
Thorns, Fangs And Ice

I was once a human that died, but reincranted as monster. Honestly I'm annoyed. Annoyed at my self. I died a stupid death and my life was boring.... You know what? Screw this shit! I will live a life the way i want to! I'm monster? So what! I will live as the monster if i need to! I don't care if i eat a human or not! I will do what ever i want to!

Andrzejsaw · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 47 – D rank.

After deciding to go the more dangerous areas before the winters arrives, I began traveling from the E+ rank zone to the D rank danger zone.

Thankfully, thanks to the situation with the pigmans being resolved, there were no more patrols of adventurers wondering around.

So, making my way to the D rank dangerous zone wasn't hard at all.

By the way, I found that mother fucker that trolled me and ate him alive. It helped me relief some stress.

Anyway, after getting to the D rank dangerous zone, I immediately began hunting monsters around.

[Bear Wolf – Rank: D]

[A monster with a hybrid like appearance of a wolf and bear.]

The bear like monster began running at full speed at the leshy, but the leshy charge the monster as well and before long both monster heads clashed.

However, upon hitting each other, the one who ended up being knocked away was the bear wolf. It could not withstand the power of hard leshy head.

After being knocked back, the leshy quickly rushed at the bear and grabbed it's by the head and shoulder before then biting into the monster neck and biting off a huge chunk of the bear monster flesh, killing the monster in near instance.


(Fucker finally died.)

(He wasn't as fast as real wolf, but he had some nasty durability.)

(Still, I managed to win without sustaining any real injuries and any of the injuries I sustained are already healing.)

(Huh. But honestly, I was expecting something like my army being ripped off or something, but nope?)

(According to the adventurer's info, the bear wolf is the strongest monster in this area. It is in middle ranking in the D ranking, so it's not that weak or anything.)

(I didn't won instantly or anything, but the fight wasn't very hard or anything?)

(I could probably take 2 or 3 and still come out on top.)

(Huh…. Am I way stronger than I thought?)

(I mean, I was training for 2 months recently and that guy seemed like mindless beast, but still it had durability and strength.)

(I thought I was a D rank, based on my strength, but I maybe at the top of the D rank or maybe at low ranking D+ rank?)

(This wasn't the only monster I fought. I fought other D rank monsters and a group of monsters that can be dangerous as D rank monster when they are working together.)

(But so far, I never encounter any real problem. I did ended up injuring sometimes, but nothing big and any big injuries were healed after a short rest.)

(Honestly, its going way easier than I expected?)

(I thought I would struggle a lot with D rank monsters, but not really?)

(Huh…. I mean… That wasn't the part of the plan.)

(Am I really that strong?!)


Monster quickly hid behind the tree as a group of adventurers began arriving at the spot where the two monster fought.

"Ugh?! What the hell happened to it?" – said an adventure after spotting bear wolf corpse.

"By the look of things its throat was completely ripped off? No wait. I think it was bit off? Did it fought another bear wolf by any chance?" – said an adventure with the hood.

"But weird. They usually eat their prey on the spot, even their own kind."

"Hey, can you take a look at this and use your tracking skill? There may be an- "

The adventurer looked behind him, but did not saw the third adventurer that was with him.

Suddenly, a weird sound came from the direction of the corpse and realized that the other adventurer that was with him is also gone.

The adventurer quickly got up from the ground and took out his sword while nervously looking around.

Suddenly, a giant hand flew at him at high speed.

The adventurer quickly put up his guard and raised his sword, but before he could really do anything, he was already grabbed by the giant hand violently.

The adventurer tried breaking free, but before long he began coughing up blood.

And to make matters worse, when the adventurer finally saw the monster that grabbed him, but the next thing it saw was monster jaws closing it at him before getting his head devoured by the monster.


After killing all three adventurers, the monster took its little girl form and began inspecting the adventurers' body.

Before long, the little girl took out a metal cards from the adventurers' corpses.


(The last guy was a D rank while the other two were E+ ranks.)

(The last guy tried fighting back, but the moment my enlarged hand grabbed him, it was all over.)

(I even gave him a moment to break free, but he failed.)

(Honestly, while I'm in the forest type terrain or place with a lot of trees, my detection range is much better and bigger.)

(Not only that, I can hide way better. Its thanks to my skills [Forest Resident], [Home Forest] and [Forest Rouge].)

(The assassination and spotting these guys was way too easy and I didn't even went all out and I manage to kill them with ease.)

(Still, I don't know how strong was this guy. He may have been on the bottom of the D rank.)

(Hm… Let's try and fight D rank adventurer head on.)

(But I cannot make too much mess or try and fight more than 1.)

(So, look for a solo adventurer.)

I began wondering around the forest, looking for my prey.

I had to avoid some monsters and adventures, since I didn't wanted to leave any traces behind.

After some time passed, I managed to find a lone adventurer.

I watched him a bit and saw him fight some D rank monsters.

After watching him a bit and assuming that he is D rank adventurer, I revealed myself to him.


"What the shit?! Where the fuck it came out from?!" – said the shocked and confused adventurer.


(A big axe and some armor on the torso. Looks around 20 years old. He has muscular arms, he was training.)

(He is a perfect test subject!)


(There is no one near us according to my detection.)

(I also made sure to set up some traps in case he tried to ran away.)


(Better if I don't talk in front of him and wait for him to take action first.)

The adventurer looked nervously at the monster before then charging at the monster and swinging its giant axe at them.

The monster just raised its arm and the axe hit the monster palm.

The axe sinked into the monster palm… Or so it seemed.


The axe did managed to sink and damage the monster palm, however only bit of the axe edge sinked into monster palm


The monster closed its hand, grabbing the axe before the using its other arm to slapping the adventurer and sending his flying.

The adventurer ended up being pushed before then hitting the ground and rolling on it.


The monster took out the axe from its palm and tossed it to the adventurer.

The adventurer who saw this looked confused at the monster before getting up from the ground and picking up its axe.


(He did managed to damage me, but nothing too serious.)

(He seem to be a strength type of guy, so I wanted to see how much damage he can do to me, but by the look of things, he didn't managed to deal any serios damage to my palm.)


"Hey." – said the monster.


"What with the surprise look? You should have realized I'm not ordinally monster."

"Anyway, you will die at this rate."

"So I will give you one chance."

"Hit me."

"I won't block."

"Hit me with your strongest attack."

"Try to run. You die."

"This is your only chance."


"[Strength Up]!"

"[Strong Will]!"

"[Rough Power]!"

The adventurer began using enchantment skills on himself before then running towards the monster.

"[Axe Slash]!"

The man swinged the axe at the monster, hitting the monster right in the chest.


"You got to be kidding me." – said the adventurer.

The man's axe had barely sinked into the monster chest.

(Huh. My chest is one of the toughest parts of my body, but he managed to deal some damage to it.)

(But he didn't sinked axe deep into my body.)

(But he was able to deal with the bear wolf on 1vs1 when I was observing him.)

"Now it's my turn."

"You block now."


"[Tough Body]!"

"[Though Up]!"

The monster swinged its fist at the adventurer, hitting the man head on and pushing him back.

The adventurer was somehow still alive, but it was very visible that he took damage from the hit.


(No tricks or anything. Just a simple punch, but he still took damage even after activating skills and bracing himself.)

(He probably didn't took a lot of damage or any fatal wounds, but he still took some damage.)

(Well, I think I get a rough picture.)

(He is strong D rank adventurer that can took down the bear wolf without suffering any real damage.)

(But I'm much stronger in many different ways than him, even when not using any skills or anything.)

"Sorry, but it seems you outlived your usefulness." – said the monster.

The monster ran quickly towards the adventurer.

The adventurer panicked and swinged his axe, but the blade was catched by the monster hand and moments later, the monster swinged its other arm horizontally.


Moment later, the blood began spelling out from the man neck, before his head had fallen off cleanly.

"Thanks. Now I have a rough understanding of the D rank monsters and adventurers."

(But I need bit more data.)

(I need to hunt bit more D rank monsters and my understanding of the D rank will be completed.) – though the monster while eating the adventurer corpse.

(Well then, I guess I have to hunt for real now.)