
Three Kingdoms: Live as Lu Bu

What if you were to reborn as the strongest warrior in the world? Serve the warlord or be your own lord? Crossing the end of the Han Dynasty, reborn as Lu Bu. More valiant and fearless, no longer lacking in strategy. Recruiting renowned generals, gathering accomplished women. Not just a loyal subject, but a righteous father. Sweeping across the world, unifying the chaotic era. After Lu Bu, there is no more Three Kingdoms

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Rescue Emperor

Lu Bu left behind a thousand iron riders from Bingzhou to assist Huang Zhong and Gao Shun in organizing the three armies. The temporary command of the North Army's five camps was given to Xue Lan and Li Feng, while Lu Bu personally led two thousand cavalry to rush to Xiaopingjing.

Lu Bu remembered that historical records stated that Zhang Rang, along with the young emperor and Prince of Chenliu, fled to Xiaopingjing in a panicked manner, rather than sneaking into the estate of Cui Yi, the brother of the late Minister of Works, Cui Lie, as depicted in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Cui Lie had bought his official position through bribes to Emperor Ling, who even remarked that he sold the position cheaply. With Cui Lie's reputation in tatters, it was unlikely that the two young emperors, even if they had reached Cui Yi's estate, would be recorded in historical annals.

Looking at the sun, which had just set, Lu Bu realized that despite a day filled with killing eunuchs, saving the empress dowager, receiving rewards, encountering Diao Chan, salvaging the imperial seal, and reorganizing He Jin and He Miao's troops, he had not spent much time. He had already planned to rescue Emperor Liu Bian and Prince Liu Xie, as having the merit of saving the empress dowager was not enough; he needed the merit of saving the emperor to legitimately obtain the coveted position.

Zhang Rang and Hou Lan, the two chief eunuchs, held Emperor Liu Bian and Prince Liu Xie, along with thirty-odd fully armed eunuchs, and fled towards the Yellow River. They ran all the way to Xiaopingjing, located northeast of Mengjin Ferry, an important Yellow River crossing. In the first year of Zhongping, to suppress the Yellow Turban Rebellion, guards were stationed there. Now, Xiaopingjing was deserted with no one guarding it.

Yuan Shao, for his ambitions, had impersonated He Jin and issued orders for all the garrison troops around Luoyang to assemble within the city. This conveniently allowed the fleeing Zhang Rang and others to escape across the Yellow River. However, their destination was uncertain in Zhang Rang's mind.

But surprisingly, Xiaopingjing did not have a single boat. Zhang Rang, gazing at the empty Yellow River, couldn't help but sigh to the sky, "Could it be that heaven wants to destroy me, Zhang Rang?"

Just then, a voice suddenly laughed, "Zhang Rang, heaven may spare those who are fated to die, but self-inflicted calamities are unavoidable!" Hundreds of soldiers rushed out from the side of Xiaopingjing, surrounding Zhang Rang and the others.

Upon closer inspection, the leader was none other than Lu Bu's subordinate from Ding Yuan's force. Zhang Rang knew that Lu Bu was exceptionally skilled in martial arts, and with his thirty-odd followers, they were no match for him, especially when he brought several hundred elite soldiers. Fear crept into Zhang Rang's heart.

Leading two thousand cavalry, Lu Bu, in a hurry, finally arrived at Xiaopingjing before Zhang Rang and the others. He had planned to ambush and capture Zhang Rang, but the narrow passage of Xiaopingjing couldn't accommodate two thousand riders. Fortunately, the main camp of Bingzhou's army was not far away. Lu Bu ordered Chen Wei to lead one thousand five hundred riders back to the main camp to guard and coordinate with Wei Xu and others, as they needed to transport the looted wealth back to the main camp.

Holding the Sky Piercer, Lu Bu, one against one thousand, descended upon the scene. The soldiers below were fierce, cutting through enemies like slicing through melons. In no time, Zhang Rang's subordinates were reduced to Zhang Rang, Hou Lan, and a few little eunuchs.

Seeing that Zhang Rang and these eunuchs were using knives and swords to surround the two young emperors, Lu Bu was afraid that if he continued to kill, he might accidentally harm the young emperors. If that happened, his attempt to save the emperor would fail, and he might even be criticized by Yuan Shao and others. So, he halted his actions and decided to negotiate conditions with Zhang Rang first.

Lu Bu placed Sky Piercer on the ground, only carrying Seven-Star Sword with him. Alone, he walked towards Zhang Rang. Qin Yi wanted to follow with a few guards, but Lu Bu stopped him.

Approaching Zhang Rang, Lu Bu said softly, "Zhang, I actually don't want to kill you."

Zhang Rang, seeing Lu Bu approaching, nervously gripped his sword, "Then, spare us, please."

Lu Bu gestured for Zhang Rang to step forward a few paces, ensuring that the two young emperors couldn't hear them. Then he smiled faintly, "I can spare your lives, but you must exchange it for the treasures of the Ten Eunuchs."

On his way to Xiaopingjing, Lu Bu encountered Wei Xu. Wei Xu learned from a little eunuch that the Ten Eunuchs had accumulated vast wealth over the years. This wealth wasn't kept in the palace or their residences but hidden in an extremely secretive location.

Seeing that his life was hanging by a thread, Zhang Rang realized that his wealth was worthless. He exchanged glances with Hou Lan, who nodded in despair, "You should tell him. No matter how much money, it's useless without life."

Zhang Rang, a greedy man to the core, didn't want to end up penniless. He knelt down and pleaded, "General Lu, do you have to eradicate us completely? The decline of the Han Dynasty to this point is not solely the fault of us disabled individuals. The real culprits are those noble families, prominent clans, and renowned ministers. They monopolize land, conceal population, refuse to pay taxes, and when the court needs funds for campaigns or disaster relief, they claim poverty. Emperor Ling had no choice but to sell offices. These noble families hypocritically call themselves loyalists, labeling us as villains. Have they ever shared the burden and difficulties with the late emperor? I hope General Lu can see this."

Lu Bu drew his Seven-Star Sword, pointed it at Zhang Rang, and said in a low voice, "Noble families are indeed at fault, but so are you. The difference is that you're now in my hands. If you want to leave here alive, you must pay the price. It's a choice between lives and wealth, and the decision is yours! Moreover, I won't take away all your wealth. As long as you cooperate, I'll give you enough money to live comfortably and peacefully till your old age."

Zhang Rang shook his head in disbelief, "The Yuan family, with four generations of Three Excellencies, has connections all over the world. If Yuan Shao wants to find and kill us, it would be effortless. Why should I believe that you can let us live peacefully till old age? Are you going to take our money and then kill us to silence us? Do you think I'm a fool? Why should I trust you?"

Lu Bu turned around as if to leave, "If you don't believe it, forget it! Minister Lu Zhi and Wang Yun's subordinate, Min Gong, along with hundreds of soldiers, will be here soon. Lu Zhi lost his official position due to false accusations by your little eunuch Zuo Feng. He missed the chance to defeat Zhang Jue, a significant achievement that was within his grasp. Wang Yun, too, was accused and demoted by you, Zhang Rang. They both harbor deep hatred for you. When they arrive at Xiaopingjing, they will tell you these words. I'm afraid they might have already turned you into minced meat! Moreover, my Sky Piercer disdains killing someone like you, a eunuch; it would only sully its glory!"

Hearing Lu Bu's words, Zhang Rang suddenly felt a sense of relief. Lu Bu, as it turned out, disdained killing him.