
Those That Came Before

A mix between the knights of the round table, and supernatural action in the settings of a high school. Lancelot Du Lac's life was anything but normal, and it just keeps getting worse. with the help of his friends, family, and Badass girlfriend they face pampas vampires, vengeful witches, and things that would even give monsters nightmares (pun intended) ****TRIGGER WARNINGS ARE POSTED; HEAVY TOPICS WILL BE DISCUSSED**** -MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY-

SinfulKnight18 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Dreams of the Beast


I spent the night thinking about how my wallet was going to recover from that heist of dinner and how to have an actual conversation with Marilyn but I eventually fell into a blackout.

Suddenly I woke up in what looked like the woods by the house but the trees were more massive than before and there was fog along the ground.

I started to walk around through the fog and I heard a low growl come from the trees not far behind me and then in a clearing, I saw blood-red eyes and a black shadow type figure emerged but all I heard now it giving off a growl-bark but the base in the barks sounded more like a roar.

As the figure came closer to the opening part of the clearing, I could see that it was a jet-black wolf with long white fangs, the biggest wolf I've ever seen, all of a sudden, the growling and the barking stopped.

The shadow let out a frightening howl that looked to shake even the trees much less my heart and I was in the process of saying "Holy shi-" but at that moment it started chasing me.

I took off high speed but the most curious thing was the entire time as I was running, I wasn't scared or frightened, I felt free but I problem is I was running at near half my regular speed without my wolf speed and I noticed I didn't have any of my abilities and as I ran, I passed what looked like two girls around a fire to my right.

In an instant without making a sound the shadow had caught up to me and started biting me and slashing at me, each attack felt like it physically burned with pain and as I lay there blooded and clawed up on my back, I managed to get up slowly but as I looked up there it was with what looked like it was staring into my soul.

At that moment all I felt in my heart was pain and regret and fear and what felt like anger but was closer to pure rage.

For a split second, the words follow the 'witch' went through my mind as if someone told it to me and as I focused back, the wolf lunged and I woke up as it was about to kill me.

"WAIT," I said as I yelled myself awake.

"Lancy what are you talking about," Percy said as he sat at the end of my bed.

"I don't… I don't know Grey. There was this wolf and these girls and it tried to kill me and…and, wait why are you awake? why aren't you sleeping, Grey?" I said as I was slowly coming out of it.

"I was but I woke up to all these negative feelings just flooding from you and you growling at nothing and you look liked you had shifted on your own in your sleep and you looked awake and your eyes were yellow but when you woke up just now your eyes...they were red again"

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yes, I swear...Lance are you ok, you're worrying me?" Percy asked me as the moonlight bounced off his eyes making the glare look grey.

"Yea I'm fine. Go back to sleep bro"

"Ok, I love you stinky"


"Yea, you wreak bad man," Percy said getting back into his bed

"Wreak of what?"
