
Those That Came Before

A mix between the knights of the round table, and supernatural action in the settings of a high school. Lancelot Du Lac's life was anything but normal, and it just keeps getting worse. with the help of his friends, family, and Badass girlfriend they face pampas vampires, vengeful witches, and things that would even give monsters nightmares (pun intended) ****TRIGGER WARNINGS ARE POSTED; HEAVY TOPICS WILL BE DISCUSSED**** -MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY-

SinfulKnight18 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Answers

"Silly dog, letting your anger get the best of you". Lestat smiled as he sat in his chair. I had planned to go through the rest of the day in the little peace I could find, but the headmaster had other plans.

I sat in a chair 3 feet away from the Headmaster, Lestat, and Marilyn...the smell...

Her scent.

"You." My head shot up from where I was looking at my feet. Her body flinched as if she thought I was going to attack her. "You were there.".

"What is he talking about? Marylin, what is he talking about?" Lestat fixed his posture and eyed both me and her.

"Not a clue.". She fixed her glasses. "You are being charged for not only threatening a fellow wolf's life and damaging school property-" she leans forward "-how do you plead?"

"You know what happened, tell me!". I stood from the chair.

"Sit down!" Gaius pointed down and my legs fell.

"If you won't speak, we'll have someone speak for you. Send for Galahad Bravo, please Louis". Marilyn nods her head to Lestat's right-hand man Louis de Pointe du Lache was fairly attractive and kind, far better than Lestat. He was the school's errand boy, he stood behind in the shadows and waited for gossip of the other kids to tell Lestat. During meetings like this, it wasn't uncommon for him to go get other students.

"You know! I know you know!" I grit my teeth at her.

"I know you know that I know but as of right now I know nothing. Now shut up." Her eyes flashed with gold and I could no longer open my mouth.

"Well done Ms. Heights, your handless magic has been improving.". Gaius claps his hands softly. "Your mother would be proud of you."

"Thank you, Headmaster". She nods as her eyes are still on me, she leans back slowly.

"Galahad bravo" Louis enters with Tony hot on his heels.

"Evenin' boys" Tony's body sways as he walks, his eyes shoot at Marilyn and he smiles "ma' lady."

"Charming.". Marilyn smiles. "Galahad, care to explain what happened today in the locker room?"

"We had a few beers last night, a party to celebrate Author, and guess the beers didn't hit him right.". Tony shrugged and pushed his hands in his pocket.

"If you are not going to take this seriously, then leave.". Gaius pinched the area between his eyes.

"Listen, I said what I had to say"

"Fine, then you'll both be punished. Bages. Now." Gaius held his hands out as Marilyn pulled a tablet out, of some sort. Lestat chuckled from his seat as he sat up.

Tony reached into my jacket and pulled my badge out mumbling how I always get him into shit. After handing them our badges Marilyn put my badge into the slot and began typing.

"Well...this fuckin' sucks." Tony kicked my ankle.

"Watch your language young man" Gaius pointed at Tony.

"Or what? You gonna knock me down another level?". Tony's chest began to Puff.

"Oh, shut up you mutt." Lestat let his head fall against his chair.

"Oi-" the three of them kept going at it but I couldn't stop looking at Marilyn...her face... something is wrong. I saw her mouth move but I couldn't hear her. Then silence.

"Marilyn?" Lestat and Louis were both at her side in seconds.

" I say...we throw him out." Morty's voice echoed as his footsteps came closer.

" You can't…" Marilyn holds the tablet to her chest.

"What did you say to me? Did you just say "I can't"?" Morty turned his body to her.

" You can't throw out the Alpha.". She turns the tablet and everything slows down...I feel heat and eyes all over me. I feel like I can't breathe. I huff and look between Tony and Marilyn.

"Headmaster this is bullshit; this piece of trash is ranked number 14 and as far as the rest of the wolves are concerned. He's only in that position because he and his merry band of idiots were banned from promotion for a year after this 'noble beast' here almost killed five other students" yelled Morty in an attempt to discredit us which failed miserably.

"I have no idea what you're going on about but the facts are right in front of you as you can see," Marilyn said in a moderate tone while her face and body language was telling him to shut the hell up.

"I've had enough of this juvenile bickering and in light of this new evidence, I hereby rule the case of 'Lancelot". adjourned," Headmaster Gaius said in his raspy voice which was honestly the best thing I've heard him say since I started at this school.

"Here are your Badges boys and by the power invested in me and the court. I knight you as a member of the wolves' round table and officially pronounce you the Acting new Alpha of the Werewolf faction until further notice" said Marilyn as she fixed her glasses before she stood up

"I hate all of you useless animals but frankly watching you fight is rather entertaining if I'm being honest," Lestat said like the undead pompous ass he is.

"All of you will regret this and you'll remember this moment when you get what's coming to you," Morty said to all of the counsel before storming out of the courtroom but what made the threat more weird, menacing, and sinister was he looked at me with cold mood-less eyes as he delivered the final part of his message.

After all, this happened I found myself in the school bathroom mirror thinking to myself 'What...the hell just happened? Am I king? where the fuck is Author the one time, I need him?'

All of these things came rushing through my mind and my breath was uncontrollable until the point I ended up putting a right hook in the center of the glass.

Steve came out of a stall zipping up his pants

"Shut up Steve!"

"I didn't say anything, "Steve said as he fixed his bottle thick glasses

"You know what you did...my fricken chocolate cake," I said furiously as I walked out of the bathroom.

The next day Tony sped off in the family car redefining the phrase 'speed limit' and when we got to the school 10 minutes early and as we stopped the car Tony took the keys out of the ignition and looked behind him to Percy and spoke.

"Hey Pers, why don't you wait outside for a sec, I gotta talk to Lance for a minute?"

'Yea gotcha"

"Lance, I know things have been hard for you lately ever since moved in with us but I want you to know that you can tell me anything you know that right?" Tony said as he looked into my eyes with a straight face that I rarely see only when he's gonna get real and say something that'll make me cry like the inner softy I am

"Yea I know" I replied

"Look...You're top dog now so that means you're the king and everyone will look to you when it's time to make decisions and people who you once trusted may come for you when you least expect it and with Author missing, you're gonna have to be the Alpha that we need not the one most of the pack wants."

"I may not act like it but You're a little brother to me and I wanna be able to be there for you in a way that they weren't and as soon as we walk into those doors then everything will change from how the way people see or talk about you to the amount of respect and fear you get so be careful for me... I love you Lil bro" Tony said as I saw him almost tear up for the first time in years as he pulled me in for a hug

"Thank you...for everything," I said muffled in the hug but I know he heard me because he squeezed me tighter for a second after it came out

"Alright, let's go also one other thing," Tony said as he looked me in the eyes with his right hand on my shoulder and punched me right in the dick with what felt like full force

"Ahh you mutha-" I said holding my nuts as my future beautiful children faded away in pain

"Oh my god you weren't expecting that at all" Tony 'dick for brains' bravo said as he laughed himself into the wheel

"You piece of-" I said as I cocked my arm back to pop him right in the fricken nose

"Wait, wait, wait! check the glove compartment" Tony said before I took my chance to break his nose.

I checked the compartment and I pulled out a Leather jacket with stitches in the initials 'L.B.'

"You like it? "Tony asked it

"I like it, I mean I do, but these aren't my initials," I said confused

"Legally you aren't a part of the family but in our eyes, u always will be a Bravo so Happy Birthday," Tony said nonchalantly as he got out of the car.

"Finally, I can hear you guys cryin' like a bunch of schoolgirls," Percy said with an idiotic smile on his face.

"You mean like you were last night when you got dumped by your boyfriend Steve," Tony said as we walked.

"Fuck Steve, I would never date him and it was Jason, not that schmuck".

"Yea yea, still crying Tho".

"So was ya motha".

"Same mom idiot," Tony and I said together without missing a beat.

Something hit me...a good something, I think. Like pages of a book or a mango...or maybe a mix of the two but it smells heated... something is wrong.

I make a bee-line towards the smell, so familiar, and yet not, they are in distress.

"Lance! Where are you going?" Percy's voice goes unnoticed and I hear footsteps behind me. I shiftlessly make my way through people and halls. I think I passed by Wayne at some point.

"Go away Morty, I have nothing to say to you.". It was a girl's voice and she was right around the corner.

"Then stand there and listen, Marylin." Morty had her pinned to the lockers. His hand on her stomach and the other leaning against the locker.

"No! Don't you boys ever listen? When. Woman says no, she fuckin' means no!". She tried to shove him off but he was too strong, he began poking at her body.

"I believe the little lady said to go away". Wayne walks up to the pair. Marilyn looks almost as shocked as I felt.

"Yeah, piss off Morty!" Percy and Tony stood behind Wayne. They looked badass... almost like a scene from a movie.

Morty pushed off her body but had her wrist in his hand. She gave a pull but his grip on her was too strong...why didn't she just use her magic against him? She couldn't overpower him but she could put up a damn good fight.

"Mind your business boys. The priestess and I, have some business.". Morty's eyes threw daggers at us.

I couldn't take my eyes off of her...just looking at her made my body purr almost.

"Oi, she said no. The priestess is under our protection at the moment and no false alpha is gonna stand in our way.". Tony bared his teeth at Morty. No way Morty was gonna let a fight break loose during school hours, he let go and practically threw Marylin at our feet. Percy was quick to pick her up and dust her off, he took her behind Tony and Wayne almost like they were shielding her.

"Thanks…". She smiled at Percy who was cleaning her glasses. She was so close I could reach out and touch her…

Morty walked away grumbling and Tony and Wayne rushed to Marylin's side asking questions after the question of if she was okay.

"Boys, honestly, I'm fine. Really!" She continued to dust her skirt off.

"But are you fine or 'fine'? cause girls do this thing where they say they are fine but they are not FINE.". Wayne put his hand on her shoulder and my first reaction was to take it off.

They stared at me...I wanted to growl and yell at them for even looking in her direction. Marylin looked at the boys then me.

"... y'all good?" She said breaking the tension.

"We need to talk." I look at her and she looks around at the boys and then at me.

"Um...no.". Marilyn looks around at the boys again.

"No? No?" I cross my arms and look at her like she just spat on my firstborn. After what happened and she is denying me the answer to what the fuck happened?

"Yeah, no. I don't wanna have "a talk" I wanna go to class and then to work.". She turned on her heel and began to walk away but stopped and looked at the boys. She pulls a pen outta her chest pocket and proceeds to write what I think is her number on Percy's arm.

" Oh…. honey. I'm gay." He said silently to her.

"Okay and? And I am a flaming bisexual who's looking for a best friend.". She smiled and turned to walk away again.

We all watched her walk away, Mesmerized by her. Her body bounced as she walked...I noticed she walks on the front of her feet. Wayne walks up to Percy and takes a picture of his arm. Tony smacks him square on the chest.

"What? She's hot" Wayne laughs as he looks at the number and begins to text. "And a fast responder." He chuckled to himself.

The day goes by almost uneventful... almost. I sit at lunch waiting for Wayne and Percy to come back with food when a hand slams itself on the table. I looked up and took my earphones out, Lestat stood next to me.

"You and your pack saved Marilyn this morning.". He shuffled. "You...saved her." He grits his teeth. I feel a gust of wind and I turn to see Louis sitting next to me.

"This is his way of saying thank you. Marylin is very important to us and hearing that someone was there for her is very refreshing to us. Marylin has trouble making friends with anyone outside of the Court.". Louis' smile was sweet.

"Well...um. no problem." I look up at Lestat and he grits his teeth a bit more then walks away.

"Marilyn told us you wanted to talk but she's been avoiding you." He stands and looks down at me.

"Yeah...it's kinda important" I rub the back of my neck and Percy makes his way to the table, slowing down when he sees Louis.

"She works at Poppy's after school... you can catch her then.". He nodded and walked away.

"What was that about?" Percy sat his tray down.

"Nothin'... wanna go get dinner after practice? Let's go to Poppy's.".

I waited in the car for Percy and Tony to finish soccer practice with Wayne sleeping in the back seat...at least I thought he was. His phone was plugged into the charging port in the front seat and as soon as it went off, he shot up and threw himself at the phone. He would chuckle and text then laid back down only to repeat his actions.

"Who the fuck are you texting?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Mary." He smiles.

"Who the fuck is Mary?"

"Marylin. Our damsel distress. The high priestess. The jewel of Camelot high.". He looks up proudly and smiles at me.

"...why?". I felt heat gathering in my face.

"She's funny, witty, intelligent, and totally outta your league." He sits up. "We all saw how you looked at her Lancy, hell we felt it. You don't like us touchin' her or looking at her."

Before I could testify the car door opened and Tony threw Wayne's phone at me. Percy sat in the back.

Wayne's phone went off again. "Give that here Lancy, it's probably her again." He reached over and took his phone from my lap.

"Her?" Percy settled in his seat and buckled up; he was the only one that ever did.

"Marylin." Wayne smiles. "We've been texting all day." He shows his phone to Percy.

"We have too! She's super funny." Percy pulls his phone out as well.

"Y'all be careful with her. She's the high priestess and very close with vamps." Tony started the car and drove. "We still going to Poppy's?"

"Yeah," I said under my breath

"YES PLEASE, I'm starvin" Wayne said obnoxiously.

About an hour and a half later we wound up in the back of the town Diner, Poppy, and Son's Eatery and library, where I witnessed the fated battle between men. Tony and I were having our daily competition for what reason I can't even remember. All I know is that I couldn't lose what was on the line.

"Come on Lancy Boy you got this" yelled Percy cheering me on

"Tony you betta not lose, I got five bucks ridin on this" called out Wayne

"AHHHHHH, I won't lose" we both yelled

This was the arm-wrestling match of a lifetime. Admittedly we were making quite a bit of noise and falling into the jock stereotypes that people already thought we were in but this shit was serious.

If I lost, I was gonna have to pay for everyone's food and these guys practically have a bottomless pit for a stomach.

'AHHHHH, just go down already" I told Tony because our arms were still in the center of the table and yet all the veins in our arms were popping out, and admittedly my bicep was looking hella swole only because I do Archery and know my way around a sword.

"Yo quit cheatin' dawg, "Tony said as I began to overpower him only because I was putting all my strength and brain juice into my right arm.

"I'm not"

"Quit cheating"

"I'm not" I yelled as his arm swung back to the center for a second then back to almost touching the table and I was about to pin this fool and order the most expensive milkshake I could think of out of spite after but just as I was about to pin Tony my mind went blank and all I could hear and see was the words.

"She's here", and then caught a weirdly familiar scent of peaches and mangos. I looked over to my left as I snapped in the direction of the scent, I saw what looked like Marilyn in the Diner's skirt and apron uniform walking towards us in slow motion and as soon as my head snapped back to normal this cheeky bastard was way too busy winning and before I could lift my hand back up, he had already was in the place of having the satisfaction of slamming my poor dominant hand onto the Diner table.

"BOOM, waiter! "Yelled Tony the cheetah as he massacred my arm then hollered for a without missing a beat or even thinking of sayin' sorry.

"Welcome to Poppy and Son's eatery and Library, how can I help you boys today," said Marilyn with a smile on her face and a pen and notepad in her hands

"You work here!" I said after I spewed the bottled water, I had gotten from school.

"A girls' gotta make a living somehow, now how can I help you?" Marilyn said as she laughed off my question thinking I was either a goof or somehow attractive if not a total weirdo.

I Dunno.

"I'll have a Bacon Pop Burger with a side of fries and Reese's Milkshake, please," I said as I cleaned myself up with a napkin.

"I'll have a Double cheesed Pop Burger with Fries, please Best friend," Percy said with a grin from ear to ear.

"'Best friend', when did, oh yeah that's right. Whateva Anyways, I can I have a Pop Prime Supreme Burger with extra fries-please Hun" Tony said with a sleazy smile on his face.

'Sir You do know the fries cost extra, right?" Marilyn said as she added up the dam near fortune this was gonna cost.

"Yup, I know," Tony said as he nonchalantly looked at me lifting his eyebrows.

"And you sir?" Marilyn said as we looked at Wayne after writing down that sumo wrestler of an order from stupid Tony.

"I'll have a….um. I'll have a Pop Garden Salad with Ranch Dressing please," said Wayne while sounding seemingly stoned but wasn't, surprisingly.

"Okie, is that all gentlemen?" Marilyn said as she finished writing Wayne's order

"Oh, yea also your number," said Wayne as winked at her while the rest of us either shunned our heads pretending not to know him for a second or smacked our face with our palms.

"Um...Don't you already have mine and didn't I just text you as I got off break?" Marilyn said confused as ever.

"Oh yea, that's right," he said cluelessly.

"Idiot!" we all said at the same time.

"O.K., well anyways if that's all then your total will be 25 Dollars and 15 cents plus sales tax, will you be paying cash or card?" Marilyn said with a calm smile as she said the price.

"I dunno, Lancy's paying, aren't ya Lancy?" Tony said as he briefly kicked my leg

"I'm sorry, what?" I said with a clueless look on my face like Coyote from that one cartoon before he falls down a cliff.

"$27.72, cash or card sir? Marilyn said as she placed the check in front of me.

"You lost fair and square bro," said Tony.

"Cash," I said as I looked at Tony with a straight face while pulling out my wallet

"Here, keep the change," I said as I put 30 bucks on the tray.

"Thank you for your payment, your meals will be out momentarily boys," Marilyn said as she picked up the check and skated to the kitchen to give the Chefs the orders.

"Was ordering extra fries necessary?" I said as I put away my skinny wallet away

"Very," Tony said with a condescending smile on his face.

"Alright, have fun waking up in the woods," I said as I sat back in my seat.

"What?" Tony said confused.

"Here are your meals, thank y'all for waiting," Marilyn said as she came with a tray of food in her hand

"That was quick," Wayne said as he was practically drooling over Marilyn as he looked at her.

"That's what your Ex said," I told Wayne as I began drinking my milkshake as if it weren't any of my business.

"I hate you," Wayne said as his careless smile turned into a salty straight face.

"Ok, I'll take my leave, and don't be shy to call me if you need anything," Marilyn said as she was about to turn around to go.

"WAIT" I yelled.

"Can I talk to you for a sec, please?" I said before she could skate away.

"I would handsome but I have to jet but I'll be off in 10 and I'll be going on a Mindfulness Retreat for a week and I'll be back Friday at three so maybe you can pick me up and then we could have a talk?"

"Yeah sure, Gotcha," I said.

"Ok, see ya," said Marilyn as she skated away to take her next order.