

“Eva, I promise you! Not only would you regret this, we would meet again, and this time, you would be six feet under. I bet you.” ****** Sometimes the right choice happens at the wrong time The time could have never been more wrong when Ryan met the mysterious seductive Eva. The cherished son meets the ignored daughter , how far is she willing to go to prove herself and just how long will it take him to realize he had fallen into a bush of thorns and not a bed of roses?

kayd_0928 · Urban
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16 Chs

The Talk

"Dad, you should know the pixel gang would be after us anytime soon. All I am suggesting right now is a better security. We need more members. I can't walk these streets realizing that there are a lot of pixelers at our tails."

Ryan and his father sat opposite each other in a large room with members of the Dragon gang standing around as a form of security. His father, Mikael, sat on a large, spinning chair, supposedly his "throne", staring at Ryan as he holds his chin and tilts his Golden chair side to side deep in thoughts.

"Dad, are you even listening to me at all?!" Ryan said loudly to gain the attention of his father.

Mikael growls in a loud manner and then tilts forward, leaving the dark, deep arena of his throne. His voice seem so scary and deep and this gives a tiny tremble to Ryan and those who stand around the room.

"I know that you have your mom in thoughts and it hasn't been easy for us both. I am glad you are doing well especially since the time you became right for the position you are in. I also know that you are trying to make sure nothing wrong happens to every member of this noble Clique. I will do everything in my power to make sure we are secure. Adequate tools will be provided and I will make sure you are placed at the best of any security."

"Finally!" Ryan said this with a smile as he tilts to rest on his chair. "I hope you work on this as soon as possible. I can't let those stupid birds be a threat to us for as long as we run these streets."

"And the Street of the Angels? Have you done what I told you to do?" Mikael said as he stares at Ryan.

"Oh, yes, I was able to confront the Axe gang. Luckily for us, Leo was able to act reasonably without any problem. So right now, the deal has been made and we are working on the movement of the Golds."

"Ha! That's my son, you always make me proud."

"You taught me well. You know I can't let you down." Ryan said as he crosses his legs and folds his hands.

There is a bit of silence between Ryan and his father for a while. Mikael is busy thinking about the new information he had gotten about his son.

"I heard you met a lady last week at the bar. What is her name again? Oh, Eva. Why don't you tell me something about her?" Mikael said with a smirk on his face.

Ryan's smile fades as he hears these words from his father. He first thought about Eva. Her beauty, her body shape, the kiss. But comes back to his senses, thinking it was Alec who told Mikael about Eva.

"That son of a bitch!" Ryan says with anger ranging all over his face while he slammed his hand on the table that lay between him and his father. Ryan stood up with force thinking of how to get hold of Alec. Maybe punch him in the face or shoot his hand.

"Now now, before you do anything rash, you should first realize that it wasn't Alec that told me. You should know I have my spies always watching you."

Ryan paused for a while after realizing that his father truly had spies around the streets. Ryan was still thinking of how to get hold of one of the spies for the information that had gotten to his father for almost 11 years while he was still in High school.

"Now Ryan, who is she?"

"I don't know. I just met her that night."

"And you were already kissing her. My son!" Mikael said with a slight disappointment noted in his deep voice.

"And so?! You know I don't like you poking around my business. I hate it, Dad!" Ryan said with anger in his voice.

"Ha, Ha, Ha! Calm down. Let's talk better about this."

Ryan sat on his chair while his father stairs at him with a smirk on his face.

"What? There is nothing about her please. I just met her that night and that is it. plus it is too late for you to give me the talk,oldman"

"Ha! Silly! I know you are just playing your games as usual. I know it is nothing."

Ryan calms down a bit while he takes a deep breath out.

"BUT!! Your relationship with her shouldn't be an obstacle to anything you do. You children of these days playing games till your emotions affect your work. I was so deeply in love with your mother and nothing came between me and my work. I am sure you also realized how well I rule. I am still the ruler and I am still at my best." Mikael said and tilts a little towards Ryan slowly. "Do you understand!?"

"Yes, yes. I get it Dad. Jeez!" Ryan said with a little terror in his eyes.

"Very good."

Ryan checks his watch and noticed the time is almost past 8. He realized he has a date with Eva and has promised to pick her up before 8.

"Um, Dad, I gotta run."

"And where are you going to?"

"I have an important meeting with someone. We would continue our meeting tomorrow, if you end up not travelling again." Ryan said as he stood up from his seat to leave the room.

"Ryan!" Mikael screamed sharply making Ryan turn quickly.

"Be careful."