
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

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He Jin's Troops

Lu Bu didn't directly answer but instead asked, "Do you have a map covering a radius of 500 li?"

Huang Zhong quickly ordered soldiers to bring a map of the area around Sili.

Lu Bu pointed at Hongnong Commandery and Mianchi County, "Here is where the troops of the former Inspector of Xiliang, Dong Zhuo, were stationed. The Grand General believed the slanderous words of Yuan Shao and insisted on inviting Dong Zhuo to the capital to eliminate the corrupt officials. However, when Dong Zhuo arrived at Mianchi, he halted his troops, observing the situation in the capital. Mianchi is only three to four hundred li away from Luoyang. Dong Zhuo's Xiliang cavalry is mostly mounted troops, capable of marching a hundred li in a night. Therefore, if the Grand General, due to the machinations of the corrupt officials, meets an untimely end, and the situation of the capital becomes known to Dong Zhuo, his hundred thousand strong Xiliang army could reach Luoyang within two days and nights. Moreover, Dong Zhuo is the late Empress Dowager Dong's relative, and we all know that the Grand General ordered her to be killed. Dong Zhuo will undoubtedly use this as an excuse to harm the He family and may even overthrow Empress Dowager He's son, replacing him with the Chenliu Prince favored by the late Empress Dowager, thus establishing a puppet emperor. This would serve to deter court officials and enhance Dong Zhuo's reputation for supporting an emperor. In this scenario, Empress Dowager He and the young emperor are not far from death. But at this moment, you, Huang Hansheng, are resigning and returning to Nanyang. Are you Huang Hansheng a person who forgets gratitude, is disloyal, and fears death?"

These words awakened Huang Zhong from his thoughts. Huang Zhong was a man of loyalty and righteousness. After Lu Bu pointed out the situation, Huang Zhong nodded, "Indeed, I cannot leave it at that. I must stay and protect the emperor and empress dowager. However, I am just a martial man, with only a mere two thousand troops under my command. How can I contend against Dong Zhuo's hundred thousand cavalry?"

Lu Bu, confident in his plan, smiled faintly, "I have eight thousand cavalry from Bingzhou, and Bingzhou's Military Advisor Zhang Yang and Zhang Liao have returned to Bingzhou to recruit soldiers. I estimate we can gather four thousand. I am here by the order of the Empress Dowager to incorporate the armies of Grand General and Chariot Cavalry General He Miao. I estimate we can get twenty thousand. With this calculation, our forces will be no less than thirty thousand. Even though we may not win in an open field battle, we'll have enough to defend the city. Besides, would Dong Zhuo dare to attack Luoyang? That would be considered rebellion and would be collectively condemned by the whole realm."

Upon hearing this, Huang Zhong's heart settled, "It seems that the immediate plan is to quickly gather the armies of the Grand General and Chariot Cavalry General, consolidate all our forces, and confront Dong Zhuo together."

Having been in command of the Feathered Forest Army for only a month, Huang Zhong had won the hearts of the soldiers with his abilities. With his assistance and his two thousand troops, Lu Bu proceeded to gather the Feathered Forest Army's Right Army.

Yuan Yin, the Colonel of the Right Army, was Yuan Shu's younger brother. Originally, he led his trusted troops to follow Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu in eliminating the eunuchs. Later, Cao Cao reminded him to take control of the Feathered Forest Army. Unfortunately, Lu Bu acted first, and Yuan Yin had no decree from the empress dowager. He could only excuse himself, claiming that he would hand over the military power when the Inspector of Sili, Yuan Shao, arrived.

Lu Bu coldly surveyed the soldiers in the central camp and found no sign of united resentment against the corrupt officials. It seemed that Yuan Yin had failed to win their hearts. Lu Bu whispered to Huang Zhong, "The one harming the Grand General is not just the Ten Attendants."

Frowning, Huang Zhong asked, "Besides Chariot Cavalry General He Miao, who else is conspiring?"

Lu Bu sneered, "It's none other than the Fourth Generation of the Yuan family, Yuan Shao. I've heard that the Grand General had reached an agreement with the Ten Attendants. The Ten Attendants were to abandon their power and retire, and the Grand General would spare their lives. With this, peace would reign in the realm. However, Yuan Shao feared that peace wouldn't serve his ambitions. He repeatedly urged the Grand General to completely eliminate the eunuchs. Still, the Grand General let them go. Yuan Shao was dissatisfied and secretly sent letters to various provinces, falsely claiming that it was the Grand General's intention to arrest the relatives of the eunuchs and imprison them. With no way out, the eunuchs had no choice but to take the desperate measure of killing the Grand General." (Note 1)

Hearing this, Huang Zhong's anger flared, "Although I, Huang Hansheng, am just a martial man, I can see through this clearly. Yuan Shao's previous suggestions to the Grand General were all insincere. The Yuan family, having held high positions for four generations, has students and followers spread across the realm. Once the Grand General is dead, the world will belong to the Yuan family."

At this point, Huang Zhong swiftly pulled out a large bow from behind, no sooner than a lightning flash, aimed at Yuan Yin's throat, and with a twang, an arrow pierced through. Yuan Yin's body thumped down from the rampart, and Huang Zhong, taking the imperial decree from Lu Bu's hands, raised it high, proclaiming, "By the decree of the Empress Dowager, the Feathered Forest Army shall be reorganized, and those who resist orders shall be killed!"

The reason Lu Bu didn't act himself and let Huang Zhong take the initiative was to have Huang Zhong get his hands dirty and make a bold statement. Huang Zhong seemed to understand Lu Bu's intention, as he swiftly executed Yuan Yin.

Seeing Huang Zhong's martial prowess, along with the three thousand Bingzhou cavalry and the already surrendered Left Army surrounding the Right Army's camp, and with the imperial decree in hand, the two thousand soldiers of the Right Army opened the gates and accepted the reorganization.

After dealing with the Feathered Forest Army under He Jin, five hundred soldiers from each of the Left and Right Armies remained to guard the main camp. Lu Bu and Huang Zhong, leading six thousand troops, went to recover another army under He Jin, the Northern Army's Five Camps.

The Northern Army's Five Camps were composed of the Garrison Cavalry, Beyond Cavalry, Infantry, Longshui, and Sheshe, each led by a Colonel. Altogether, there were approximately ten thousand soldiers under the command of the Northern Army's Middle Marquis, Liu Biao. At this moment, Liu Biao was offering incense outside Luoyang.

Liu Biao, during the period of the Party Restriction, had received criticism along with his fellow townsman Zhang Jian. He was forced to flee, and after the Party Restriction was lifted, he was appointed by Grand General He Jin as a secretary. He was recommended to return to court and took on the role of the Middle Marquis of the Northern Army for a short period, having not gained real power. Below him, Colonels such as Wu Kuang and Zhang Zhang showed neither respect nor fear for Liu Biao.

Seizing the opportunity while Wu Kuang, Zhang Zhang, and others were leading their troops to follow Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu brothers in killing the eunuchs, Lu Bu, through decisive measures, executed several mid-level officers and quickly stabilized the Northern Army's Five Camps.

As the Chariot Cavalry General, He Miao had as many as eight thousand troops under his command. Due to his camp being close to the Imperial Palace, the news of He Miao's death quickly reached the main camp. Some military officers even agreed to escape from Luoyang together to avoid repercussions. Fortunately, Lu Bu arrived in time, announcing the Empress Dowager's decree, and the military's morale quickly stabilized, and the reorganization proceeded smoothly.

The Imperial Tiger Guards, under the command of Grand Commandant Yuan Shu, were still chasing and killing the eunuchs with a few hundred soldiers. Taking advantage of this, Lu Bu surrounded the remaining Imperial Tiger Guards and announced the dismissal of Yuan Shu as the Colonel of the Imperial Tiger Guards. Instead, he appointed Gao Shun and Gao Zhongping as the new Colonels. Then, Lu Bu sternly executed dozens of members of the Yuan faction who refused to accept the changes, successfully incorporating the Imperial Tiger Guards.

Once all the forces were gathered, Lu Bu, using a false imperial decree, appointed Huang Zhong as the Middle Colonel of the Feathered Forest Army, commanding both Left and Right Armies, while Gao Shun was appointed as the Middle Colonel of the Imperial Tiger Guards, commanding He Miao's troops as well. Lu Bu, claiming to be the Northern Army's Middle Marquis, took command of the Northern Army's Five Camps. After the situation stabilized, Lu Bu planned to obtain the genuine appointment decrees from the Empress Dowager.

Note 1: The "Biography of He Jin" in the "Later Han Book" records: Fearing He Jin's decisive action, Yuan Shao coerced him, saying, "The alliance has been formed, the situation is exposed, the matter is delayed, and changes are happening. General, what are you waiting for instead of making a timely decision?" He Jin then appointed Yuan Shao as the Colonel of the Imperial Guard, granting him a false imperial mandate and assigning him the specific task of suppressing the eunuchs. Wang Yun, the Supervisor of the Palace Attendants, was appointed as the Intendant of Henan by He Jin. Yuan Shao sent officers from Luoyang to investigate and report on the eunuchs and urged Dong Zhuo and others to expedite their journey, intending to advance the troops to Pingleguan. The Empress Dowager became worried and, in response, dismissed all the Palace Attendants and Little Yellow Gate officials, ordering them to return to their residences. She only retained He Jin's trusted associates to guard the palace. All the Palace Attendants and Little Yellow Gate officials went to He Jin to express their apologies, leaving the arrangements to him. He Jin said to them, "The situation is critical, and it is because of all of you. Now that Dong Zhuo is approaching, why not return to your own regions early? What else are you waiting for?" Yuan Shao advised He Jin to make a decisive decision at this point, even urging him repeatedly. However, He Jin refused. Yuan Shao further wrote letters to inform various provinces and commanderies, falsely proclaiming He Jin's intentions and instructing them to arrest the family members of officials in the central government.

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