
Thriller world invasion: I have a ghost bodyguard summoning system

(The Horror World is here to wish you an early death and a quick rebirth, and you may go crazy even if you don’t die.) You may not believe it, but when others are still struggling in the Horror World, trying to find a glimmer of hope for life! I've mastered all the dark dealings in the horror world. Horror World Ghost League. "I'm reporting with my real name! Chen Gang is a gangster!" Chen Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly raised his head. "Who are you and why are you suing me?" Chen Gang patted the ghost on the shoulder. "Don't be stupid, brother, this is a horror world, where does the underworld come from?" "Brother Gang appreciates your courage to report your real name regardless of your own danger, but you are reporting me, and Brother Gang is very unhappy."... "Chen Gang , you only know how to fight in groups! You can fight with me in a fair 1V1 if you can!" Chen Gang looked at this guy who was having a heated fight with his lv35 bodyguard. He looked up again and looked at the lv80 level above his head. asked tentatively. "How about you commit suicide?"

heng_zhou · Horror
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454 Chs

Chapter 218 Breeding Garden

"Senluo Land Expansion Company has land expansion technology that can expand one square meter of land to thousands or tens of thousands of square meters of land. Of course, this kind of land does not have the ability to be recognized by regulations, so it is not valuable."

Chen Gang frowned.

"What's the use?"

"But there is another company in their group that always has the ability to shrink the land. Combining the two, each square meter of land will be continuously expanded by them, and then shrunk. In this way, a breeding park is born. Although the breeding park only occupies an area of One square meter, but there are always trillions of hectares of land inside, and the Senluo Consortium will invest in ghosts and let them live and reproduce inside. "

Chen Gang was confused, but he still understood a little bit.

"So, what you are saying is that the low-level ghost barrier circle where I am now is the breeding farm of this group."


Chen Gang said in confusion.

"But why did they do that?"

The lava lord smiled bitterly.

"Why else? Earn ghost coins. The rules of their company are that they can imitate the will of the horror world and create rules no higher than level 6. Then they act as the will of the horror world of the breeding farm, sell the expanded land, and open a loan of the horror world , in short, they do all the ways to make money."

Chen Gang didn't understand.

"How much money can I make from this?"

The lava lord looked at Chen Gang and chuckled.

"How much does it cost? A breeding farm has one cycle per year, and each cycle produces seventy-two ghost power crystals."

"Every 1,000 trillion ghost coins can be combined into one ghost power crystal. Do the math."

"What the hell?"

Chen Gang was confused.


What the hell kind of unit is this? How many zeros are after 1?

Chen Gang Chen Gang took a long time and found that it couldn't be calculated.

Decisively picked up the phone and checked online.

After a while.

Chen Gang's eyes widened.

One trillion equals one trillion, and one thousand trillion equals one quadrillion.

One quadrillion ghost coins and one ghost power crystal.

And a breeding garden produces 72 pieces every year?

Do the math carefully.

That's... a lot anyway.

Chen Gang turned on the system.

Boss value: 6.8 million.

Power coins: 97 trillion.

I, Chen Gang, have worked so hard for so long, yet I haven't even earned a single ghost power crystal?

No, you haven't earned even one-tenth of the ghost power crystal?

These byds are really making money.

Chen Gang swallowed.

"So, what's the use of ghost power crystals?"

At this time, the Lava Lord has recovered a lot.

"It's not of much use. It's just a level 0 ghost that absorbs a ghost power crystal and can raise its level to 199."

Chen Gang: "..."

Listen, listen, are you speaking human words?

Level 199, that's it.

Chen Gang hasn't even reached a fraction of this level yet.

Chen Gang suddenly looked at the lava lord.

Cough slightly.

"Ahem, did you bring it with you?"

Lava Lord: "...Look at the top of my head. I'm just a projection. Why do I bring that thing with me?"

Chen Gang glared.

"Are you still afraid of death due to the projection?"

The lava lord is confident.

"It'll hurt, okay?"


I thought you were afraid of death, but I didn't expect you were afraid of pain.

Chen Gang put his hands behind his back.

"Okay, then tell me, how can I leave this breeding farm?"

The lava lord shook his head.

"I don't know. This is something from the Senluo Group. The Senluo Group is extremely powerful and I don't dare to mess with it, so I didn't ask about it."

"That's not right. Then how dare you put your hands into the breeding garden? And you are cultivating such a praying ghost."

The Lava Lord sighed.

"There is no other way. People use ghost power crystals to upgrade, so I can only lend my own power. These praying ghosts use my power. The price is that they not only have to pay ghost coins every day, but also their bodies after death. It will also become a part of me and be used to enhance my strength."

"Senluo Group doesn't care if you do this?"

The Lava Lord looked uncomfortable.

"Why don't you care? I have to hand over a ghost power crystal every ten years as a missionary fee. If I can't earn a ghost power crystal in ten years, then I will lose my blood."

Chen Gang shook his head.

It seems that the ghosts outside are not easy to deal with either.

After chatting with the lava lord, Chen Gang finally solved the confusion.

He is a troublemaker and has greatly disrupted the economy of the entire breeding farm.

Then Senluo Group must send ghosts to deal with it.

After all, if Chen Gang earns more, Senluo Group will earn less.

Senluo Group has a low-end version of the thriller world rules.

Chen Gang was hinted at from the beginning.

You go quickly.

As a result, Chen Gang ignored it.

On the contrary, it becomes stronger and stronger.

Therefore, the person in charge of the Senluo Group's breeding land could not sit still.

Chen Gang suspected that his exit coupons and permanent exit coupons were all given to him by Senluo Group.

After Horror World gave out the rewards, they secretly stuffed the exit coupon rewards at the back.

Now that he knows this, Chen Gang is no longer anxious.

If Senluo Group could directly use rules to kill Chen Gang, it would have done so long ago.

If they hesitate to take action, they either have concerns or they simply cannot kill people casually.

Along the way, Chen Gang rarely took matters into his own hands and rarely touched the rules.

Most of the time I either sit in the office or in the bodyguard space.

Just one word, stable!

So it is difficult for them to seize the opportunity.

Chen Gang groped his chin.

Therefore, the entire horror world that the real world enters is located in the breeding ground of Senluo Group.

So what is the outside world like?

Looking at the confident ghost who was still missing, Chen Gang recalled him.

There is no need to test it again.

Most things have been sorted out.

The next step is to find a way out.

Chen Gang looked at the lava lord.

"How did you get in?"

The lava lord looked innocent.

"If you are above level 200, you will have the ability to tear apart space. You can travel long distances in the horror world. The space in the dust world is weak. If you are at a higher level, you can also forcibly tear apart the space nodes of the dust world and enter the dust world. But generally no one does that."


The lava lord looked at the greyhound above his head.

"This man has eaten too many ghosts before. As a result, all high-level ghosts now know that there are guardians in the dust world, so there are basically no powerful ghosts who come in casually. Even if they come in, there must be something urgent, so they are dispatched A projection comes in and leaves after finishing the work."

Chen Gang looked at the swallowing lion.

The swallowing spirit lion held its head high and looked proud.

Chen Gang gave a thumbs up.

The food in your stomach is not in vain.

Everyone is scared of it.

"Then, do you know anything about Chenxi Merchant?"

The lava lord shook his head.

"I don't know much about it, but they have a technology that can open the dust world for a long time. It is quite stable. It used to be used as a portal, but since the guardian appeared, it seems that no ghosts have come to the dust world."