
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Seventh day, an uncomfortable start

My seventh day , procedures are the same but with a few changes.

'I need something to eat…'

It would be weird for no one to see me eat, so I decided to go find something delicious to eat. I take out my pouch of coin money and jiggle it in my left hand, feeling somewhat proud of myself.

'It still works, but now…'

[The Cosmic Star, Jesiah Femnir, is asking for your name]

'Hah, what a petty trick.'

Names in fantasy just don't have one usefulness as a way to call someone. It is also a treasure that can be stolen or, commonly associated with Divine Beings and Daemons, a way to establish a connection. It is a secret that must be kept unless you want to be taken advantage of.

'Fortunately, it only happens if you agree to it, but unfortunately one can forcefully subject another to the agreement if they have enough power over them, in other words, Divinity.'

After that train of thought, I suddenly had something that spontaneously spawned in my mind.

'Did… that Star try to subject me into an agreement?'

Stars, much like Divine Beings, cannot access the Mortal Realm using ordinary means. They can only access or influence the Mortal Realm through a Vessel, and how Stars do it is much like the Divines.

'They inject a little of their own Divinity, linking their consciousness with them. Stars on the other hand cast a Spell on their side, most likely a mind altering one, to make a communicable environment.'

That Star must've done something to me while I was sleeping last night, there was no way I would've slept that well.

'So… it is a possibility.'

Even if that was very plausible, I only consider it as a top contributor to my sleep last night. How I dreamt of many things in the past even though it's usually one scenario at a time.

'And those memories were good ones as well.'

Generally, when one is under attack by a Mind Spell or Curse, their brain would conjure up all the emotions from past experiences to off-set some of the effects. Their determination is the first to be evaluated, closely following it is the Willpower Stat, or mental fortitude if you have some Traits or Passive that boosts your resistance to such attacks. Third is the thing I've said before, the good and strong emotions from your past experiences.

Those three elements determine whether or not you'll be under control, and if you are, then how long. But, there are still exceptions to this equation. One is Race, and Undead is the only Race to have a complete immunity against Mind Spells and Curses. Second is obviously Level.

'My case is most likely both, as I am half Undead with a severely high Level difference to this World's inhabitants.'

With the Cosmic Star as a reference, since Cosmic is the highest back in World Saga Online, the fact that it failed to use a Mind Spell on me shows a severe lack in Levels.

'But let's set it aside for now. Let's go and eat.'

Before I knew it, my mind ramblings went on until I reached the trading village. I set it aside for now and went to the merchant street. They were opening their stalls around this time, and no Items are on display yet. But, by the sign I can infer what they're selling.

'Vegetables… berries?... weapons… housewares?... Ah! Here we are.'

After going through a few stalls and earning the gazes of the merchants, I found myself somewhere with a food related sign. A spatula and pan in a crossed position etched onto a wooden board hung on the stall.

An old man was the one who runs this stall, as he is seen setting it up. A short stature and rough, hairy arms, a balding head with wrinkles instead of being a mirror, and a white apron. As I approached, since I wasn't being secretive, he noticed me approaching and turned around.

When I got to see the face of the man who I presumed to be old, I was taken aback by what I saw. A young and youthful face with a beard that connects to his hair. He seemed to have noticed that my expression had changed suddenly, he flashed a smile and greeted me with his arm outstretched for a handshake.

"Hey there, you're the Mage that I've heard?"

"Ah, yes. Greetings, mister…"

"Joshua! Joshua Grant, pleased to meet ya fancy, Mage."

"The same goes to you as well. I was going out for breakfast and found your stall."

"Ah yes yes, but, I'm very different from the others. I don't have food in my stall."


I was confused by what he said, but his next sentence gave me the reason I needed to know.

"I'm more of an improviser than a planned cooker, bring me something edible in good enough quantity if it's small and I'll cook ya a dish using 'em. How's that for an offer?"

"...Ah, alright then.''

"Great! Thanks for complying, you know, most of the people don't take it so well that I can't cook them something, but as I've said, I have nothing."


I didn't say anything more, and left as the guy rambled on and on with his eyes closed.

'Well, he seems like a good man.'

His way of talking reminds me of Erik Forg, the curious way of speech of the dwarves.


Tracking something alive is very easy for me. I can sense one's Life, and concentrated Life is all I needed to look for. I'm currently inside the forest right now, with a basket made of woven wood along with flowers attached to them like some sort of decoration. Inside were various types of berries and sweet smelling herbs.

'Now, all that's left is to find meat.'

I've always fancied the various types of meat back in World Saga Online. They gave various benefits as a Consumable, along with their varied tastes and flavors. I always order them at taverns, or even cook some while out on trips and adventures.

'Well, having the Cooking Proficiency isn't such a waste.'

I'm currently tracking an animal through its Life signal. It was moderately big, and moving very slowly. Probably a pig or boar, and I would prefer the latter as their meat is more chewy and by default tastier for me.

''Well… Huh?''

But, by the time I arrived there, I was met with a boy bleeding from his forehead, his left eye closed and a small stream of blood was still flowing down. I tilted my head, the boy looking somewhat familiar.


With those few words, he fell down to the grass floor below with a thud. I was about to turn around and leave, but something vibrated within my Inventory that somehow was able to transmit to me.

'...Aww fuck.'

A rare moment of me cursing. It was because the Item that vibrated was none other than one of my Holy Relics, from my days as an Undead disguised as a human.

'I'm regretting picking them up.'

The Holy Relic in question, is the Tome of Severtor. A delicate and frankly very annoying Holy Relic. Each has its own unique personality that mirrors the first user, and the book just so happens to belong to a very righteous priest that uses Multi-color Magic. He was one of five in recorded history of the game, at least to my knowledge, possessing such an aptitude.

I ignored the book, but in the matter of seconds the vibration was felt constantly throughout my body as if it knows what my intentions are.

'...Fine, what do you want, book.'

I took out the book and a very booming voice resounded within my mind.

"Finally! I'm free!"

"And just a second later, you're back. What do you want, book.''

''That boy, show me his face.''

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"What would you want to know? Just show me his face, c'mon, chop chop.''


In this situation, I would've put him back because I can't deal with his orders. He's not the one in control, but I can't do anything to him. He's a Legendary Item bordering the Mythical rarity now that my previous World is no more.

"Fine, do whatever you want."

"Gladly, Death."

I threw the book into the air and it floated on its own. The book flew to the boy's face in an instant when I released it and continued to babble.

"Hmm, same facial structure, same hair color… no no, not the Soul. It's different, but he was also like that once, or rather I was."

"What are you doing, book?"

"Nothing that concerns you, Death. I am merely seeing if this is real or not.''

The book was like this, fearless even in the face of Death himself, but I guess it's a perk of being an object. Your life holds little meaning other than to be used, and not being used is akin to rotting away and dying.

"Hmmm, this boy. Let him keep me."


My voice grows cold in a split second. I didn't like that he made that type of decision on his own, and more skeptical about why he decided to entrust himself to an unknown boy that I doubt is subpar in battle experience.

'He might not even know how to read…'

The book can be read by any language, as it is written with Divinity that transcends the concept of Comprehension. But, it doesn't mean a person who has no reading ability will be able to understand it.

'I've tried with one before, and it was not worth the time spent.'

It was an obvious no. And, as if he knew my intention, the book speaks up once again.

''This poor boy is abandoned, lost in the road of Life. Take him under your shadow."

"Why? I have no reasons to. I already have two lives with me, a third is asking for a little too much generosity from me."

"Please, it's… Death, trust me. He is to be trusted, an ally that may help you on whatever plans you have on this Mortal Realm."

"A boy who's barely an adult? He is to help me? Seems very doubtful, book."

My suspicion is high, not very trustworthy on the book's decision. I already have two as I've said, a third is asking a little too much from me. One look at the bleeding boy, it is already unwise to bring along something that'll weigh you down.

"I beg of you, Death. If you do me this favor, I shall answer your call once more… no matter what your intentions are."

"Really? And how do I know you won't plot my demise whilst in possession of another? What if you inject insidious thoughts and advice into the boy during our journey? What if you do not honor your words?"

It was a reasonable doubt drawn from previous experiences. I'm always skeptical of something until proven false, or otherwise. And, I have had one of them revolt against me before. The book wasn't one of them, but who knows, this might be the precursor to it.

'I will not be a fool.'

I have been that, surprisingly, for a lot of times. But, luckily it wasn't at important moments.

"Then, if doubt clouds your decision on this, what if I use one of my Blessings to cast a Chain between us? Will that clear the doubts?"

"A Blessing?"

"Yes, the Blessing of Comrades. I shalt lie to you, and you will have no reason to doubt my words. We shall only speak the truth to one another, will that suffice?"

"What if you tamper with it? You are the one who will cast it, who knows what you'll do if I were to relax my guard around you."

"Rest assured, I shall not perform such cowardice. I am an honorable man, or the person I was modeled after was to be precise."


I was skeptical, highly skeptical. The book was, like he'd said, an honorable man. Saint Jonathan Derkis Servertor, Beholder of Knowledge, Saint of Wisdom, he led a noble life determined to eradicate the corruption in my World. The blind and under-developed minds of common people, he intends to spread his Wisdom and taint my World with uncertainties of knowledge.

It was the reason why he was killed by me, he breeds variables that might one day explode on me. So, his Soul was completely destroyed beyond repair, now only fragments that will never be whole. I took his Tome of Servertor, the flying book that's currently talking to me.

"...Alright, just this one time. Cast your Blessing, and keep your honorable words. If you break it, you shall not see the light of day again. That, is my Death Oath"

"Then, I shall promise you my trustworthy words. This, shall be my Blessing of Comrades upon us."

Then, a notification pops up in my view.

[You have committed the Death Oath upon the Item Tome of Servertor]

[The Tome of Severtor has casted the Blessing of Comrades]

[You are now in a Contract, the terms are as follow]

[1. Only words of honesty shall be spoken by the Tome of Servertor]

[2. If any malice were to be directed towards Death, indirectly or not, the Tome of Servertor shall be recalled immediately to the Inventory ignoring all restrictions and canceling effects]

[3. Both party's location will be disclosed to each other at all times, however, Death has the ability to cancel this effect of the Contract if he wishes]

[4. Death shall bring along the chosen Vessel of the Tome of Servertor until this Contract is broken]

[If any of the aforementioned conditions were to be broken, a punishment will be enacted accordingly to the violator]

'This simple? And with so many favorable things towards me.'

It was indeed a very favorable position to be in. I can monitor the Tome at all times, given information on whether or not he will betray me, and the only thing I'm bound to do is keep the child with me.

"Alright, now, will you honor your words?"


Without saying a word, I walk over to the boy and cast a healing Spell on him, one originating from the Abyss.

"Reconstruction of Flesh."

Possible side-effects are a few spontaneous mutations, but it should benefit the boy as he's young and still able to accept the changes without backlashes to some degree.

[Critical! The target has been healed to full]

[A Spontaneous Mutation has occurred from the Spell's effect!]

When I saw that, I stepped back a short distance and watched for any visible appearance changes. But, after a few seconds there seems to be nothing.

'Must be something Stat related.'

I walked back to the boy again and the book was hovering a short distance away from us.

"What did you do?! Is he cursed?!!"

"Nothing of the sort, just a healing Spell. It has augmented something within him, since I can't detect any appearance augmentation.''

The book closely observes me as I inspect the boy's outward appearance. I scan every inch of his body and flip him over a few times, inspecting closely to see what changed, maybe the change is subtle.

'...No, nothing.'

Soul Gaze doesn't reveal what type of mutation the boy got because it's not spiritual related. And I have no physical Healer type Job Classes either.

'Hmm, I guess let's carry him with us for now.'

I have a Shadow stationed at the shelter. Looking through its view, it wasn't occupied like last night. I pick him up and use one of my Exclusive Skills.

'Shadow Shift.'

I have to put a hold on my breakfast search, but with the Deceased Ring on me right now my Human hunger is held at bay.

The view of the forest shifts abruptly to a darkened and cool shelter. I turn around, my gaze downward to the much darker spot in the shelter.

"Alicia, you will look over this boy until he wakes up. Keep him here, don't let him out of your sight either."

The dark spot revealed itself as Alicia Bregain, my old companion. She rises up and her soft blue glowing eyes immediately meet mine. We stared at each other, until the book spoke up to ruin the moment.

"Hey, put the boy down already. Staring at each other like you're some sort of love-at-first-sight pair of birds."

His words made me unleash a bit of my Demonic Power to restrain him from flying. He falls down with a thud, and seems to have learned his lesson.

"Alright, alright, I'll shut up."

"...Alicia, do you have any questions?"

Shadows, at least ones with her rank of General, behave mostly similar to the Commanders and Soldiers. Her psyche is still alive, but her responses and individual thinking ability aren't functioning like when she's alive.

She wouldn't be able to answer my question, but since she was one of the NPCs that have prior commitments with me when she got turned, her individuality is still there as I asked that question to her.

"Yes, just one thing, Death."

All of the Shadows, except for some of the Monarchs, call me Death in respect to my title. But, Alicia's meaning of Death is different from the rest.

One who encompasses All, Father to every Life's Beings, the Warm Shadow, the Lonesome Caretaker, these are some of her titles for me. It speaks of another man different to the Death that I have put up as a front. A caring, soft, and selfless Death that takes care of his own Children even if they're not bound by blood or promises.

"Why did it take you this long to summon me out again?"

Her smile and the way she tilted her head makes for a very ominous foreboding to my future predicament. A dangerous vibe radiates from her, even though I'm supposed to be her superior.

'Guess this is what it feels like to be a sinner to the truth.'

"Ahh, urm, A-Alicia, you are aware of our positions, correct?"

"Yes, Death. I am very aware, but it was just in response to your question. And your answer to mine?"

"...Alicia, please, don't make me lose face in front of this insufferable book."

I could feel the gaze that's mocking my title as Death. The book, thinking about something, was clattering on the floor trying to open itself.

"It's just… I'm on an undercover mission right now, so I can't possibly summon him. You're the only one capable of fulfilling this job as you're also a Utility based Mage."

"Oh, so that's it? Your trump card is unusable right now so you decide to use an inferior version of it? How heartless of you."

"That's not…"

I can't find the words to argue back. Truth be told, I would avoid making eye contact with her but that's not possible in this position. I must stand my ground, lest I want to have my pride broken.

''Alicia, please, I apologize. For now, can you-"

"Of course, it is an order from you, so how can I say no?"

Alicia breaks eye contact with me and lowered her head, bowing to me. She summons her staff which has a green glowing gemstone at the tip floating just a little from the body. Cracks could be seen on the gemstone, lessening its majestic feel. But that didn't matter all too much.


A simple Spell that puts an invisible barrier that blocks sight, smell, and sound coming from it. It was stationed at the corner, and I went and put the boy inside. Alicia watches in silence as I did this, and after I'm done she bowed her head once more.

"Is there anything else this Shadow can help?"

"This much is enough, you may disperse now."

She raises her head up and we locked eyes with each other again, only this time no words were exchanged. She closes her eyes and sinks back into the ground.

When I am left alone, I release the binding on the book and it flies upward immediately.

"Puah! Really, that was so uncomfortable."

"I've kept my end, you should do well to honor yours.''

"Of course, I swear upon my own Soul."


I had no words left and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

The seventh day has just started, yet I felt like it was already a day.