
CHAPTER 1: Cry of my crony

August 9 the day of our competition .Before the competition begins I went to find my best friend Ian. I went to all corner of the school where the event was organized until I found him on some old library.

He was talking to the phone, indignant, but his crestfallen eyes tells something else..... I ran unto him. In my mind I should comfort him console him but before i can do that all, he looked at me with a river flowing tears

Those eyes, his telling me he'll leave me.....someday

He walked towards me. Reach out his hand

His warm hands touching my cheeks gently, with his sweet words

He leaned his head on my shoulder. My dress was filled with his sorrowful tears flowing slowly in my arm.

"I'll leave now don't be sad ok" he just said those words without hesitation. Nothing was stopping him I held his hand and quickly hug him. This strong feeling I feel, I can't hide it anymore

Don't leave me, I need you, please stay.I want to say this words but it won't come out of my shittiful mouth

He loosen my grip on his body and ran towards the school's forbidden place.

I don't think of any consequences any more.....my mind was full of his words

In my mind it's just him leaving me

I followed him

His there on the ground sitting peacefully

The tears are gone his smiling as if nothing happened i walked near him and sat down on his side

He lay on my legs telling all our memories, recalling everything

"Remember that day when yo--" I stopped him before he can say it

"Who called you?" I really want to know what can give him such grief

The world became quiet as if time stopped

He just stand up all of a sudden

"I really love her"

His words those words that only given to one person. His inamorata