
Those zombies again

One day Sam wakes up in a world full of zombies and tries to survive. PS First of all i would not recommend this novel if you haven't read like hundred of novels already. Its pretty weird and depressing novel. This story is told almost completely from MC point of view. Third person. MC is a pretty ugly random guy with different psychological problems. He is antisocial and limited person. Lore - Since MC is limited and barely interested in people or just surroundings, you will get pretty limited descriptions on stuff, it was meant to be like that. Characters - Obviously for the same reason, you will not see much characters, usually you wont get their description or even names. Fights - I personally hate those fights in novels which take like few chapters to describe some shitty encounters. For example MC is making his "move" and then you get half chapter of description of his thoughts and the ways his face is looking, and the way like his opponent surprised and the way crowd is reacting and so on. I really hate all that shit so fights in this novel will be described not that often, only if an equal or a new opponent, and only in a strict and straightforward way, no bullshit. Now this novel is not exactly fantasy, its more like grim realistic-fantasy. But i will have to explain what i mean. Lets take rape in most novels as an example. Usually MC will be justified to rape a girl one way or another. Common example is aphrodisiac. Or the girl were trying to kill him so he had to "punish" her. Or she just happened to jump on his thing and then after rape she become his girlfriend etc, Those are examples of "fan service" in novel. So MC would be justified and readers woun't feel too uncomfortable to read something like that. So there is no "fan service" in this novel, like at all. You will have to read some stuff that will make you feel uncomfortable and you woun't like it. Common sense also means that there is barely gonna be any "random" events which MC is gonna be part of. No treasures and superpowers he founds because he is "special". He will not meet antagonists on his way. This novels world will not spin around MC in any way. He will usually sit in his deep cave and no one around will give a damn about him or even know of his existence. So this novel is not for you to have fun and enjoy reading. Not to make you feel comfortable, satisfied or happy. Its probably the opposite. This novel is kinda trashy and requires editing but its not the worst trash you ever read.

Homeless1983 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
138 Chs

Chapter 12

One girl was still able to escape, but Sam was fine with it, he himself was thinking of leaving someone alive. The news that he is killing people can of course cause him problems, especially if this information gets into the camp.

But on the other hand, this camp probably has enough of its own shit, besides, he now needed to buy more time, and fear is the most effective way to scare away those who could plot against him.

Well, if she nevertheless dies, then Sam in any case was not going to stop there, such a number of soul particles seduced even him, and he never considered himself a righteous person, rather, on the contrary, he considered the people around him as shit, primarily because he knew that he himself is shit.

Taking away from people almost a month of their struggle for survival and slaughtering them like pigs, and instead of feeling disgust for himself, Sam was pleased with the result, on that day Sam realized that he was even worse than he thought of himself before.

The next day, Sam was able to find another group that bothered him, he did not have the skills of disguise, so he just watched them leave, and then after a while he went out in search of them and eventually found them.

This group was weaker than the previous one and the threat did not arise like the last time.

Sam also decided to move to the 1st floor in Donna's apartment, who left him a spare key, and all because she had a better apartment, the doors were stronger, and if you have to escape, then jumping from the 1st floor balcony will be clearly easier.

Time passed, people bypassed Sam, a couple of groups who lived nearby even left for the camp, Sam was pleased and continued to actively hunt.

Slowly and almost imperceptibly, the world was changing, plants and trees grew a little faster and became more alive, at first glance it was difficult to notice, it was happening slowly, but still.

Once Sam met a beast that looked like a panther, he was very fast, but unlike the ghouls, he was much smarter, he tried to bypass Sam's shield and strike from the side, given his speed, he could have succeeded.

However, Sam was essentially focusing on agility himself, so he quickly reacted and stabbed with the sword. The panther managed to instantly rebuild and dodged the blow, immediately escaping with even greater speed.

Sam didn't even try to catch up with her. However, after this incident, Sam realized that not only people but also other creatures received the spirit, and just like with people, spiritual improvements were carried out on an instinctive level, and in this regard, people did not have much advantage over animals.

Also, on one of the rainy days, he met a really huge zombie 2.5 meters tall, he even moved fast enough, perhaps even faster than the speed of a normal person, although otherwise he was quite clumsy.

Upon seeing this giant, Sam immediately put his shield aside, trying to block his attacks would be madness. Sam carefully dodged his blows and got used to the movements at first did not even try to hit back.

After a while, he began to try to strike at the neck and legs, but the flesh of this zombie really underwent a qualitative transformation.

He managed to leave only small wounds, in the end he had to aim at one and the same point on his leg and after a while he still managed to knock the zombies down, then things went easier and he was able to cut off his head.

It was not completely without injuries, the zombie sometimes kicked or hit the ground, because of which fragments flew everywhere, a couple of times it touched him, although nothing serious.

Having received a thousand soul particles, he sighed, considering how much time and effort was spent on this zombie, it was absolutely not worth it. He suddenly wanted to kill a couple of people to relieve depression.

Since Sam killed the skeleton at the very beginning, he had never met others, the sword of this skeleton was clearly abnormally strong, but in terms of dealing damage, it was essentially no different from a regular sword.

He wonder how the people in the camp will cope with such a creature? For developed countries and large cities, this is unlikely to be a problem, but Sam doubted that there was a decent weapon here.

Sam continued to avoid the camp, but otherwise he did not deny himself anything, and during this time he had already visited a considerable part of the city, he also began to kill people more often.

At least now, a very few people dared to talk to him at all, at least from those who knew who he was. He was pretty fed up with all these children, old people, women and the rest of the rabble who regularly whined, asked for help or something like that.