
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 219 Can I still harm myself?

Chen Gang looked at the lava lord, and an idea gradually emerged in his mind.

"Do you want to live?"

The lava lord nodded hastily.

"Why don't you think about it? If the projection dies, my body will drop a level. I will break through level 300 soon. It will take at least fifty years to get back up after dropping a level."

Chen Gang waved his hand, and the unshaven confident man appeared.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Chen Gang pointed at the confident ghost.

"You can break through the space and go back and take him with you. Is that okay?"

The Lava Lord looked at the Confident Ghost.

"Um, okay, although this guy looks a little bit in need of a beating, I can bear it.

Confident Ghost: "...how the hell do you talk?"

Chen Gang nodded.

"That's no problem. You're just a ghost who wants to upgrade. There's no need to risk your life here for this. Just take him back and throw him somewhere casually to ensure that he doesn't die."

The Lava Lord nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I can definitely handle this little thing."

Chen Gang smiled.

"But, I'm afraid that you won't do anything when you go back, so I can control you a little, okay?"

The Lava Lord was stunned.

"What, what kind of control method?"

Chen Gang pouted at the swallowing spirit lion.

Swallowing Spirit Lion instantly understood.

He roared and spoke.

"Be honest with me and listen to big brother in the future!"

Lava Lord: "..."

Is that how you control it?


A large number of regular chains penetrated the lava lord's body.

Lock it securely.

The lava lord's eyes widened.

"Rules? Are you using this thing to control me? Isn't it a bit of a fuss?"

Chen Gang asked.

"How to say?"

The lava lord wondered.

"The rules of a world are limited. If you control me, the rules of your world will be reduced. In the long run, the rules of this world will be empty and will definitely be degraded or even destroyed."

Chen Gang raised his head and looked at the swallowing spirit lion.


The swallowing spirit lion looked confused.

"I don't know."

Chen Gang: "..."


Chen Gang looked above the head of the swallowing spirit lion.

Swallowing Spirit Lion lv354.

Holy crap! Downgraded.

Is this a big deal?

As his most powerful bodyguard.

Once the Swallowing Lion was demoted, Chen Gang's sense of security instantly dropped.

But the lava lord, Chen Gang must control.

This is an important way for Chen Gang to leave the Senluo Group breeding farm.

Chen Gang shook his head.

"Remember to take back the Zenith Dynasty's ghost rules later."

The swallowing spirit lion nodded stupidly.

"Okay boss."

Chen Gang waved his hand.

Said to the lava lord.

"Okay, take him back."

The Greyhound puts down the Lava Lord.

The Lava Lord waved at the Confident Ghost.

"Let's go."

The Confident Ghost comes to the Lava Lord.

The lava lord thrust his hands into the void.

Tear it hard.


A big hole was opened in the space.

The lava lord was sweating profusely.

"Hurry in, my lava ghost power is exhausted, and the remaining ghost power can't last long."

The confident ghost walked to the edge of the gap in space.

He looked around.

In the dark space gaps, you can occasionally see a lot of lightning explosions.

The confident ghost couldn't help but ask.

"Is this safe?"

"Go in and get you!"

The lava lord hasn't replied yet.

Chen Gang made a running kick and kicked the confident ghost into the gap in the space.

The Lava Lord followed shortly after.


The gap in space closed instantly.

Chen Gang turned to look at the prince and the female ghost.

The two ghosts huddled on the ground, thinking they could become invisible.

Chen Gang said bluntly.

"I've finished my work. Excuse me, who the hell are you two?"

Prince: "..."

Female ghost: "..."

The prince pretended to be calm.

"Ahem, brother, we are on our way. I swear, I didn't hear or see anything just now."

The female ghost also calmed down at this time and pulled the prince's trouser legs.

Said quietly.

"what about me?"

The prince pointed at the female ghost.

"She heard it all! We can't let her go."

Female ghost: "...why don't you die?"

"You will die first."

It looked like the two ghosts were about to quarrel.

Chen Gang quickly broke up the fight.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. Let's be equal. You both die."



The swallowing lion slapped their lower bodies to pieces.

Then he blocked the ghost power and threw out the bodyguard space.

Naturally, there are bodyguards to deal with the two ghosts.

Chen Gang activated bodyguard vision sharing.

Instantly set your sights on the confidence ghost.


The Confident Ghost and the Lava Lord galloped quickly through a space filled with thunder.

From time to time, a bolt of thunder struck the two ghosts.

The Lava Lord protected the Confident Ghost and shivered when he was struck.


The Lava Lord shattered Thunder with one punch.

Then thrust forward with both hands.

Open a space gap again.

The confident ghost hurriedly got in.

There is no need for the Lava Lord to urge him. If he stays for a while, he will be stunned by the electric shock.

Even if the lava lord blocks the thunder, there is still a subtle burst of thunder power.

Even the self-confidence ghosts hacked him.


The Confident Ghost and the Lava Lord drop into a room filled with lava.

The self-confidence ghost raised his head.

The floor of the room is filled with large amounts of magma.

There is a ghost sitting in the magma.

Lava Lord lv299.

He slowly opened his eyes, his voice filled with anger.

"Projection, why are you so slow and why did you bring back a kid?"


Just by opening his mouth, magma exploded and spewed out. As if they were furious with the voice of the lava lord.

Waves of magma hit one after another.

It's really appalling.

The projection collapsed to the ground helplessly.

"It's a long story. Hurry up and settle the person next to me."

The lava lord's expression changed.

Are you teaching me how to do things? Forget it, since it's a long story, I'll suck you back into my body. I'll naturally know what happened by then. "

The projection quickly stopped his behavior.

"No, don't fucking take me back."

The lava lord's eyes gradually narrowed.

"You are just my projection, and you actually resisted me. Could it be that you have given birth to your own sanity? It seems that I can't keep you."

The lava lord stretched out his hand.

Powerful suction is generated.

The projection was gradually sucked in uncontrollably.

All remaining ghost power in the projected body explodes.

"Are you a fucking idiot!"

A hundred-meter wave of lava rose up in the huge room and rushed towards the lava lord.

The Lava Lord frowned.

"You really want to resist me? It's obviously my own consciousness that is divided, how could this happen? What happened?"

The lava lord watched his reflection try his best to resist himself.

Couldn't help but snort coldly.

"You bastard! Get over here!"


The 100-meter-high lava wave subsided instantly, and the projection could no longer resist the original figure.

He was caught directly in his hands.

Then the body collapsed and was taken into the body of the lava lord.

Lava Lord: "..."

Sitting cross-legged, his body trembled.

The whole ghost's eyes widened, and suddenly, the lava lord slapped his big mouth with his right hand.

Smoking and cursing.

"I told you not to hear what the projection said! I told you not to hear what the projection said! Can you fucking harm yourself? You deserve it!"