

“Eva, I promise you! Not only would you regret this, we would meet again, and this time, you would be six feet under. I bet you.” ****** Sometimes the right choice happens at the wrong time The time could have never been more wrong when Ryan met the mysterious seductive Eva. The cherished son meets the ignored daughter , how far is she willing to go to prove herself and just how long will it take him to realize he had fallen into a bush of thorns and not a bed of roses?

kayd_0928 · Urban
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16 Chs


"I guess i have to do everything by myself now"Ralia sighed angrily as she watched Ryan whose attention she hoped to get walk over to where she was

"Hello there." Ryan said as he got to where the Lady sat. "You look amazing this evening. Are you with anyone? I wouldn't want to steal you away from your man ."

She gave him a stern look and this shook Ryan a little bit. But he stands his ground hoping she wouldn't disrespect him

"Firstly, I never asked for your compliments, secondly, why would I be with anyone that has two heads but only one brain?" the lady uttered with all form of savageness.

"Look, I don't mean any harm, Okay? I just want us to get to know each other better. At least, if you have been troubled the whole night, let me make this night a little bit interesting for you."

The lady looked at Ryan for a while. After a long while of thinking, she followed her second choice and adjusted so as for Ryan to sit next to her.

"I see you came to enjoy the show. It's a good choice that you chose the VIP section."

"Why are you here please?!" The lady asked with a quick and snappy turn.

"I am sorry if I am bothering you but I have been looking at you from afar and you got my attention without you asking for it. I am Ryan by the way." Ryan stretches his hand to shake the girl, she is reluctant but she holds his hand for a quick while then take it off.

"So, I guess you are new in this town?" Ryan asked.

"Does it look like you have seen me somewhere before?"

"Calm down Lady. I just want to get to know you better. That's all."

"Well, I guess you are already getting to know who I am. I don't like strangers trying to talk to me."

"But it still doesn't mean you would not get to meet new people as time goes on."

The Lady kept silent for some seconds, trying hard to be reluctant with her words so as to escape the conversation with Ryan.

"I am new here. I just got into town last week."

"Oh. I guessed right. You are here on a mission, a business trip or a vacation?"

"It's not really your concern please."

"Oh. Okay, I am sorry." Ryan said in a cool state which leaves two of them in a silent moment for a while.

Ryan thought of a better way to have a better interaction with the Lady since it wasn't going well for him. And also, since he didn't want to get angry, running back to the twins to complain about the Mystery Lady being rude or disrespectful. Ryan realized that the floor was getting filled and the music playing at that time was awesome. Ryan stood up while the lady stares at him, wondering his next movement.

"Can I have a dance with you, Mystery Lady?" Ryan said politely as he stretches his hand closer to the Lady for her to take his hand. The Lady seems to not want the dance since she isn't really comfortable with a guy named Ryan that she doesn't know. Ryan still stands there, waiting and hoping for the Lady to take his hand. After a long while of awaiting, she finally took his hand and he led the Lady to the dance floor.

At first, the lady was reluctant to dance. But as the place kept on getting hotter and more interesting, she began to loose herself and she began to shock Ryan on the dance floor. The dance became more intense, Ryan felt a stir of sexual attraction to the lady. The lady realizes but still continues to grind him on the dance floor. There were a couple of struggles amongst some people on who dances with who and this led to a brawl but majority of the people on the dance floor are carried away by the music and their dance partner, especially Ryan and the Lady.

Meanwhile, Alex and Alec try to watch Ryan and the Lady dance. Alex began to feel jealous because he isn't the one making Ryan have a better day but a strange girl he didn't know. On this note, he noticed that Alec had had a couple of shots which was liable of getting him drunk. He taps him on his shoulder to get his attention better.

"Alec, could you reduce the way you drink, you might get drunk."

"Don't worry bro. I got this. I just need a dance and I will be just fine." Alec said as he spots two ladies who were trying to get a drink. He held Alex on the shoulder and with a whisper, told Alex he would be back soon, which leaves Alex to sit there all alone. His lonely state leaves him to get more jealous that he began growing little hatred for the Mystery Lady.

After a long dance in front of the stage, the Mystery Lady led Ryan out of the Bar. They walked a little bit Ryan's body rested on the lady while their heated breath mixed with the air between them as they kept on staring at each other. Little hesitation from the lady and Ryan took charge of the moment, kissing the lady deeply. Their lips tasted like the Vodka they took at the show. Kissing slowly, Ryan pulls down her gown a bit while he is taking off his jacket. His kisses from her neck down to her breasts in slow motion made her moan lightly as she held his hair so firm. Ryan tried to pull his buckle off to take his shorts down when she pushed him away from her body. They both stand there awkwardly staring at each other and they try to catch their breath.

"It wouldn't be right having sex with a stranger on the first day, you know?" the lady said as she tries to adjust her gown.

"I guess you are right. So, when can we have this opportunity again?"

"We could have it on our second date. It would be better that way." the lady said

This was the first time ever that Ryan would even consider a date with any woman and this woman had defintely captured the first spot.

"I don't really do those but i guess i coud give it a try. How about you give me your digits So that I can get in touch with you."

"Nope. I want you to actually give me your digits. I will get in touch with you when I am ready." She said with a slight smirk as she stretched her phone to Ryan so that he would enter his number.

"No problem then. I will be expecting you to get to me then."

Ryan gave her his number and both of them walk out of the corner to the street where she would get a taxi to take her home. The Lady flagged down a taxi and it stopped right in front of them. She was about to enter when Ryan realized he didn't know her name.

"Mystery Lady, I never got to know your name."

She stopped at the door of the taxi and turned to him with a smile on her face.

"Eva. Eva Sinclair."

She got into the taxi and it zoomed off, leaving Ryan standing still by the roadside.


"I have him ,just where i want it, hoepfully, father will be proud of me after this,that's all i have ever wanted"