
CHAPTER V: Down to the past

"We..... Can take them back". He looked at me with such a serious face while saying this words

"Who?" "We seem to not loss anyone?"

"Can't you really remember?" "How can the world be unfair...I can remember everything while you..."

He--'s crying?

This familiar scene... It has happened before

Who is this boy?

Why do I have a memory of him crying? Do I know him? Is it because his my classmate? Or is it because I know him in the past?

"I ca~n't remember" my head hurts. (Fainted)


A boy? He look familiar.... He has such a nice smile.

"Hi I'm Ian what's your name?"


"Hum... I..an.. "

"Huh" "Hey wake up"

Who is talking?

Oh it's him. "Ian" His here Ian is alive, I can't wait to hug him.....

But his eyes!!? It's the not the same...

His eyes doesn't have the color of blood and death.... I remember he has eyes of ocean and sky

But why?

"Hey wake up, I'm not your Ian" "Wake up we need to get out of here"

Huh not Ian?

Then why do they looked the same?

"He is what he is, but not what you think he is"

Suddenly a voice speak out this words

What does it mean?

Who is this boy besides me?

"We need to get out here now"

"Where are we going?"

"To where it begun " he smiled while saying this words, what a fake smile it is.

"Wait what? To the past? ""How? "

He covered my eyes, I can't see anything but I can feel where floating in air

"Hold tight" he said

But my hand slipped and I ended up falling.....the scenery is so beautiful

Why did he covered my eyes? Doesn't he want me to see this?

"Don't look you're going to die!!!"


I turned back and saw.... I saw memories that's been a taboo in my mind

I've fallen on one of those memories, one of those time in the past

Time where Ian faded