
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Trip down memory lane

Minutes turned to hours and hours soon changed the surroundings to dusk. My fantastic performances attracted many gazes from the Divine Beings above, anonymously masked with nicknames or Titles.

Most of them were probably there for fun, as they laughed and cheered for my performance. But some showed interest in my talent for Magic that they started taking dibs on me.

'I'm not an accessory, you fucking retards…'

I am not one to be seen as an object, especially by Divine Beings who have a more inflated ego than your average normal Race. The only ones that could possibly rival that ego is probably the Elves as they have the more chances of developing into that way.

'...Though, this will probably get me a good spot with them. Especially with that someone.'

The God of Magic, the one who chased me using a clone that was able to exert tier 7 Magic, if I recall correctly. Though on the weaker side since it is a clone, the power was still enough to probably daze me for a second.

'No, probably even make me lose some amount of HP…'

My Defense, Physical and Magical, was at the 50% mark at that time. I still haven't equipped the best armor set yet, and not to mention boosting myself with Defensive Spells and Skills.

'But even so, they're almost reaching the tens of thousands. That alone should've been enough for basic Spells, but a God is still a God.'

Even with Merlin, that bastard wasn't even a God yet he's able to damage me. There's the difference in Level, of course. But one cannot deny the value of having a Godhood.

'I was able to solo all of them because of my Godhood… so I shouldn't underestimate them so much.'

Divine Beings in general are very powerful, serving as a Mini-Boss of a high Level World or as a direct Final Boss itself like the situation with Elkiel and God.

'Not gonna lie, his development took me by surprise.'

I didn't know that one of the purest, sang for his saintly deeds of purification and righteousness, would have that much malice and hate for one single person. His own Father no less.

'Well, now isn't the time to dawdle on the past. Let's make a game plan for tomorrow.'

It was almost nighttime, the stars were settling on the darkened sky and some of them twinkled like jewels being reflected from light.

[The Small Star, Reliu Opa, is watching you attentively]

[The Bright Star, Rudo Opni, is watching you with slight interests]

[The Cosmic Star, Jesiah Femnir, is watching you with a calculative gaze]

The moniker of Stars, I have seen it before. It was a common thing to address those who have reached Transcendence through Magic, attaining the Moniker of Star. There's naturally a hierarchy, but that wasn't the only deciding factor in which Star is the strongest. It also has to calculate the natural advantages and disadvantages a Mage has in their Build, weighing it on an unknown scale before they're able to know how high they're ranked.

'With my Soul housing Vulgrim, I could be counted as a Cosmic Star. While Vulgrim on his own should be, if I remember correctly, counted as a World Star. One so bright that it could illuminate even the entirety of World Saga Online.'

That was the description of his rank at least. It was a unique and Only One attribute of his, the overwhelming talent of Magic that overshadows any who dares to compare to him.

'I have a feeling you're thinking of something malicious towards me…'

'Ah, nothing of the sort my friend.'

'I am not your friend, I am only a tool to be used in your arsenal. Don't ever call me that, despicable God of Death.'

He was faced with the reality that is the disparity of our Skills. I am a God of Death, I make everything die similar to how Magic can cause catastrophic calamities. However, the difference is that I am Absolute Death, while Vulgrim's Absolute Destruction. One is a complete Death without leaving any spared, while the latter can be averted if one's prepared for it.

'C'mon, don't be like that.'

'Since when have you been so hospitable to me? You never mention me, no, your mind is filled with useless thoughts and hopeful things. That isn't the God I'm used to.'

'People change, Vulgrim. I can too.'

'You're Death, how can you change? It is an absolute concept that has no holes to be exploited.'

'Well, it sure as hell isn't stopping me to be myself, or rather, my new self.'

'Hmph, fine. Whatever, it's not my place to say anything.'

'Your input is always valued, my friend.'

'Again with the… tsk, whatever.'

I once again was left to my own as Vulgrim seems to have cut connections with me. I could still reach out and talk, but he'll most likely ignore it like he used to. Him and I aren't exactly what you'd call the best of friends or brothers in arms type of duo. Just a prisoner and his now 'reformed' warden.

We nearly reached the shelter, but apparently the spot was already taken. From about 5 meters away, I could hear the faint sounds of sweet moaning. It was a faint voice, but didn't go unnoticed by my senses.

'There doesn't seem to be any clapping sound, so it shouldn't be a couple.'

I silently cast Spectral Form, a tier 3 Spell that makes any sound I make disappear along with my form and silhouette. I approached the place, slowly and steadily so that I didn't risk making too many Mana ripples in the air.

Some of the Stealth Spells have one flaw to their otherwise flawless mechanic. It can be detected by a Mage if they're sensitive or powerful enough. That is through the disturbance of the Mana in the air. It ripples constantly, but when one moves while stealthed by Magic, you're directly affecting the Mana and creating further disturbance.


From around the corner, I peeked over and saw that it was a girl, or rather a woman the size of a girl. Why did I phrase it like that? Because in front of me right now is the view of a female in heat, rubbing her sacred place without stopping. Her mounds and assets were bigger than the norm, a lot bigger for her size. Sweat was coming down her face and her shirt was wet. It seems like she had gone on for hours doing this.

Her beautiful face that's panting heavily. Her messy purple hair that covered her left, but very erect nipple. Her hand, moving fast against her sacred lips. Her body shudders every second like an earthquake. And the stained ground is moist with a steaming liquid.

'Well, I heard females have different needs and limits.'

I retracted my head after seeing the spectacle. And before Seriphyl could peek as well, I stopped her to preserve her innocence.

''What's going on inside, mister Mage? That sounded like a woman?"


I didn't answer her, but instead moved on while shielding her from the woman doing the deed. We walked onward, continuing on the road which leads to a village not far into the forest. It was quite close, approximately 42 meters apart from the trading village.

I could see the entrance up the road, with no guards as well. It was for the better, I guess. Maybe it could be because it's almost nighttime, so they probably withdrew into the village to rest for the day.

'A lax in defense.'

For a village inside a forest, it was quite laid back in its security. Forests, much like the mountains, rifts, canyons, etc. were littered with critters and monsters capable of wiping it out under the night.

One of such monsters were the goblins, a race of immature wood elves that has degenerated to mere monsters. With amber eyes capable of night vision, agile movement and quick senses that exceed the normal human, it's a terrifying beast for regular inexperienced townspeople to deal with.

'Anyways, let's check inside.'

I walked forward while also lifting my stealth Spell. I passed the wooden gate and inside was quiet. Everyone was most likely asleep, but there are still people who seem to be awake still. I walked to the nearest one, and knocked on the door. Then, quick and heavy steps resounded inside before the door swung open.

"Are you finally ho- huh? You're not… Amelia."

"Hello, miss."

A woman with a unique hair color came to greet the door, but she wasn't expecting me as the one to knock.

"Sorry to bother you this evening, but… can you spare a bedding for this Mage?"

"Ah! O-Of course, it'll be my honor!"

"Thank you for your kindness, miss…"

"Vivian, but umm, could I ask you a quick question?"

She moved to make way for me. I entered and looked around, as well as answering her question.

"What is it, Miss Vivian? Oh, and you can call me Sora."

"Did you perhaps see a young girl on your way here? She's a bit on the short side despite being 15 years of age. She has the same hair as me but with a lighter color.''

Vivian's hair color was a deep indigo color, so her daughter should have a light purple color. I have no idea where these random hair colors were from, but I'm not really sure what I'll do with such information.

'...No, wait a second here. That girl…'

Now that I think about it, that same girl has purple hair as well.


I looked at Vivian with unknown emotions, but it wasn't my place to say anything. How one raises their child is their own problem and business.

'I should know since I'm also quite the same.'

The Floor Guardians, I wonder how they're doing?


"No, ma'am. I didn't-"

And as soon as I was about to finish my sentence. The door swung open with a force that almost broke the hinges.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know the time was… that late."

Her voice died down as she continued. Her eyes obviously on the stranger that was inside her house.

"You're that… Mage?"

"Hello, apologies for the inconvenience. I don't have any place to sleep. I asked your mother here and she agreed to leave me a space. Hope you wouldn't mind me."


We stared at each other for a while, none spoke anything. Vivian looked slightly distressed, while the girl that I previously saw doing the deed was analyzing everything about my face and appearance. I locked eyes with her for some while, before Vivian said something to break this sour atmosphere.

"A-Amelia. This is sir Sora. He'll be staying with us for tonight."

"Mom, why do you keep bringing men back home? Are you-"

"A-Amelia! It's no such thing, dear. He simply just needs some place to rest."


"Your mother speaks the truth. However, if you're bothered by my presence then I can leave."

"No, I didn't say that. You can stay, just don't be loud."

She moved past me with a composed and rather nonchalant face. Now that I looked at the house, it had a separate smaller room in the corner. It has its own door, but the walls were built using stone slabs and such so one can easily peek through the walls.

"What she said… I hope you overlook her behavior. She wasn't raised in a good environment, you see."

"It's fine, miss Vivian. But, about what she said, why did she specifically say to be quiet?"

"Ah! It's… nothing, I just snore a lot when sleeping."

"Hmm, alright. I apologize for prying."

"I-It's fine! No need to… apologize."

Her bashful face was beautiful in a mature way, and held this passive seductive charm that was threatening to grab away my Human heart. Her height also didn't make it any easier to resist. She was more than one head shorter than me, her captivating figure was alluring and spread an intoxicating power of lust.

'Shit… could this, be the charm of a mature woman in this World?'

Her curvaceous figure clouded my thinking process. But I wasn't thinking much now so it's quite fine. But the lustful thoughts, it's a problem I'll need to solve.

'And not to mention a child's here.'

Seriphyl was already up against a wall and preparing to sleep. I don't know her sleeping habits all that well, but she is a heavy sleeper from last night. She's still a child, so if I were to commit to that depth, then I have at least a few seconds to cast a Spell to block her vision.

'But, why should I?'

Yes, why commit the most heinous sin of betraying a vowed lover when I already have the most perfect woman back home? It was clear, and my mind also became clear because of that.

'Let's go to sleep, tomorrow's probably going to be another repeat so it'll be boring.'

Of course, the Magic performed will be a lot more different than today. But it's just Magic.

"So, miss Vivian. Where should I stay? There seems to be nothing to sleep on."

"Ah, w-well. We're not a farming village so we don't have hay to sleep on. However, we do have pillows stuffed with leaves. It's the least we can make in order to sleep."

And, like she'd said, I found those said pillows by the wall of the private room that the girl went into. I go there and pick up one, then move to a different part of the house to sleep. But, when I saw Vivian just standing there silently while fidgeting, I asked her.

"What's wrong, Miss Vivian? Shouldn't you also go to sleep?"

"A-Ah, yes, yes…"

Her voice was meek, shy and bashful like a maiden in her first time with a man. She moved with clumsy steps toward the pillows and took one for herself. We slept on opposite ends, as I have no reason to sleep near her.

I kept my appropriate distance and lie down, feeling the drowsiness seep into me, into my Human mind. I closed my eyes and clutched my staff closely. I wasn't necessarily afraid of it being stolen, as any Human who wields it will most probably be faced with the body horrors of the Abyss.


A strange sadness envelops me as I fall asleep. This marks the end of my sixth day.


Amongst my numerous conquests and journeys, I come across very peculiar people with some exceptionally difficult to deal with personalities. From Sword Saints with peculiar tastes in women to Arch Priests so corrupted one would doubt the Divine Being for selecting that individual. They became my close allies, and some even continue to aid me even after their World has been sunk to ruin by my hand.

"Master, master!"

One such being is the petite Arch Mage known as Melonia Seren Schneider. She's a Gravity Mage enthusiast and a cheerful but sadistic person. She likes to torture people through zero gravity, rendering any momentum they try to make useless and squirming is always what they do first.

"I've come to report on my research! I've made a few tweaks and fixed some lines, now I can confidently say that it's ready!"

"It better not mess up this place, or you'll be forbidden from coming here for another 5 months."

I was cast out as a spectator, watching this scene from a separate movable body of my own though I can't interact with anything.

The place I'm currently in is the Dark Tower office back in my old World. I had many of these with a Shadow of myself in each so that I can shift between them at my leisure. Though the cooldown is high being 2 hours with no way to reduce it.

'This is… nostalgic.'

I watch as the past exchange continues.

"Here here, I'll show you my progress! And then decide for yourself!"

"Alright… first, Reality Restriction."

The surroundings cracked and distorted. This was the effect of the Tier 10 Spell Reality Restriction. It is one of the very few that has no Magic Eye, as having one would be insufficient to express how it would do its task of bending Reality.

"Alright, here goes!"


I watched with my past self, though with different expressions. My past self was nonchalant and seemed to be annoyed, while I looked at the little girl with a warm smile.

"Gravity Control: Crumble."

Several purple Magic Eyes were summoned and orbited around the small girl. Then, they all stopped before expanding into a bigger Magic Eye that encased her inside. The Space around her, which is inside the pocket Reality I created, crumbled like a piece of paper and would've dealt massive Health-based damage to me if I were still inside.

'It is a destructive close range Spell that deals more damage the more one charges it. The range also becomes slightly farther, but it's almost too insignificant in battle.'

Maybe it's important, but it matters little as the death of your opponent is all that matters in battle. Only in testing does range, power output, Mana usage, and all of the theoretical appliances are important. But Gravity Control: Crumble is something that can hardly be improved. It's just a destructive, close range death trigger that can possibly one shot or deal massive damage to something.

'What gives a Spell power is what it represents.'

Magic, Sorcery, the Mystic Arts, Eastern Magic, hell even Skills are made to represent something. Strength, speed, durability, anything. It's how the system of World Saga Online makes Skills, Spells, and everything in-between. Their names represent a concept that has existed and exerted its influence before.

'You can create, steal, convert, or even accept them as your own. To innovate, to improve upon them through time, understanding and dedication.'

As I watch the past, I evaluate things I have come to know through playing the game known as World Saga Online. How it brought people together, banded them together, made them love each other inside the game like they would in real life. The realism that the developers promised was delivered perfectly. But, now it is on a whole new level.

'It isn't… just a game anymore.'

It is now reality. All of my knowledge, it might have flaws now that everything's more 'real' than 'real'. But it doesn't matter. Knowledge is something that is endless. One can be called master but they also lack the wisdom to sometimes deliver upon their disciples.

'I am Death, but even I do not know how Death would feel.'

I am merely a representation of how Death would function if it had a conscience. A form to look at. A mind to think instead of just being a force of nature, a step to take in an unending loop. I am confined by my concept but also free because I am independent, or at least I believe so.

The scenery changes to what I presume a training ground. Dust and sand were blowing in the air and then slowly settling down, to reveal my past self fighting with a sword against a man with a much older appearance than me.

'Sword Saint Ash Fermon Relai.'

A Sword Saint with the most used sword type being a thin rapier-like sword. His strength was not notable, however, his agility and ability to strategize on the spot was transcendent and remarkable. His generation calls him the One Slash Sword, as whenever his sword were to swing towards someone, they wouldn't know it before blood starts to drip and something drops to the ground.

His favorite way of dealing with something without the need to hold back is decapitation. Just straight up one slice through the neck and down goes an object to the ground.

I was fighting such a person despite being a ranged combatant. And a Magic Caster type no less, very ineffective in dealing with Swordsmen.

"You are strong, Sword Saint of this generation."

"And you're not one to scoff at either, Death."

They all knew my name, and they all challenged me as they were faced with the inevitable trial. They all tried their best to best Death, mostly through combat. But, sometimes there are those who 'think' of an escape rather than 'earning' it. They always intrigued me, what goes through the minds of NPCs when they're bent to that direction?

They played tricks, made bargains, traded something valuable to earn a favor from me. Everything to sway my good will towards them. However, Death is inevitable. Even if they've managed to buy a couple more years, decades or even centuries of life, it'll be over in a flash. They are forever marked, upon making a deal with me, to die as soon as their promise is fulfilled.

'However, there are exceptions.'

Exceptions being Seriphyl's case. She had an unfulfilled wish she wanted to make amends with. My nature as Death is to reap the Souls of the departed, but that can't happen unless they've resigned to their fate. It's one of the less known downsides that I have, except that I enjoy pretty much the most broken Godhood ever.

The scenery shifts once more, I was too deep into my own subconscious that my thoughts blurred out the surroundings. It was getting messy here, so I decided to stop with the random thought generation for now.

"So, how're you enjoying this trip, Sora?"


Then, as if on cue with my decision, the current playback was one of my 'sensitive spots'. A special memory I would rather have buried forever.


Goosebumps rise throughout my entire body as the sight in front of me continues to play out.

"Pretty good, I would say. Thanks for showing me around, but I think I can handle myself now."

"Oh? Not interested in me in the slightest?"

"...Were your intentions to woo me?"

"Pft, ouch, did you not even notice?"

"I've dealt with worse, so your body isn't arousing in the slightest for me.''

"...Alright, now that's hurtful."

The girl was one of my earliest crushes. At the very start of my journey, I kicked back for a few moments, still not serious in my endeavor of reaching the top yet. Archy, full name being Archivale Fredrika Shermy. She was a beauty that was different to my earliest Summons, pure and human-like. She raised and stoked the fire of love within me, for her specifically.


In the end, I was destined to lose everything around me like a Curse. Like Death was always looming over my every move.

Archy was attacked one day by an invasion of monsters. Normally, an organized monster horde attack was rare and most of the time powerful. They dealt heavy damage to the large town of 13,264 people, and reduced the population to one third of its original number.

Amongst the casualties, were Archy. My dear, beloved Archy.

'We could've married… and she could've died in my arms after decades of love.'

It would change the future, the me in the present. Archy's death, it was sudden and uncalculated. Unpredictable. And irreversible by all means, at the time at least.

"Archy… please, don't leave me. Please, I beg you, STAY WITH ME!!!"

I cradled her now lifeless corpse within my embrace. I was Undead at the time, disguised as a human through a simple Curse that's quite irreversible upon use. The Curse of Flesh and Humanity, it was the first and most basic Curse that all Undead players had the leisure to use. However, upon using the Curse they have no means to revert back to their original Race.

'...I regretted using that Curse.'

Undead have the power to negate Emotions, the most fraudulent ability unique to the Race. However, I was Human then.

'Heartbroken… saddened… enraged.'

I listed the emotions I felt back then. It was so vivid, like it had just happened yesterday. An aching pain was felt in my heart, a testament to how powerful of a shock it was to me.

'...No more.'

I swore from the deepest depths of my Soul from that day, that I would not let a single person whom I care deeply for be covered in red and in my arms ever again.

'And I've completed… that oath.'

I looked down, a melancholic expression was most likely on my face right now. I resigned myself, and that was what I needed to do to wake up from my dream.


A long silence, before I decide to grasp my surroundings.

'Nothing has changed… no, humidity has changed?'

It was a strange thing that was different from last night. With sunlight peeking into the house through the cracks, the place should be moderately heated up and the cold from last night to disappear.

'...It couldn't be?'

An absurd thought surfaced in my mind, but I didn't dare to think that was true. There is a guest here, surely none of them did it while I was sleeping.

'Dammit, I dropped my guard completely.'

This was the reason I sorely, absolutely, abhorrently despised the Human Race. They're the most insufficient and easiest to die Race in the entire list of Races.

'The only benefit is their focus that's only on Job Classes and how easily it is to build a generally good Build.'

Back in World Saga Online, only noobs play this Race, and even if they're not a noob, everyone else would've called them that when they successfully conquer their World.

I raised my body up and, as if to confirm it, a spot on the floor was darker than the rest. I could smell a sweet odor in the air, and with one look around shows that whoever did it was gone. I used my Skill Soul Detection and picked up all of the locations of the villagers.

'The girl is still inside, so that leaves…'

Yep, I need to get the fuck out of here and never return before I get raped the following night. Who knows what'll happen.

'Though the chances are slim, I could possibly be in a deep sleep as that horrible deed is committed to me.'

No more, I lost my virginity against my will and the trip to conquer a bunch of female Orcs wasn't smooth sailing like I'd hoped.

'A third experience is unnecessary… and who knows what'll happen if 'that' is triggered.'

I stood up and exited the house silently. This is my seventh day, and seems like another day to do my marketing plan as usual.