
Thrilling life of an INSANE Man

Rohit, a man grappling with his own mental challenges, yearns for a life beyond the mundane, a life filled with the thrills he so often finds in the pages of novels and the animation of anime. Tired of merely being a spectator, he decides to turn fiction into reality, seeking the adrenaline and excitement he craves. In a daring move, Rohit successfully executes a thrilling money heist that not only replenishes his finances but also proves that the excitement he once only dreamed of can be a tangible part of his life. This realization sparks a newfound courage within him, and Rohit sets his sights on a grander ambition — world conquest. With meticulous planning and unyielding determination, Rohit dives headfirst into the audacious goal of global domination. However, just as his plans begin to take shape, fate throws a curveball that threatens to shatter his dreams: the sudden onset of an apocalypse. The world crumbles, civilizations collapse, and chaos reigns. Undeterred by the catastrophic turn of events, Rohit seizes the opportunity to transform his quest for thrill into a pulse-pounding odyssey in a world teetering on the brink of enchantment and destruction. "Thrilling life of an INSANE Man" is a gripping tale of courage, ambition, and the unyielding pursuit of excitement in the face of imminent doom. Rohit's journey becomes a testament to the extraordinary lengths one man will go to infuse his life with the thrill he craves, even when faced with the ultimate challenge — the apocalypse. ********** The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

ether7 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Mission : Kill the enemy

" Where's the fun in that?"

The village chief found it peculiar that, despite treating Rohit harshly, there was no visible hint of anger or resentment. Instead, Rohit dusted off his clothes as if the whole episode had left him unfazed. The chief had expected Rohit to be a prideful and arrogant individual, given his audacious ambition of world conquest—a dream that surpassed the limits of conventional aspirations.

In the chief's eyes, Rohit appeared to be a humble person, an impression that elevated his image. Little did the chief know that Rohit's outward calmness concealed a complex interplay of motivations and a determination that thrived on the thrill of the unexpected.

Rohit's tendency to consider others as relatively insignificant beings, not worth his attention, had its consequences, causing numerous challenges in his life. He had developed a selective memory, where only the faces of those he deemed important or exceptional remained etched in his mind. Individuals who stood out due to unique qualities or significance managed to secure a place in Rohit's memory. However, for the majority, their faces faded into obscurity.

Despite this selective approach to faces, Rohit possessed an exceptional ability to absorb and retain information from his surroundings. This heightened cognitive skill was a direct result of his rigorous daily training, contributing to his proficiency in navigating complex situations and environments.

Rohit's unique ability to absorb and process information allowed him to adapt his personality to seamlessly interact with those around him. Despite being at his core an introvert, Rohit honed this skill on a daily basis, making his character exceptionally versatile. He could effortlessly blend into various social dynamics, all while maintaining a fundamental sense of reserve.

Recognizing the potential implications of his encounter with the village chief, Rohit strategically employed his adaptive nature. He absorbed information about the chief's preferences, temperament, and demeanor, using this insight to determine a friendly and respectful approach.

The village chief grinned as he observed Rohit's acceptance of the situation.

"Very well, I have a favorable impression of you. I will allocate a mission for you. If you manage to complete the mission, then you will be allowed to join the village."

Internally, Rohit nodded, silently expressing his discontent.

'I don't know what the hell this village is, nor did I know when I requested them to accept me. The situation is pretty absurd. I wonder if it will be worth my patience.'

The village chief instructed Rohit to leave and obtain information about his mission from Aryan, a directive that Rohit complied with.


Aryan guided Rohit out of the villa towards an empty house, designating it as Rohit's temporary residence.

"This will be your home until you complete the mission," Aryan informed him.

As Aryan showed him the house, he added, "Also, you might have figured out that this place is a secret village, and you must not do anything to reveal any information about this village. Though I doubt you will do anything rash, just in case, know that there will be severe consequences."

Handing him a document containing the details of the mission, Aryan emphasized the importance of discretion. A sense of urgency compelled Aryan to leave the house promptly, hinting at the complexities and responsibilities that came with being a resident of the mysterious village.

Rohit set the draft aside and carefully observed the layout of the house. It featured a standard arrangement: a hall, a bedroom, a kitchen, a toilet, and a bathroom—a classic and practical design.

'No hidden cameras or microphones,' Rohit concluded, demonstrating his keen observational skills. He pulled out his mobile, only to discover a dead signal. Letting out a sigh, Rohit rose from his seat and peered out of the window. The city market bustled with life; people engaged in lively conversations, though Rohit couldn't help but notice occasional glances from passersby.

Sighing to himself Rohit returned to the living room.

Seating himself in the living room, Rohit tore open the draft, revealing several documents with accompanying pictures. Sorting through them, he prioritized a paper containing a set of instructions. The guidelines encompassed physical training, weapon proficiency, technological knowledge, and information about where he could acquire ingredients to cook or a meal.

Rohit dismissed the training instructions, considering them irrelevant in his eyes. Instead, he focused on the documents directly related to his mission. As he read the headline, a chill ran down his spine. The instructions were blunt an straightforward: Kill the Enemy. The gravity of the situation hit Rohit, and he couldn't believe the predicament he found himself in.

"These bastards are crazy!"

Rohit couldn't contain his astonishment, letting the curse escape his lips. Until now, he considered himself among the most audacious individuals, but the people behind this mission surpassed even his recklessness. Rohit's hands and feet trembled with excitement as he contemplated the daring mission that lay ahead. The adrenaline-fueled anticipation of the challenges and risks ahead mingled with a strange thrill, creating a volatile mixture of apprehension and exhilaration within him.

Rohit took deep breaths to regain composure. The mission was undeniably insane, but an exhilarating rush surged through him as he contemplated the daring actions he might need to undertake to fulfill his assignment.

Huu... hu..

Exhaling deep breaths Rohit murmurred

" I need to throughly prepare for this."

Rohit's hands hesitated over the crumpled instructions as he reconsidered the valuable insights they contained. The details about the physical training ground in his own village seemed to resonate with his eagerness for immediate action. However, his gaze shifted towards the descriptions of the other three villages, each offering a unique expertise that could shape him into a formidable force.

The prospect of the Brahman village and its mastery of medicines intrigued Rohit. The promise of enhanced medicines and perhaps even untapped potential drew him into the realm of intelligence and self-improvement. The image of a more refined and capable version of himself spurred a newfound curiosity.

The Vaishya village, with its technological prowess, beckoned Rohit to explore the vast world of innovation and cutting-edge advancements. The challenge of mastering intricate gadgets and staying at the forefront of technological development enticed him, sparking visions of a future where he wielded the power of knowledge.

The Kshudra village, known for its skilled craftsmen, held a special place in Rohit's contemplation. The prospect of becoming a master of not only traditional weaponry but also modern firearms and explosives fueled his adventurous spirit. The realization that his journey could lead to the creation and mastery of a diverse arsenal added a layer of excitement to his quest.

As Rohit pondered the vast opportunities before him, he couldn't ignore the allure of the Kshatriya village. Individuals with physical capabilities surpassing human limits called to his innate thrill-seeking nature. The challenge of pushing his body to new heights resonated with his adventurous spirit, offering a path towards unmatched strength.

Rohit, overwhelmed by the weight of decisions and the intricate planning required, felt his mind spiral into chaos. The pressure of choosing the right path and crafting a flawless strategy to accomplish the mission proved to be too much. As his head throbbed with an intense headache, Rohit's body gave in to the mental strain, and he collapsed onto the couch.

Lying there, he stared at the ceiling, lost in a sea of thoughts. The intensity of the mission seemed to consume him. The room echoed with silence, except for the rhythmic ticking of a clock on the wall, marking the passage of time as Rohit wrestled with his internal turmoil.

In that vulnerable moment, Rohit realized the magnitude of the journey he had embarked upon. The choices before him carried consequences that extended beyond the mission itself. He needed to find a delicate balance between his innate instincts, the skills he would acquire, and the demands of the mission.

" This will be tough."

For now Rohit decided to train his body, till a perfect plan hatches in his mind.

With a resolve to focus on building his physical prowess, Rohit made his way to the arena in the Kshatriya village. As he walked through the village, Rohit observed the surroundings—the people training, the sounds of clashing weapons, and the air filled with a sense of determination.

Upon reaching the arena, Rohit was greeted by the sight of individuals showcasing exceptional physical capabilities. The training ground was a testament to the village's emphasis on strength and agility. Rohit approached one of the trainers, expressing his intent to join the training sessions.

The grueling physical regimen began, each session pushing Rohit's limits. The Kshatriya village provided an environment where he could hone his strength, speed, and endurance. As Rohit immersed himself in the training, he felt a gradual transformation taking place within him—a metamorphosis driven by the relentless pursuit of physical excellence.

Days turned into weeks, and Rohit's body underwent a remarkable transformation. The muscles became more defined, reflexes sharpened, and stamina increased. The Kshatriya village, with its focus on physical prowess, became the crucible where Rohit forged himself into a more formidable force.

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