
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Roleplaying (remade)

The outside terrain of my World has once been so perfect, designed with purpose. However, things are now in disarray.

'A forest has grown in my absence…'

I'm currently outside of the Black Castle's entrance. The view in front of me right now, brimming with vibrant Life, was very hard to my eyes which are accustomed to looking at the dreary sky and wasteland back in the old World.

'Let's first inspect the village nearby.'

If memories serve me right, there's a village that those four, now three, elven children came from.

'Let's go there first, since it's almost near the shift swap time.'

I remember the specifics of how the town's daily life operated, even if it's only two days. There's a specific time in which the guards would swap with replacements to rest. There are four squads of eight that take turns guarding the town from morning, midday, to nighttime. They use bows and arrows as their main offensive, and a hardened wooden-based rapier weapon as their close range engagement tool.

'Although, one thing bugs me about that town…'

One of the elven children's parents. The one that's called Manu, his father, is an interesting specimen in this new World that's far into the future of mine.

'The Shadow couldn't scan him effectively, with most of his Status obscured as well…'

I bring up the Status Window that the Shadow scanned by its own abilities. A very brief anecdote of a man who's brimming with mysteries.

[Name: Albern Alstrusia Elinorth]

[Class: Explorer]

[Level: above ordinary]

[Skills: honed to be analytical, critical in every moment, and quick to the uptake]

[Spells: unknown]

[Title: Explorer-related]

Yes, when one doesn't know the specifics about the person, or if the Skill one uses is too low to perceive their true powers, then the Status Window one receives would look like this. It's littered with vague information, but he's categorized as an Explorer.

'Analytical… and high critical thinking. This man would do wonders if I can recruit him for a Quest.'

The father of Manu, who I consider to be the strongest of the four, is a man shrouded in a mysterious cloak of which I want to strip away. An interesting figure has already appeared before me, it would be a waste not to inspect every single speck of him and his past.

'...I sound like a creep.'

I shook my head to disburse the unpleasantly creepy thoughts brewing inside my head. With one last look over the surroundings, I step forward to finally begin my first adventure to the outside.

Exploration, something I have yet to do ever since I reached Level 100 and completely taken over my World. A weird sort of fluttering begins to dwell inside me. A fluttering that I know all too well.

'Let's embark on another adventure!'


"Mister Albern, have you seen them yet?"

"No… no signs of them returning all night long. They've done this in the past, but Manu… he would've left some kind of note for me."

On a balcony of a high house built inside a tree, a man was overlooking the entire small hamlet with a nervous face. His gaze was scanning each and every spot he could look, and a sigh escaped his lips as he turned to the one he was speaking to till now.

"Miss Alice, don't be so afraid. If my boy and Charles are with them, Lily and your daughter shouldn't be in any major trouble. I don't need to remind you that Charles is trained to participate in the upcoming Sacrilan Tournament, while I trained my son in combat from a very young age. The two girls wouldn't be in any major danger if they're with them."

"Yes… I know but, I can't help but feel anxious every time they're not within my sight. Nowadays, that feeling seems to grow tenfold. I must take my medicinal herbs now, so if you'll excuse me."

"Right, I wish you a good trip back home, miss Alice."

Without any more words, Albern bowed slightly to the woman with pitch black hair. She smiled back in kind, before disappearing right in front of his eyes within a blink.

Albern on the other hand, didn't mind this as he turned to look over the small hamlet again. His house is the same height as the chief's house, the grandfather of Charles.

'...I think I'll go look for them after tonight.'

However, he doesn't need to do that.


Because someone has already reached out to him.

"Hel- Wait...I don't remember you…?"

It seems like his instincts took control, before his brain could register something strange had appeared. He took a stance instinctively and ready to cast a Spell, seen from the materialization of a Magic Eye in the air.

"Don't be so hostile. Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you."

"...Who are you?"

Albern squinted his eyes and scanned my entire figure. However, I just smiled in response to his question.

"I am a human, my elven stranger. I come bearing news, sad ones.''

"A… human?"

Suspicion could easily be detected in his voice. His eyes moved across my robes, and then to the circling orb of Mana above my head.

"Something has awakened, and your place is the nearest to it. I ask you, have you heard of Absolute Death?"

"Absolute… yes, my records of that myth are scarce but I can confidently say I know of that being a little."

"Of course, what else should I expect? Absolute Death, the horror that sheltered your Race, the benefactor that you all seem to have forgotten, has returned after all these centuries."

"...Who are you?"

"I am but a human, I deliver messages to those who I find interesting and worthy enough for it."

"What's your goal in telling me this?"

"Goal…? That is to of course prevent his dominance. Haven't your Race heard of it? Absolute Death may have sheltered your Goddess, raised her, but you all know that once he reawakens he won't be the same, right? His deal with your previous ancestor is done, and so you all will be just like the others. A pawn, to his grand scheme."

"...This message, have you told this to anyone?"

"Even if I did, why should I tell you? I am but a human, delivering messages to those who I deem worthy of hearing it. So, I ask you this, what will you do?"

"...Give me a second to think."

"Afraid I can't give you that leisure. Time is running thin, and I have other places to visit."

"...Then allow me to travel with you."

"Of- Wait, excuse me?"

The intense flow of the conversation was interrupted by an unexpected line. Albern, with a serious face, said that line which caused the also seriously roleplaying Sora to break character.

'That's unexpected.'


But he recovered his bearings quickly, and resumed the conversation.

"Is that so…?"

"Yes, I know a few from the outside world that can help with this endeavor of yours."

"Hmm… Alright, then, I shall accept your proposal."

"But first, a fight is in order."


Without a warning, Albern lunged forward with his fist aimed at Merlin's chest. In a fraction of a second, Merlin teleported both into the high sky above.

"Cyclone Wind!"

A green Magic Eye appeared beneath where Albern is going to arrive, right in front of Merlin. However, contrary to his expectations Albern was able to maneuver out of the attack before it hit him.


He summersaults backward and stands in the air, completely defying the laws of physics. Merlin smirks, before pointing with a flick of his head at the boots Albern is wearing.

"Nice shoes."

"A gift of a late friend. Ki Release!"

A red Aura bursts forth from Albern, and his figure disappears and then reappears before Merlin. The latter anticipated the attack, and prepared his orb of Mana to shield him from the attack.

"Ki: Penetrate!"

The shield of pure Mana cracks, but that was all Albern could do as another Magic Eye unleashes its attack.


"Flame Cannon!"

A pillar of fire shoots across the air where Albern was, completely erasing the air there for a time before dissipating.

Their staredown begins again, this time Albern was moving to the left slowly, his eyes not leaving Merlin for one second.

"If you're not gonna be on the offensive, then I'll win~."


With Merlin's bold declaration, Albern stops moving and stands with his side facing Merlin. His eyes were serene, calm like a lake.


"I'll take that as a yes then."

With that, Merlin begins to unfold his true capability.

'How much can you ditch out in one single go?'

'How much… probably my entire Attack Spell arsenal more than ten times if I pre-cast a few Spells.'

That was the question and answer regarding how instantly destructive Merlin could be if he wishes. To put into perspective, imagine a bundle of TnT, now imagine that TnT sitting on top of a nuclear bomb 50 meters in height and 20 meters in diameter. That is how destructive a full Mage Build can be, much less Merlin who is considered the best Mage to ever exist back in the game.

'Estimations for damages are… somewhere between complete continental destruction to low scale planetary destruction from one activation. Long term planetary devastation should be expected from multiple fires.'

That is the answer Merlin was given by the Soul. A vague, but terrifying description of how powerful the number 1 Mage has reached in his lifetime.

"Feast your eyes upon the greatest Magics that'll ever exist!"

With that loud exclamation, several Magic Eyes began to appear and all of which targeted Albern. From large to small, swarm-like to orderly in positioning, and from complex to simple in its design.

"If you survive this, then I'll admit my loss. Come! Ragnarok's Endtime: Minimized!"

Merlin unleashed the most powerful Spell known in his arsenal. Ragnarok's Endtime, the Spell that he used consecutively throughout the final battle against me.


Several Spells went out at the same time, covering Albern's vision completely without any loopholes to be seen. It was then that Albern unleashed his own ultimate technique to overcome this hurdle.

"Ultimate Skill: Evasion Max."

Afterimages, a mirage, clones, those were the words that could somewhat explain what Merlin is seeing right now. Effortlessly, the Spells that had enough destructive powers to evaporate a small hill to nothingness are being evaded. Albern, after activating his ultimate technique, is like a mirage, a ghost that's almost nonexistent to this plane of reality.

"Hoh… interesting.''

However, that doesn't seem to bother Merlin much. No, something is wrong since he's smiling

"Maximize Magic: Orbit Star!"

Several more orbs similar to the one he had manifested and swirled around him at high speed. With that, Merlin flies forward towards where the barrage of Spells are going off. He manifests a Magic Eye in his palm, and then points it forward.

"Paralysis Touch: Burst!"

A massive amount of voltage was released, and Albern was forced to move backward. Though, that proved to be a mistake as several Spells aimed at him simultaneously and covered every possible escape route. Death was imminent, but even so his ultimate technique proved to be powerful as he managed to even escape that barrage of Spells.

"A very interesting technique you have, how are you doing that?"

Several more Spells go off in the sky, drowning the blues away with the multiple colors. It was very dazzling, loud, and somewhat noticeable from below through the thick foliage.

"What's going on up there?"

"Huh… that's strange?"

However, since it didn't concern them, they didn't think too much about it. Ignorance, as always, proves its usefulness to sometimes being a saving grace.


Albern showed no signs of wearing down, however there is something different than before.

'It seems like the Skill drains his HP gradually.'

Blood started to trickle down his nose and spread to the multiple mirages and afterimages. His veins were visible, along with a noticeable change in skin tone.

"Condensed Water Cloud, Voltage Discharge!"

A heavy mist of water vapor spread out, and then electrical currents discharged. This made Albern, who was showing slight physical strain, pressed over the edge with more blood dripping out of his nose and now his ears.

"Ragnarok Endtime: Burst!"

Merlin's MP was running low, so he decided to end the Spell here instead of going Deprived. Being in that state in this battle as a Mage isn't a good thing, and could actually be his loss.

'But, it will be my loss if I end the cast here.'

So, determined not to lose, Merlin did a cheeky little maneuver. Just before the entire array of Spells fired off in one last showcase of firepower, he withheld one Spell from firing that had a tracing mechanic. It was just for a few seconds.

"Hahh… Hahh…"

And so, Albern stopped moving for the first time and ragged breath escaped his lips rapidly. He was panting like he just ran a whole marathon without any breaks. His eyes unfocused, and his senses must be overloaded.

"Well, I did say you were gonna lose."


He realized it a little late, as the Spell hit him from behind. His barely hanging consciousness shuts down, blood spurted out from his mouth.

"You were a great opponent, but that trick was too elementary to be fallen to. So, I'll consider this my win."


Somehow, despite his consciousness barely being with him, he still managed to stay on air with gritted teeth and a terrible complexion. Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were blinking out and in of consciousness and unconsciousness. His terrible appearance made Merlin impressed.

'Tenacious bastard, isn't he?'

Merlin, out of roleplaying kindness, gave Albern medical attention.

'Those Magic Missiles were elementary, but they do a lot of damage since Merlin is this powerful.'

Basic Skills and Spells can be a one-shot attack if one is overleveled enough. Magic Missiles, although elementary, can be close to its namesake with enough power-ups and boosts.

'But the point of this battle isn't to kill… so I guess he lucked out.'

If it was indeed a battle, then Albern would've died very quickly early on.

''Maximized Magic: Advanced Healing Magic."

Vitality begins to refill in Albern. A green Aura radiates from him, along with steam and heat. His shaky eyes and weary body also recovered as time passed.

"Hahh… Hahh… I, lost."

"Yes, so? Are you satisfied with this result?"

"...Yes, I am."

Albern said with his head hung down. His expression on the other hand wasn't that of defeat. It was of respect.

'So many Spells… he could continuously fire off that many Spells in a short time. It is impossible to gauge his strength since I haven't yet pushed him to his limits yet. But this result will do.'

Albern raised his head up after a time, and Merlin was smiling at him.

"Alright, now, I believe you know a few people who can be worthy of my time?"

"Yes, I do know a few of them. I hope you will excuse their… egos though. They haven't had a threat for many centuries, so they have grown quite lax."

"Well, that just won't do."

With that, Merlin offered Albern his hand.

"I, Merlin Avalon, accept thee to be worthy of the title Hero. Will you, in spite of the dangers, risk your life to secure the safety of this World from Death's clutches? Know that once you have taken this responsibility, it won't be easy to give up."

"...I do accept the title of Hero. I shall carry out the task of vanquishing Death, or at the very least hold him back from regaining his powers. This responsibility, I shall swear to never abandon."

With this, the first member of this team of sacrificial props have been assembled. All that's left is to coerce the others that he knows of to join.

'This shouldn't take long…'

Is what Merlin hopes, but this plan could change very quickly, on a whim too.


Fun Fact:

-Spells are very simple, yet hard to understand. It can be crude, and beautiful at the same time. Destructive powers are most Spell's forte. However, Spells are more than just replaceable firepower. They can be utilized and made into sophisticated constructs or 'principles'.

-Spells are composed of the natural resource Mana, which can be found in the air one breathes. To construct and wield Mana and transform it into Spells, a person needs to form a Cursor, which then becomes known as a Magic Eye, to direct the Mana in shaping itself.

-In more ways than one, Spells are like computer programs, executing their codes to form and materialize themselves into reality that otherwise shouldn't be possible.

-Spells are, in its true essence of Mana, a very flexible form of art that can either be destructive and crude while also be beautiful and enchanting to the witnessing eyes.