
The world.

 Day 6.

We are all one. Some even claim we are all just infinite variations of a single entity. And if this is the case then a burning question emerges. What constitutes good and evil? And that's not all. There's also the concept of unfairness; inequality. Darkness and light. I had to wonder what does all of this mean in the face of God?


To tell you the truth, Life in this world is one full of misery. Why? Because From birth we are plunged into an endless struggle. A survival for the fittest game, whereby only the strong; the gifted, prosper in the game that is called life. Unfair right? Yes it really is. But at the same time it really isn't. It is said that every human being is built equally at birth. And things begin to change just short of that. To some their academic effort is what sets them apart from the rest of us. But not just that, there's also unilaterally talented from the start. Who come into this world blessed with above average abilities that are unfathomable to the common-folk. And there's also the quick learners. Who usually get things done in their first if not second attempt.

So, where does equality come into play? They say we're all equal. When, where and how are all of us equal?

Clearly, just from that you can safely deduce that this world runs on some kind of dynamic. Not equality but meritocracy. Where each individual follows this law without knowing it. Individuality is what gets preached out in our actions from our day-to-day activities. Believe it or not but this belief system running this world is only a subject of the propaganda set in place by the leaders of society.

But even then in this world. In our world, earth, we humans value our species to the point that it could be akin to infatuation. It doesn't end there. Religion in itself is a form of possession fo us. Why It's hope. It's our way of life. It represents salvation from this hell that we call earth. And last but not least it solidifies our purpose, giving it meaning.

Admittedly all of this could be taken as just the rumbling of a drunk. But if I may be so straightforward. This world has known pain. Will know pain and has been pain. I can't quite say how this analogy fits into place but think about it for a second. From the moment we are born. The very first sensation we experience is pain. This later goes on to become even more pain(emotional) such as fear and its other counterparts. It is from this so called experiences that life get its meaning. In this world, everyone and everything is one. From the soul or spirit to the flesh which is the body. All of it according to scientist are part of the world dynamic. Energy is everything. Ever heard of the law of attraction? This one basically states that your mind works hand in hand with the greater world. Anything you can imagine, the world can create. But all of this depends on perception and time. Key important rules to the law. Let's not go any further on it, and switch it up to another law, Murphy's law, stating: Anything that can go wrong, will. So if this is how the world operates then what would be the point?

I really do not know.


And again the day began with my series of unfortunate events. Leading me here to this bar. Lady luck strikes again. Wow. Talk about anticlimactic.

I really couldn't say how long I had been here Per Se. 2hrs maybe? No that's not right. It felt way more than that. I checked the time on my phone.

6pm huh.

Guess it was more like 9hrs not 2. I gotta say. Loosing your job isn't the best of feelings out there. But what are you gonna do? Nothing really. You get fucked, you drink. It's as simple as that. Why go around, living life in a stressed out state whereas you can just get drunk and forget about it all?

Yes that's right. This is why I drink. Not for kicks and giggles or just for fun. It's my escape. My gateway to a state of temporary peace.

I don't want to remember How mom treats me so, I gulp down a bottle of Vodka. I don't want to remember the disdain in Sylvia's eyes, and so I take another bottle. This has been my life ever since I got introduced to drinking back in college. Day in Day out rinse repeat.

As much as I'd like to say that all of this was brought on me by my foolishness, I can't help but wonder. Why things such as Fate exist. We grow up learning that there are things in life that are predetermined from birth. Such as your calling and all that. Which is why I have to ask. If this is the case then does that mean that I was fated to experience this hardships? And if that's true, why was I supposed to suffer? Why me God! Why let me go around living in agony? What did I ever do to deserve such a life?

At times I think to myself, why do people in this world suffer? Left to right there's news of some kind of crisis. A massive explosion. A kid abandoned by his parents. Another loosing his entire world; his family. What leads to this events? Fate.

We keep hearing that we are fated this and fated that. Bull. Why can't we not get fated to horrific events? Clearly the one controlling fate may have a twisted sense of humor.

To be able to assign such cruel realities.


This world, one filled with beauty at its center could be such an ugly place.

Streets filled with red. Dark clouds of smoke accumulating and Infidelity being the norm. It was once a utopia but now. As we advance in civilization, we solve our recurring issues while creating deadly ones. It is said that even if we were to eradicate our enemies, we would somehow manage to make even more. It's a condition of hopelessness. And knowing this we yearn for peace. But its boring so we search for entertainment. Humanity as we all know it pride themselves in their intellect. Bringing up new concepts and ideas to their daily lives. Perfection. Honesty. Selflessness. Just some of the things you find being preached to the masses by the ones pulling our strings. But all of it is just contradictory. No one is truly perfect. People make mistakes, even the minute ones are still classified as mistakes. Then there's honesty. As much as you'd hate me for this. Honesty is just a fools errand. We marginalize ourselves with the degree in which we tell the truth. Always counting. I did it that time. Am so righteous. And yet, We the honest folks are the biggest Liars of all. Unbeknownst to us this world of ours runs in a lie driven dynamic. The truth hidden perfectly in a web of lies. And that's not all. We have Selflessness. This for a fact is the biggest lie one can ever tell themselves. Cause in truth. No one is selfless. In order to give we must receive. Be it emotionally or physically, we gain something in our self-righteous endevour. The justification that we are indeed good. The lie we normally tell ourselves. Proof to our fellow beings that we are saints. The list goes on. Granted that we perform an action, the subconscious dynamic works itself out to solve newtons third law. For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.

Again I find myself lost in thought while drowned in booze. I must say,sometimes I even surprise myself by the thoughts that normally spring up from time to time. No wait, whenever am dead ass drunk that is. But at the end of it all I never seem to get an answer for the questions. What is the true meaning of Life? What constitutes death? What is the essence of Good and Evil? The significance of Darkness and light? The more I think the more questions I get.

If only one supreme being could satisfy this burning urge to know.

Urp! Oh wait that was a burning sensation, of the drink I just poured down mixed in with an unbearable urge to throw up.

"Excuse me sir. If you can't handle your drink I suggest you go outside. Cleaning after you would be an excruciating task" the bar tender said eyeballing me closely.

Sorry for the scare madude it won't happen again. I apologized to him in my head then continued gazing at the glass in-front of me. Then came the monster.

"Having a bad Day." He said as he pulled a chair next to me at the counter.

"What do you want?" I asked. Not even bothering to look in the persons direction for confirmation. Just from the voice I knew who it was. Stan. The guy who just fired me from my job not long ago.

"Well I just came here for a drink, Mind if I join you?"

"Yes I do." I said. But he ignored me and proceeded to order 2 scorchs.

The bar tender after a set of mechanical movements placed his orders on the counter. Stan then slid one of the drinks to me.

"Here My treat."

"You trying to hit on me or something?"

" Ha ha , quite the contrary I just want to chat with you that's all"

" Really now?"

"Yes really." I turned and looked at him. Yes it really was Stan. But he didn't have his normal air of dominance around him. He seemed laid back, even smiling which was creepy.

Seeing as how I had no more money left in my pocket. And my drink was almost finished I couldn't see any reason to refute his generous offer. But that didn't mean we were buddy buddy. I was just going to pretend to listen to what he was going to say and be done with him. At-least that's what I kept telling myself at the moment.

"Tell me, What are you most afraid off?" He began his question after taking a sip.

I had figured that he was going to spout a bunch of crap like it was his job and all that but this? I hadn't expected him to throw out such a question.

"What am afraid off huh....Well that would be dying of course. I'd argue everyone is afraid of death."

"I see, but that's where I'd have to disagree with you."


"You see, human beings are social creatures by nature. Our entire existence centers around us coexisting. We can't handle being alone. Feeling loneliness. That's why we work hard, strive to prove our existence in this world before we die. But dying in and of itself is proof of our existence. So..Death shouldn't be your greatest fear. Not existing should."

"Huh?" This guy lost me a couple of words back. How can you not exist while you already exist.

"I know what you are think. 'How can you not exist while you already exist' right?" He was dead on the money.

"It's simple really, we are driven by the mirror effect. If you were to walk around in the street and no one reacted to your presence then that means that you do not exist. And the pain you would feel from that would be worse than death."

if people do not perceive you then you become something like a ghost.

"That's why most of us chase fame and popularity. We are addicted to living. To the drug that getting recognized brings. 'I see you so you must exist.' It's exhilarating, we are afraid to loose jobs, to loose money, to loose out on the standards set by people of how existing must be."

"So what are you getting at?"

"You can't even figure out that much, then I guess you really are dumb."

"You!" I stood up and held him by the collar glaring daggers at him. What was stopping me from lashing out at him? It was just so simple. A punch. Maybe even two. His face and attitude warranted such an action from me. But I felt that deep down If I were to go ahead with it I would be playing into his little game.

"Who are you calling Dumb?"

"Who do you think, am not talking to anyone else now am I? Only Y O U!" I clenched my fist. Ready to strike. But even then. He didn't flinch. He just gazed at me like a child throwing a tantrum. I could feel the contempt in his eyes. It was as if I didn't even register as a threat to him. What was it that made me hesitate? Yes, I get it now. It was that personality of his.

He was toying with me. This was him proving to me that he felt no fear. If I struck him. To him it would be a momentary inconvenience and that would be that. Am sure even if I held him at gun point he wouldn't flinch or even act scared in the least. He was the very definition of a monster.

"Aren't you going to hit me?, am sure it will make you feel better."

I glanced at the bar tender who was simply minding his business not even paying us the least bit of concern. I really was foolish for getting heated. I gently let go of his collar then sat back down.

Like I said,we are all one. And if you try to explain this meaning further, you reach the conclusion that we are all just infinite variations of a single entity. Life in this worlds breeds different kinds of people. We have the selfless, the morally upright, the conniving, and monsters such as Stan. Our experiences brings out this final completion of people. And given that at some point two people may inherently experience trauma that may appear to be similar, in reality it is not.

No human being goes with life experiencing sequences of events exactly the same as another. I think this is what brings about a variation in personality. Like for instance. Say character X happened to experience everything that I went through. Albeit in a tilted order. He or she might turn out differently, but that's not all, the real difference appears in how we react to situations. We can't always react the same way to different stimulus as our neighbors. It depends on our own perception of reality. How we process information.

For instance, lets take what just happened a few moments ago. If it were reversed, I would have flinched, retaliated or even reflexively put myself in a defensive position. But I just couldn't understand how someone could come to be so emotionless.

"Tell me Stan. Have you ever killed anyone?" I asked. Wanting to wrap my head around the fact that monsters such as him actually do exist.

"Well that depends on your definition of kill. But admittedly, every action that we take has an irrefutable consequence. No matter the intention, things may end up the way you do not expect them to."

"Is that a Yes?"

"Who can say, I'll leave that to your imagination." As he said that. He was devoid of any emotion. I wanted to scan for traces of remorse but he had none. Given that his statement could be taken as an admission of guilt. To him it could be just any other thing that happened in his life. A byproduct that he was indifferent to.

Truly a monster in all sense.

"I have another question for you _____"


"People say that things are predetermined and that you can't change the circumstances surrounding your life. Tell me is this true according to you?"

"In a way yes. People go around striving for a perfect outcome. Always trying to make the best of their circumstances but if it is all fixed in the end. Every outcome like a binary code in a machine, then what's the point?"


"Having unalterable forces such as fate and destiny make the free will of life a huge contradiction."

"I see you have some mind boggling ideas. But if I may deter from your view point a bit. You said that this world revolves around a mechanical dynamic where people are just pawns following a set of instructions. And be that as it may, you also went on to add that from this dynamic, it's almost next to impossible to alter your circumstances. Is that right?"

"Yeah and?"

"But that's where you are wrong. The circumstances revolving around us have been next to a moldable piece of clay from the beginning."

"Hmm?" I squinted, then turned to him. What was he saying exactly?

"Indeed what am saying is the very an adulterated truth. And people such as myself are proof that its quite possible."

"But how?" he smiled at me then brought his right index finger, tapping my head in the process.

"Think. Don't be foolish now." Was this the answer I lacked all this time?

"it all boils down to your attention. Live in a world where chaos runs rampant and that's what your world will be.

All your life you've been going around feeling sorry for yourself. Thinking that you are indeed trash. Blaming everything and everyone that happened to go against your desires. And in doing so you became the trash that you kept telling yourself."

How did he know all this?

Who really was this guy?

"People can become whatever they want to be. But it just so happens that you chose poorly."


I started getting dizzy and dizzy. My vision blurry and an unbearable pain in my chest.

"I just, ah ,god it hurts."

My mind went blank vision dark. All was left was his voice playing over and over in my head. Those words, so simple yet so heavy. Somehow I couldn't get myself to unhear what he had told me. Maybe everything he said was actually true. And am the one who chose to become trash. Ah, this pain is getting too much for me to handle.


In the next moment I was at a tall building standing there at the edge. I felt a strange sense of dejavu. Those, city lights, the drink in my hand. All of it was just so.....

"Finally come to?"

A beautiful voice asked. I turned to my right and saw a beautiful young man. Dark hair with fiery eyes. He was almost too good looking. If I were to hazard a\ guess I'd say he was an angel.

"Who are you?"

"My My Quite the short Memory you have there. I believe this is the second time we're meeting."


"Morning-star, Lucifer Morning-star. Try not to forget it this time boy." As he introduced himself all the memories from my other days came flooding in.

I started shivering. Remembering that place in which this creature ruled. Guess I will be haunted by that place for as long as I live.

But there's only one question that was on my mind right now. Why him? I expected it would be God this time but guess I was wrong.

"Is my company not good enough for you mortal?"

Really now, the king of hell is jealous that I prefer God over him? Come on this has to be a jok-

We made eye contact and he was glaring. Well I guess like father like son as they always say. They have that annoying ability to peer into another's thoughts.

"No not at all. Am loving your company." I said, sheepishly.

"Haa" He sighed. Then turned to me.

"Tell me Mortal, Ever had the phrase the Devil within?"

"The devil Within?"

"Yes Just as it sounds"

"No I don't think I have."

"Well then Let me Enlighten you. Come with me." He said, taking hold of me by the arm and jumping off the edge dragging me along with him.


As much as I would've wanted to fly all the way here, teleportation was also okay. Given that I almost swallowed my heart from that scare this guy pulled on me. Imagine having the scene change from that of almost plummeting to your doom to that of a classic night bar called Midnight.

Ah unreal. Sigh.

I had heard a lot of things about this place. First of all this place was a well known establishment to all the higher ups (Government officials and what not) and was where most of the shady business in town took place. If you needed anything done. This was the place. And secondly. The drinks being served here were too damn expensive. And this guy wanted us to just go in? Wow talk about being a financial force of nature.

"Stay close." He said as I strode inside the bar. It was packed with people from left to right. Others dancing, most of them just chatting. I thought we were going to go to the counter but that was not the case. He led me to the VIP section where he went in without even a word. And without the bouncer bringing a fuss about it. Guess he was a regular here. No wait he was more than a regular. The bouncer was about to stop me from entering but upon looking at lucifer he quickly let me pass. The sheer pressure this guy was exuding on him was tantamount to a Mountain and a pebble. Was he the owner of this place by any chance? Maybe. But nah that can't be true right? Tell me am right on this one!

We got to our seat and then ordered a couple of drinks. Expensive ones. But who cares about the price, at least the tab wasn't on me.

"Now then. Shall we begin?"

"Huh? Begin?"

"A game."


"Yes Game. To be more precise a Guessing game." What would be the point of such a game?

"It's simple. I want you to look around us and tell me how many people you think are capable of doing something evil."

From what he was saying it sounded so simple but it was actually quite hard. Telling if someone was capable of something atrocious just by their appearance would be by far the most challenging thing to almost anyone. Even the experts normally rely on some kind of irrefutable evidence. Say their past actions per se. And even this level of information isn't sufficient enough to dictate their potential for evil.

But he did say I was to guess right? So if I did it randomly it would be fine since it's a game and all.

Now then, Where to begin.

I scanned the Section we were in. There were about 24 Males and 13 females currently present. I spent about 10 seconds gazing at each individual and signaling to lucifer the ones I personally thought were cable of evil deeds.

But as much as I'd like to say that my decision was purely random. There were still factors at play here like cognitive biases. For example like a rough face. Normally we associate this with danger. Presuming the person in question to be dangerous. Also the attitude someone displays has a huge factor in determining their potential for evil.

But don't forget, its just a game so none of them are capable of it I hope.

Of the 37 I had seen, I managed to pick out 25 as the number of people in the VIP section who were evil if not capable of it deep down. But this was just my personal evaluation according to the game. Am sure that if I were to meet them, my initial view would change.

"I see." He said. The took his drink and swerved it around. And then stopped.

"Please, drink. Don't mind me." He added before taking a sip of his drink.

I followed up after him and sipped mine. The drink was good. It really suited this classy place.

"From your deduction. You are partly correct and partly wrong. The truth of if is. All of the people here are evil by their nature. The very fact that they chose to come here of all the clubs present in this city is proof of that."

"Really ? All of them?"

"Yes, For example take a look at her." He directed my gaze to a woman. One of the 13. Dressed in a beautiful white dress. And quite gorgeous. She was drinking on her own. looking a bit lonely. Was she waiting for someone? probably. She had been one of the few I had judged not to be capable of doing something bad and yet lucifer was saying she could. Her innocent looks could mislead anyone. Even you am sure. But I don't think that was the main focus of what he was getting at.

"Natalie Ann Frenzo" He said. Am guessing that was her name.

"She's quite famous you see. She is one of the people out there who you'd call a tycoon. In fact she has shares of this very city you are standing on."

"Wait really?" I was aghast at the revelation he just imparted on me. Like this woman was really a big shot in the world.

"Yes, and so far how many people do you think she has managed to kill just for getting in her way?"

"Ah, I don't know maybe a few 100?"

"No More than a million."


"Yes that's how dangerous she really is. It's the innocent and harmless looking types you ought to watch out for."

"But what does this mean exactly?"

"In this world every one has a devil within them. Meaning no matter how good you are or claim to be. With the right buttons pushed or when placed in an unfavorable situation, the greatest of souls are capable of the deadliest of vices."

"And that's not all, there's someone else I would like you to observe." This time he showed me a man who was in his mid 40's chatting amicably with his colleagues. He seemed happy, and you couldn't even tell if he had anything going on. And again he was one of the lucky few who got exempted from my random selection.

"But for this one. It be easier if I just showed you."

"Huh show me?" I asked, confused but then he just tapped my head and then everything went dark.


Honestly life for me has never been a walk in the park. Why? Because I was born of a prostitute, and immediately afterwards, My father abandon me and my mother. But it was expected. He was a well known politician and if scandal of him of having a child with a prostitute ever got out, he'd loose his political standing not just his family. And so he made a choice. Them or us and he chose them.

For as long as I can remember I've grown up hating this man. He had everything the money and the means. If he really wanted to he could've supported us. Been there through my high-school years. He could've even saved moms life. But he didn't. I remember the look of contempt in his eyes when I ran to a gala that all the business people were attending. I had gone there to tell him about mom's condition and have him pay her medical expenses if not buy her drugs to help with the pain. But he just looked at me and said.

"What kind of nonsense are you spouting boy. I neither know you nor your mother."

He said as he dropped the photo I had handed him of her to the ground and walked off.

From that moment. The time I realized I was truly alone in this world. I vowed to myself and mom to get back at him. To make it truly in all of it's essence in life. And ruin the man that was my father.


I struggled to make ends meet after mom died. I had no relatives. No mentor, nothing. Days would go by without me even eating. I would often find myself ravaging in the dumpsters of high end restaurants just to keep myself alive. This wasn't the life I wanted. The life I had to will myself into. This was my false reality. An illusion. A fabrication of the weak minded and the hopeless. No! I couldn't go on like this. I needed my escape. I was beyond poor. I was homeless. Abandoned. And garbage as some of my age mates seemed to call me. Something had to be done.

And so I began working on myself. I took jobs, all kinds of jobs. I was desperate but deep down I had my own goal. Soon I managed to get enough money for me to enroll in High-school. I later managed to get into college where I studied law. Now finally I was at the starting point. My first chapter was about to begin. All that came before that was just the prologue. 'Now let's begin'


The first time I met Alex was back in college. He wasn't smart. He wasn't a genius. He just seemed to be an ordinary person. I was a genius. I constantly was at the top of our class at law school. But there was something about him that always gave me the chills. It was something that I couldn't quite put my finger on. What was it?

I decided to ask him about it someday. I asked him what his purpose was. And do you know what answer he gave me was? To be the best. He was serious when he said it. But I laughed. How could he be the best when he couldn't even beat me in class? It was so foolish. He had an unreachable dream. I was leagues far above him. So what made him strive for this goal I was curious but I just let it go. He was just too beneath me to even bother asking him his motivation. But after laughing at him. He just turned to me, came close to me and whisper into my ear the words 'Just you wait and see.' And then left.

From that moment on, that feeling I got from him was growing and becoming apparent. I needed to crush him. Why? Just for the thrill. I wanted to prove to him that I was better than him. I kept getting better grades than him. Still at the top of our class. But he didn't seem upset. He was the same. I was furious. Didn't he see that I was finally better than him?

I confronted him about it and he said to me. 'Oh so that's why your grades got better than before huh' He didn't care. Who was this guy? I used my father's connection to do a background check on him and it came out blank. Nothing just that he went to some schools and nothing more. It was like he was a ghost. He was just abnormal. No one Had that kind of clean record. But I guess that was the extent of information I could get for the time being. Then graduation came. And I found myself asking him what he had planned after it. And he said he wanted to become a politician. I wasn't interested in politics but I thought to myself. If I became a politician and finally beat him thoroughly in the position then he would have to acknowledge that I was better than him. I wanted to see the look in his eyes when he lost.

With the connection from my father I got into politics but only at a low level. Even if you had someone backing you up. You still had to build face and amass popularity and gain influence. He soon got into the same position as me. But I had the advantage. I had a powerful man backing me up and he had no one. That's when I new I had won.

After a few years a seat opened up in the government and it was up to us to fill in the position. And so it came down to either me or him. Who would it be?

We started our campaign and went head to head. But still it felt like he wasn't even giving his all. He had that look in his eyes like he simply did not care. I will show you then true defeat. Let's see if you will still act like that after I defeat you by a mile. My father's support was the key in this. I could win. I had to win. Loosing this was not an option.

The day before the election he came to me and whispered in my ear. 'I will win'


After saying that he left. He was mocking me. We'll see Who will loose. It won't be me. "I will not loose! Just you wait and see."

The day of the election came and I won. I actually won. This proved it. I was better than him. There wasn't any excuse he could cook up that could hide that fact. I was better than him. I was born a winner. A talented genius. One of the chosen few. My father Albert and I would be the ones ruling this industry before long. That's how it was fated to be.

I expected Alex to give up but he didn't he vied for another position that opened up shortly afterwards and got in. Then I didn't see him after that.

Time went on. My dad and I invested in businesses. Got into the corrupt sector of politics. Slowly and surely I was rising in the underworld. I was almost there. Sooner or later I would be at the pinnacle of power in the political world. Just one more push.

But the world isn't always so nice. Things started to crumble. Our businesses started getting leaked. It was just about time before all the money we had embezzled was tracked back to us. We had to get rid of the evidence. That meant killing everyone that knew about it. But just as the plans were underway. Something happened.

"Julius."Late at night. In the comfort of my home someone called out to me. I was alone at the time. My wife and kids were not home at the moment. Which was a relief.

I woke up and sat down in pitch black darkness. The man continued.

"I told you I would win."

The man said. Which was confusing. Who was he?

But then it dawned on me. That voice was familiar. It was Alex. I switched on the light only to find out that he was holding a gun to me.

"Huh?" I gaped. What was happening? Why was this happening? Did he just loose it because I won? No it has to be more than that. I peered into his eyes and all I could see was contempt. He wasn't even hiding his hatred for me. What did I do to him? It can't be the constant competitive streak I kept forcing on him right?

"What do you mean?"

"As of tomorrow, I will be taking your father's position. And you are going to die."

"But how? And why?"

"You wanna know how I won?"


"There's a huge difference between you and me. You have talent and I don't. But, Obsession's going to beat talent every time. You have all the talent in the world. But are you obsessed? That's right I win!"

He said, the corners of his mouth turning into a wide grin.

"Haven't figured it out yet?"

"Figured what out?"

"For a genius you are quite slow on the up take."


"It was all planned from the beginning."

"What are you talking about?"

"You think you just so happened to notice me in law school? You think you were the one planning everything don't you? But it was all me! Don't you think your obsession of defeating me was a little out of place? You had no reason to compete with me and yet you did, why is that?"

He's right why did I keep on trying to prove that I was better than him? I had no real reason to compete with him so why did I keep it up.


He was manipulating me from the very beginning.

"You totally thought that it was just random right? But in reality you were chosen. I chose you. Because you are the building block of my success. You have been quite unfortunate to follow my every lead like a puppet and now the biggest upset in political history is about to take place all thanks to you."

"What does that mean? How did you-"

"Those businesses you were funding. Did you really put much thought into it or were you just being driven by the lust for power. You didn't even stop to think of the consequences of your actions and now everything will be catching up to you, and especially your untouchable father."

All of this. Why was this happening? I have been a puppet all of my life. I thought that finally I would get my happy ending and now this? No! Unforgivable! I will not loose! I won't! I can't!

He switched the safety of the gun and finally stood. He had gloves on. So he had really thought this out huh. I guess it really is just how he said. I was talented but not obsessed, if I was then maybe I could....

He fired the gun! And that was that.


What do you wanna be in life? A teacher? an engineer? a doctor? Or....even a politician? What's the first thing you ask yourself after answering this question? Mine is: Are you obsessed? Yours? Well, hold that thought. After consuming a lot of knowledge on psychology I came to realize something. That obsession is going to beat talent every time. It's either you are talented or you are obsessed. Well you could be both. But if not then you are either of the two. So I then came to a conclusion. I had something to do. I had to put this into my life. I needed to make myself obsessed in order to win. And after all the work I put into it look at me now. I Win.

Even as the blood of Julius was turning the white bed red. I was in ecstasy. Finally my plans were beginning to take place. My revenge plan was finally happening. So exciting.

My father, Albert, in the biologically sense alone. Was soon stripped of his position and finally imprisoned. But that wasn't all. That morning as they placed handcuffs on him he was told that his son was found dead. I had a better view of him as he was taken away. It was claimed to be suicide but deep down I knew he doubted it. But that look in his eyes. For the first time than man was horrified.

My job was just beginning.

I managed to amass power in the position I had stripped out of my father's hands and became one of the most powerful people on the planet. But still my satisfaction of the position would be complete when my good for nothing father saw me in it. He was given a life sentence so I would get the rest of his life to make him despair for abandoning us.

After 10 years, the time that it took me to be truly powerful and banking billions I decided to pay that man a visit. I had decided that this was the day he was going to die. And so I told him everything. I told him the reason why he was going to die and the exact time. Why his family, the one he chose instead of us, have suffered ever since he was imprisoned. And his response to all of it was;

"Please. Alex. I never intended for you and your mother to suffer, I really loved you and your mother. Believe me Son. Please free me from this place." And as expected when someone is truly cornered they will say anything just to be spared.

"Okay then. I will free you only if you tell me my mother's name."

"Yes yes her name! It's .....it's Rose, Yes. Her name was Rose!"

"Goodbye. Father."

"No wait. It's Marie right it has to be Marie!"

Sorry old man. But you just killed yourself. My mother went by the name Tina But her full name was Christine. But it's not like you would remember the name of the woman you chose to abandon, Now die.

I am prepared to do anything to achieve my goals. I have killed people and I don't plan to stop now. That's just the burden that comes with wanting something so badly.

Even as I sat at the table in Midnight. I thought to myself. I had finally accomplished my revenge plan. I had achieved my life long dream. Now what? Was this the end? Was this the bitter after taste of achieving your goal? They say the thrill is in the chase and not the actual catch. Meaning the journey to your destination is the most enjoyable part of life than actually reaching your destination. But, this isn't the end for me. I still have things to do. Things my mother wanted to do. I took out her diary. Now the first phase of my life has passed, onto the next.



I came back to the seat and began gasping for air. I had experienced the life of another like last time. I was him and he was me. I looked to my right and saw Alex looking at a note book. Whilst casually tapping on it as he drank.

"See. Almost everyone is capable of evil deeds. It just depends on your circumstances."

I listened in as my breathing was calming down.

"If his circumstances were different. He wouldn't be this ruthless monster that was forced to evolve from a timid and optimistic mindset. This world is cruel, accept that. But do not try to bend the spoon for that's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth, that there is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends it is only yourself."

Huh? What does that even mean?

"Think for yourself. Boy." He said and then that same burning sensation in my chest came back.

"Oh and by the way, You need to take better care of your liver you know." He said and I lost consciousness.


So my child. Are you one step closer to the truth? You kept on asking what was the essence of good and evil. Well have you finally figured it out?

Huh? No I uh haven't.

Well its simple. It has no point and it has.

What's that supposed to mean?

Its a contradiction. For something to exist it must be in a state of contradiction. It must have infinite potential for right as much as left.

Am not quite following.

Are you familiar with Schrodinger's cat theory where A living cat is placed into a steel chamber along with a hammer, a vial of hydrocyanic acid and a very small amount of radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the radioactive substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip the hammer, which will turn, break the vial of poisonous gas and cause the cat to die. According to Copenhagen, the cat inside the box is left to be in a semi alive state. Meaning it could go both ways. It could either be dead or alive until proven otherwise by the observer. This also applies to the world in general.

In birth everyone's potential for evil and goodness is equal. For in order for something to be good, the potential for evil must exist. It's yin and yang. It's causality. Two equal balancing of forces.

I never thought of it that way.

As for the inequality part. That all depends on the kind of world you live in. The world is different in everyoneelse's eyes. Equality separates after you humans start becoming aware of yourself. You start living in your own little world. If everyone's world was the same, wouldn't that be tantamount to having one being with just different bodies?

But inequality, brings to life the various variation of a single entity. It shows the ingenuity of people. No one is as resourceful as a poor person. But yet abundance makes the rich poor. It all just depends on the level of economity of individuals worlds.

And lastly as for Fairness. It's simple. The story of your life wouldn't be unique if you had similar things to another person. That's the essence of life.

So from that what are we expected to do?

Just like my son told you. The answer to that is all up to you. Now then sleep My child.

That motherly love was growing stronger and stronger, I just found myself succumbing to it. It felt peaceful.

Then, Cut to black. Darkness.