

“Eva, I promise you! Not only would you regret this, we would meet again, and this time, you would be six feet under. I bet you.” ****** Sometimes the right choice happens at the wrong time The time could have never been more wrong when Ryan met the mysterious seductive Eva. The cherished son meets the ignored daughter , how far is she willing to go to prove herself and just how long will it take him to realize he had fallen into a bush of thorns and not a bed of roses?

kayd_0928 · Urban
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16 Chs

King's Date

"So you are a big fan of the J&F restaurant? No wonder you kept on yapping about the place right in the car." Eva said as she and Ryan took a seat in the restaurant, one of the biggest restaurants on the street.

"Well, yeah, I always come here to eat. They have the best served here."

"Oh, that's nice. I have also been here a couple of times. I always come here with my sister when we are free." Eva said looking around the big restaurant for the waiters.

"Seems alright. Where are the waiters anyways?" Ryan said also looking round the room to look for the waiters.

Ryan noticed John and Flora pointing towards his direction as they kept on mumbling words to themselves. Ryan could pick some of their words where he noted that they were coming to appreciate him for the 100th time.

"Sir. You are Mr. Ryan?" said John as he and his wife got closer to Ryan's table.

"Yes, I am."

"Oh My God! He is the son of the Lord!" John yelled to his wife.

John and his wife were restless, looking for the right words to say to Ryan. Eva sat there staring in awe at what exactly is going on.

"Mr. Ryan. I … I mean, we are so grateful for saving our son's life from the Owl gang. It would have been a disaster for us if not for you. You saved us the terror of loosing the heir to this restaurant and we are really grateful for…"

"Yeah, yeah. I understand Mr. John. How is he?"

"Oh, yes. Owen left the hospital just last week. He is already back on his feet, doing his daily duties as usual. Mr. Ryan, anything you want, it is for free. Anything you want. It is to express our greatest gratitude."

"Alright then. Could you please give us two plates of your pasta with two hamburgers? Is that fine by you?"

Eva just sat there lost in what was happening before her very eyes.

"Um. Yeah. Sure. It is fine."

"So, I guess it will be fine. Oh, and please give us two smoothies. Different flavors please."

"Sure Mr. Ryan. Coming right up. Once again, thank you so much. I am grateful." John said as he and his wife leaves Ryan's table to get their order ready as fast as possible.

"So, could you tell me what just happened?" Eva said as she watched as the couple leave.

"Nothing serious. No need to disturb yourself about it." Ryan said, trying hard not to explain what happened.

"Okay then." Eva said, trying to forget all what happened since it didn't concern her in anyway.

Their order landed on their table and both of them are about to start eating just for their eyes to meet. Both of them giggled about it and just looked away.

"So, tell me something beautiful I don't know about you, Eva."

"Huh." Eva said as she tried to clean around of her mouth with a paper towel given.

"Okay, as you should know, I love parties. I love eating, not all that much but I know I love eating. I love my workout sessions. Oh My God, they always keep me fit. I also love talking a lot especially when I get comfortable around someone. Don't mind me if I am talking too much." Eva said as she gave a little giggle about all she just said.

"Like how you have grown so comfortable with me?" Ryan said with a smirk on his face as he tries to eat his Pasta.

"Well, I wouldn't lie about that. I guess you are actually a good person I have to get comfortable with."

"So why were you acting all though with me while we were at the party?"

"Oh, you know I had to. You just don't get to be friendly with a stranger all of a sudden. Plus, I am an introvert."

"Oh, really, you don't actually sound like an introvert." Ryan said as he tries to smile.

"You wouldn't know if I didn't tell you about it."

"Huh. Eat your pasta before I help you devour it."

"Aye, aye, captain." Eva said as she and Ryan laughs about it.

They both continued with their conversation as they tried to finish their food. Time kept on running and they laugh and joke about a lot of things about themselves. They began to realize that they were the only ones in the restaurant and Eva checked her phone for the time.

"Uhh, I guess we had a lot of fun here tonight. It's almost 11. How about we take these hamburgers home. I think I can't do without these babies." Eva said as she doesn't tries to pack the food before them and ask for a takeaway.

"How about I take you to my place and you could give me something more delicious?" Ryan said while he tries to tease Eva.

"Huh. So what would the king want for his Midnight dinner?" Eva said, trying to reply Ryan.

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I guess we wouldn't know till we get there." Eva said with a smirk on her face.