
Three chronicles of a Death God

Beginning P: A simple human with a wish to live forever with the World he has created. World Saga Online, the game that many has regarded and lauded as the best piece of video game of the 24th century. A dynamic System, an interesting Multiplayer concept, and a booming number of talented Players to boot. It doesn't restrict the user in any way, and everything they want can be enacted inside their very own World, given that they have enough power to seize and realize it. Death is what he is, and he is the end that many has faced and fallen to. Now, this man seeks the happiness of his new, 'real' family. The family he has built, and one he can't afford to lose now that he has gained it. Beginning D: (Condition isn't met) Beginning N: (Condition isn't met) ************** Author's Note: Long chapters and with much details, so it might be a lot to read. I'll try to be as brief about the details as possible so that you won't have to spend dozens of minutes reading (or if you enjoy it then I'm glad) Thank you for reading this novel and for noticing this little author :)

DaoistQ6aRit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Enter the unknown (remade)

"So, this is where it ends, huh?"

"I guess so…"

In the wreckage aftermath of an intense battle, a half-demon was standing by himself in the middle of the small battlefield. He scanned the area, his gaze cold and meticulous.

"Well… guess this has been a good life, even though it's so short." Manu said with a melancholic smile.

"I guess so…" Lily said, the same smile on her face as well.

The half-demon heads their way, his breathing getting rougher and rougher. However, as he got closer, his form started to revert back to a more human visage. He picked up his cloak that was laying on the ground on the way. It covered his true self, and his cold stare settled on the pair's true selves as well. Their newfound power vanishes, and in front of the half-demon is a pair of elves cuddled together.

"What do you want…" Lily said with a scowl, though fear consumes her from deep within.

"…I apologize." The half-demon said.

"Apologize? You? Tell that to him! But wait, you can't! He's dead!" Manu lashed out violently.

"I know… my actions have made you two hate me. But that shouldn't be on your minds right now." The half-demon explained with a monotone voice.

"Shouldn't be on our minds?! How can-"

"I can bring him back."

The sentence that made the pair unable to utter a word. The air was silent, but tense nonetheless.

"What…? You can bring him back? Using what? How can you possibly say that?" Lily said so with a questioning tone and suspicious eyes.

"The person whom we're going to meet with, he will bring your friend back." The half-demon said, looking at the direction of the small corpse in the distance.

"Bring… you mean, he can revive him?" Manu said so with a flabbergasted voice and expression.

"Yes… he is called the God of Death for a reason." The half-demon said, his feet moving towards the small corpse.

"I just need to preserve his body… and the rest can be done by Him." The half-demon said with slumped shoulders.



They stared as the half-demon took out a small pouch from somewhere underneath his cloak. In front of their eyes, the bag's mouth expanded more than it should've been possible. With one swift motion, their friend's corpse was swallowed up completely into the pouch.

"I can… correct this mistake…" The half-demon quietly muttered to himself.

"I can… still fix this situation." He muttered to himself again, seemingly driven by a sense of guilt.



With that, a plot of the story came to an end.


For the next plot, I decided to change things up a little.

'I've sent them out to explore this floor. They shouldn't be in any danger even though they're not empowered by my Soul. If they're lucky, they should gain EXP for growth and maybe a few equipment pieces unique to this floor.'

In front of me, a screen that I hadn't dismissed yet is blinking faintly.

[You have cleared the First Floor, Ancient Bone Mausoleum!]

[You have regained control over the floor, and it's restoration can now be done at your command]

[Minor Mobs have started to respawn in the Ancient Bone Mausoleum]

'So, something did hinder the respawn cycle of the mobs…'

However, the thing I'm more interested in was this.

[Reward for conquering the First Floor of the Celestial Dark Palace is being distributed]

[Calculating achievements....]

[Reward has been decided based on the conditions shown below:

+¾ Challengers were underleveled

+First to conquer the First Floor

+You have the most contribution of the raid

-One of four Challengers was lost during the raid

[Reward is currently underway.....]

It was stuck there for a little while now.

'Not bad, only one lost though, so it's not a perfect raid…'

It made me want to redo the raid, without needing to sacrifice one of the lambs to the slaughter. I could theoretically take down the new Suriel with just my own custom Build, but I'm significantly underleveled compared to Suriel, who should be well over 1000 Levels now.

'She and Kael were the weakest amongst the Guardians… even comparing their winrate with Saulian who's an introductory Boss fight, she would lose 6/18 battles, and it was a consistent figure too.'

One could say that it's a fairly low number of lost, little below half is certainly good, but for a Floor Guardian this is quite severe. Saulian, even though he could be counted as a Floor Guardian, was only mentioned by me as a simple Boss fight. Saulian was constructed as intended, but for the Suriel and Kael pair to lose even close to half speaks of their strengths quite a lot.

''...Well, enough of this charade for now.''

Although fun, this Build is quite a bore compared to the many other difficult Builds I have in mind to try.

'Swinging a sword around can get quite boring.'

I'm not a sword fanatic, so I find it quite mediocre just swinging a sword around. The fights were just a quick-time event, where the one who strikes the fastest and most would win.

'Let's split here.'

I activate one of my exclusive Skills, and a shadowy form leaks from myself. It was now me, yet at the same time not.

[Proliferating Soul]

[Skill Rating: Only One]

[Skill Effect: Separate and recreate one's Soul, enabling a complete split of a Soul without losing anything in the process]

[Skill Usage Condition: Basic Soul Theory (100%), Advanced Soul Understanding (100%), Soul Mastery (100%), has the Job Class {Soul Engineer}]

[Skill Usage Time: Once per 300 days]

This exclusive Skill of mine lets me pull off some of the best battles in the distant past. It was beyond broken, and I wouldn't deny the fact that with enough preparation I could rule the entire game server overnight.

Now, it comes into play with my next step.

'Time to assemble a group of heroes.'

A hero seeker, it was the intention I held for this other me.

'Well, he is considered 'me' as well, so I guess he's Sora 2 then?'

'That's a lame name and you know it.'

The other me replied telepathically. He had the same temperament, same likings, and everything about him is precise down to the last finger twitching habit.

'So? What's the name then, if you're not content with mine?'

'Merlin, call me Merlin.'

It was at that moment that the dark shade took a more solid form. It was the appearance of a young man with white hair, a white robe covering his entire upper body with a golden rim, and an orb of condensed Mana floated around him above his head. Brown legging with modern soldier-like combat boots.

'Huh, so you're going with that look… not bad, and the name fits the operation.'

A king seeker, though different, but still the same nonetheless. What I need is hope, and a stage for what's to come.

'Now, let's commence operation Light Seeker.'

'Roger that, other me.'

With one command, and full cooperation, the other me disappeared without a trace, not even a precursor to it happening. This was the pinnacle of Magic Casting, even if one's not an Undead then Spells would activate with just a thought without any precursor.

Minor Spells were casted as simply as breathing, and 5th tiers are casted with a flick of a finger. Only Spells of the 8th to 10th tier are 'normal' Spells for them to cast. Massive Super Spells are considered above standard Spells that require a Magic Eye.

Now, it's only a matter of time. Until then, I would carry on with this current situation.





The walk was silent, deathly so. Rattling came from in front, and the two brandished their weapons to engage the foes.

"Guys?! Please say something!"

Genna's question, however, was ignored as the two got to work. Their opponents were skeletons with a Level 70 Mage amongst their ranks. He was in the middle of the crowd, and got to preparing the moment Manu was in view.

"Double Slash!"

Ki charged up and enveloped the pair of daggers in Manu's hands. He accurately severs the spine connecting the skull to the rest of the body. And with one final push, he managed to reach the Skeleton Mage with relative ease.

"Magic Shield!"

Safety envelops Manu as the Spell of the Skeleton Mage finishes casting. A red orb of fire flew towards him, and made impact with the shield that caused a massive explosion to occur.


"He's fine…"

True enough, Manu was left unscathed as he charged forward. His daggers, only an inch away from killing its target.

"Ki Release: Energy Blades!"

Manu, son of a famous adventurer, was trained in combat from a young age. The same thing was with Charles, who's a son of the chief of their village. In terms of combat prowess, Manu and Charles are on the same level. However their experience in fighting differs a lot.

Manu, who's usually carefree, would be the first to fall in a 1v1 with Charles, who's serious when it comes to fighting. So, if one would say who's more dangerous, then it would be Manu. A boy who hides his true potential with playfulness and silliness.

"Let's go…"



Obviously, Genna could tell that something was on their mind. Something that she shouldn't ask, but her curiosity is aching her too much. She could only wordlessly follow them as they explore the Ancient Bone Mausoleum.

"Should we check the rooms…?"


Lily, who was always usually clear-minded and smart, was now dull and less responsive to much of anything except for fighting.


Genna couldn't understand it, and she knows that it has something to do with Charles, the only one who hasn't managed to get out of that room with the others. She wanted to ask, but due to the air and the situation they're currently in she was hesitating.

They check through a few rooms, rummaging through the seemingly once livable quarters of the Mausoleum.

"Hmm, these books are interesting. I should take these with me for pastime reading."

She quickly puts the books inside the large backpack she has been carrying with her. It doesn't seem to cause her any discomfort, nor did she look fatigued from carrying it all the time while they're traveling.


While Genna was in her own world dawdling, the other two were examining the weapons they've procured. They have on the table a short sword, arm's length, a bow with an intricate design on its entire body, and a very heavy greatsword that none of them could wield effectively.

"Let's ditch the greatsword, none of us have the appropriate strength to wield it so that's a logical move." Manu said with a discerning eye.

"We'll keep the bow for emergencies, since there may come a time for long range combat.'' Lily said with a calm face and monotone voice.

''But the problem stands, where do we get arrows from?" Manu said with a raised eyebrow.

The two looked at the weapons, before a sigh escaped Lily's mouth as she took the bow into her hands.

''I'll hold onto this then, you can take that short sword in place of one of your daggers."

"Nah, I'll use it as a spare. I quite like these two."

"But it's not efficient, Manu. And besides it'll rust and dull out quickly from all the fighting." Lily said with a concerned voice.

"...It's nice for you to worry about me, but I don't need it. Let's go."

With that, Manu coldly took the short sword and strapped it onto his left waist side, just above one of his daggers.

"Genna, let's go."

"Ah, alright!"

Genna quickly makes haste and follows the duo who she couldn't help but feel alien with.

Every few minutes, they would run into a group of Undeads ranging from Zombies, Skeletons, to ethereal beings like Polters and Ghosts. The ethereal beings were the only ones the group couldn't handle as efficiently as the other encounters. They're entirely resistant to physical afflictions, so only their Spells can inflict any form of harm to them.

Manu relied entirely on Lily and Genna for the Polters and Ghosts, and the group of common Undeads are destroyed by him alone. The trio quickly raised their EXP, even though they have no knowledge of it. The Undeads there were great materials to nurture their potential, pushing their already acceptable power level to a greater height.

"Over there, another group of Skeletons."

"One Mage spotted amongst them… along with a few Assassin types. They might teleport, so be careful."

"Ki Release: Embolden!"

Lily acted as support for most of the encounters, while Manu serves as main frontline force. Genna was in the rear with useful Items that they recently looted at the ready.

Lily charges up a Spell, gathering Mana from her body and then forms a Magic Eye for the catalyst.


A bright orange ball of flame went out towards the group of Undead.


However, something was off and Manu instantly noticed it. The singular Mage amongst the group of 20 normal Undeads with two Assassin Zombies, it spoke in a hoarse voice like an old man. With one flick to the side of its staff, a hexagonal blue plate formed and spread out wider in an instant. The Fireball was instantly blocked, and only a few scratches were visible on the hexagonal blue plates.


"You three… I will be happy to accept thou into our ranks."


The three were shaken slightly. None of the other encounters were like this.

'This time is… different.'

They haven't seen what true dread is when clearing through the first floor, the most tedious and mentally straining floor of the entire Celestial Dark Palace.

"It won't be enough to stop me!"

"Ohh… you are determined to vanquish me, then try with your best efforts. I won't fall behind my soon-to-be juniors."

The Mage spoke of things the three couldn't understand. But Manu didn't care for any of that, and focused his mind solely on his purpose ahead.

Manu easily slashes away and destroys the hexagonal plates, then begins to rapidly tear through the Undead ranks. However, it is only then did the other two Assassin Zombies jump into the fray.

"Death… Rest."

"Deadly… Slumber."

The two Zombies seem to mutter something, but only a couple of words manage to enter Manu's ears. The daggers they're holding glowed a malevolent red light, and lethal intent could be felt directed towards Manu.


He instantly recognizes it, and realizes how much trouble he's in. He's stuck in a tough spot, with the daggers filled with an intent to kill slowly going towards his body.

'I won't have enough time!'

He couldn't dodge the daggers, at least one of them will stab him, and it will be lethal or at least a critical wound.

'Shit, I guess we've met our match this time…'

He felt hopeless, even more so now than ever. He has lost his friend and comrade, and now they're stuck with his killer. He gritted his teeth, and murderous thoughts began to surface in his mind.

'I can't… die here yet!'

However, even if that empowered his will, his body was still the same. Willpower alone can achieve great feats, especially in this world, but that alone won't help for much if one's body is insufficient to support it.


He braces himself for what's to come.

He manages to dodge one of the daggers that's coming from the left side, but was stabbed by the right one on the shoulder and rendered his entire right arm useless.


"Intermediate Cure Wounds."

A soft and warm green glow envelopes him, sparkles went and flew around, and a smile surfaces on Manu's face.

"Thanks, Lily!"

He shouted, but hope was faint, and now seemingly distant.

"Physical Frailty."

Immediately as he began to feel better, his pain slightly relieved, it returned to him in full force and even made it ten times worse than it already was in the beginning.


Even so, Manu persevered stubbornly. He gripped his dagger in his left hand, and thrust it into the stomach of the now exposed Zombie. It, since its appearance has rotted so much that gender recognition is almost impossible, suffered a fatal wound to its right abdomen. Then, to further guarantee the kill, Manu continued pushing the dagger horizontally and guts spilled out along with a surprisingly large amount of green colored blood.

His muscles strained beyond his limits, screamed in agony for him to stop and surrender, but was silenced by his determination and willpower.

"Wow, I am genuinely surprised, but that will be as far as thy go."

"Not so fast, Mage!"

One oversight of the group, especially the Skeleton Mage. While the fighting was going on, Lily had been preparing her Spell that looked to be in the 5th tier, possibly even 6th tier from how massive it is, more than twice Lily's height of 1m68.

"Maximize Magic: Razor Storm Gale!"

From the large bright green colored Magic Eye came out arcs of sharp, deadly winds that flew and cut the Undead in its way. Manu avoided with his best efforts, managing to get through with a few scratches. He was bleeding everywhere on his body, a dagger sticking out from his shoulder, and yet he managed to keep a calm expression on his face.


"Get back… it's not safe for you to come here. Fix me up when the fight is over."

Manu looked at the Skeleton Mage who was defending against the almost endless barrage of wind arcs. His eyes narrowed to a slit, and Ki gradually built up and discharged around him that's red in color instead of his usual yellowish green.

"I can't hold it much longer, so get ready to fight again Manu!"

"Can't we just run?! This is getting dangerous!"

"Run?! They'll chase us down like dogs. We can't turn our backs against them!"

Genna was worried, Lily was desperate, and Manu was determined. These three will be the basis for what's to come in the future.


"Merlin, answer my call."

In the blue sky, a white haired individual was floating while the clouds moved underneath, beside, and through him. The one he called for, Merlin, the Grand Mage, the Blue Nova, responded in kind due to the Curse.

'Yes, my God?'

His voice existed only in the white haired man's mind. His eyes narrow to a slit, as he speaks again.

"This is the first time you've been summoned, don't be so stiff. Make a good impression, and something good might just happen."

'Tch, whatever.'

The now Servant of Death, Merlin grumbly replied, displeased with what he just heard from the God of Death that now assumes his aesthetics.

'By the way… you do know that plagiarism is a serious issue?'

"What's the matter? The game is no longer live, and you are also dead. For me to assume your form of aesthetics should be the greatest of pleasures for you. Your form will be preserved through me, in this new World that I am in."

'It's still the same though… but yes, it is different in some ways.'

Merlin, both the God of Death and Servant belonging to Death, could sense it. The World that Sora lived in, the World that has been molded for countless centuries, was now a different land than before. More degenerated, more vile, more pure, much weaker than what it was in its heyday.

"Let's correct this difference, together, aye?"

'...At your command, my God.'

Merlin A. Avalon, the name that shall be engraved onto this World's history as the greatest ever Mage to live, starts from a meeting with a Goddess.


Fun fact:

–Sora Kuroka once used Proliferating Soul to produce seventeen other copies of himself. He took on multiple roles with differing Builds, and sent out a warning to the other Worlds that's in the Top 10 to prepare themselves for his arrival.

–What ensued was a massive alliance of the Top 10 along with the ones in the 30s to band together. Eighteen Soras, all of which are dressed and decked out in different Builds for their roles, fought against thirty Top ranking Players from the 30s to the 10s. The result? They barely managed to survive while managing to reduce the number of Soras to one, with most of the Top 10 being killed down to just three members. There was Sarah and her sister, and another male Player who goes by the Player Name [Iliat] that's a Bard.

–From then on, most of the Players that reached the 50s in the ranking would all join a singular Guild called Unified Alliance. It was in fear of the same tragedy repeating again. That day was also one of the most profitable days Sora had, since his World's quality was boosted significantly after absorbing so many Worlds.