the other dragon races of the same generation as him, in general, the dragon race, at least until the Dragon King realm, that is, the Reincarnation realm of your Human Race, will awaken this kind of dragon power."

Wei Wudi was interested and said, "How is that different from the qi raised by our human race?"

Shi Leng said, "The dragon race also raises dragon qi in their bodies, but this dragon power is different, how can I put it?"

Qian Tu, who was on the side, interjected, "You will naturally know after you cross into the innate."

"Hmm?" Wei Wuji was surprised, "Innate? How?"

Shi Leng glanced at Qian Tu and said, "The supreme powers of the human race at the innate level will comprehend a kind of ability, for example, the Dharma Realm of the Confucian Sect, the Buddhist Sect's Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the hand, and the Taoist Sect's Sword Realm are the embodiment of this kind of ability, and once an outsider enters it, he or she will be directly controlled by them and will not be able to move, and unless that person is in too high of a realm or is also equipped with the same kind of ability, he or she will only be at the mercy of the others. "

"So powerful?"

Wei Wuji staggered, "Long Shan has been harboring such an ability since he was a child?"

Shi Leng shook his head, "It's not that simple, his dragon power is still very weak, currently he can only manage to make enemies close to him weaker, as well as those who are blasted by his double fists temporarily lose their mobility, he's still too weak!"

You call that weak? Isn't it? Being close to him, he would be weakened, and being hit by him, he would temporarily lose his mobility, with this kind of ability, wouldn't that be invariably considered invincible?

Thinking of the situation earlier when he was blown away by Long Shan's punch, when he couldn't move in the air, he couldn't help but smack his lips and said, "This ability is really perverted enough!"

Shi Leng smiled slightly, it could be seen that he was still very proud of Long Shan, that kind of pride, just like a brother who loves his own brother, when he sees his own brother achieve good results, which kind of happy than he has to achieve, but also to be proud! This was the case with Shi Leng!

"With a roar, the Blood Clan Pan Xin, who had been smashed by Long Shan's fist on top of the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar, and then blasted into the ground by the force of the Bloodthirsty Spirit Pillar's counter-attack, let out a roar that shook the heavens.

With a flash of blood light, he had risen to the sky and hovered before Long Shan, a trace of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth, it seemed that Long Shan's punch had already injured him.

With a hideous expression, he was roaring at Long Shan: "Asshole kid, this waiter will kill you!"


Long Shan responded arrogantly, his figure bowed, a golden yellow light had condensed on top of both his fists, an invisible aura instantly diffused from his body.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a sound of a dragon's roar that rang out from behind Long Shan, and heaven and earth seemed to be shaken.