
This is Turtle, reporting:

The name of Faculty City hails from over-exponential growth of Satisfaction, Happiness and Joy. Its inhabitants, a chaotic heap of animals, live in a loosely governed society. This story is about a turtle, who competes with his rivals in the never-ending manoeuvring for supremacy. Similarities between characters in this novel and actual people are purely coincidental. No set release schedule. About this novel: Don't think too much, strange things can and will happen. If things don't add up, then that's probably intentional. This novel might get gloomy as it progresses. Laughter is encouraged. Common side effects include but aren't limited to: Gradual increase in vocabulary. Insanity due to trying to follow my thought processes. If you made it this far, you'll also get a high-five.

Stunlancer · Fantasy
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28 Chs

A selection of the city's villains (Part 3)

I continued with another disgusting fiend:

Carl the Snake.

He likes stinky cheese; do I even have to add anything else? I mean, he does other horrifying things, but this one is the most significant. Since I was there for sharing info, I decided to list some more trivia about this foul fellow:

He originally made a name for himself by sneaking into local bakeries at night. He would then curl up into a pretzel and use his perfect disguise to get sold to unsuspecting patrons. After making the customers lose their hard-earned pretzel they've looked forward to all day for no reason but his warped idea of personal enjoyment, he would laugh at them and then bail. However, if the victims of his despicable scheme were little girls, he would wait for them to try and eat him instead. Once he was close enough to their face, he'd unfurl and then lick their noses! Utterly disgusting.

More specific focus on his odd tendencies also include his preferred way of movement: Coiling up and jumping around. He's actually pretty fast with this, probably the result of lots of practice. He also likes to hang out at bars where he's spending his money on drinks. I've heard that he's not a well-received guest from multiple (anonymous) sources though, as he's quite the ruffian when drunk.

In terms of combat technique, he doesn't have one. It boils down to two choices: Did he anticipate combat or not. If he didn't, then all you gonna see is his tail as he slitherin' for the hills the moment he spots you. If he's not jumping away that is.

What a coward, I'd never run off when I'm not equipped to deal with the current situation. Seriously, there's nothing good about this guy! No honour at all! I'm getting carried away...

On the other hand, when he's expecting resistance in his shallow plans, he enters battle with his combat suit. This combat suit probably cost a lot of money, as it's pretty good: It sits as tight as another skin layer and has venomous barbs on top. In addition to that, it's quite resistant to any kind of damage. All he has left to do is spin and he'll turn into a bladed whirlwind of doom that charges at you and tries to rip you apart. Even light damage is terrifying due to the venom that's integrated into the suit, which makes fighting him while ill equipped a concerning endeavour with a shockingly low success rate. (If you have a tank shell though hehehehehe)

Last, but definitely not least is the chicken, the myth, the legend:

Chicken Norris.

Now this guy... Where do I even start?

First off, he's a very dangerous fellow that has a wide array of attacks targeting multiple senses. Sadly, he's very good at using them almost simultaneously which makes fighting him without proper knowledge or equipment close to impossible. He's adept at fighting in all ranges, can close distances as far as 50 meters within seconds and still hit a pea right in the centre with both beak and claw (terrifying accuracy) in a charge attack.

There's even more trouble when fighting him though: His gang. They accompany him everywhere. They enhance his battlecries, limit the enemy's movement and most importantly cheer for him at every second. He also doesn't want to lose in front of them, so his morale is unbreakable. He's even capable of flight (for a whole 12 seconds, which is insane), so fighting him in the air is futile. His reliance on terrain and cheerleaders lead to him getting very good at tracking, resulting in his incredible ability to rekindle even the most frozen over trails across the entire city. He's just that good at tracking.

Thinking that I've praised him enough (credit where it's due!), I eyed the nightingale and continued:

"But that's not what you came here for right? You want the juicy stuff."

I don't know why I even bothered to ask. At this point, her eyes were completely red and her beak trembled violently. She was hyper focussed and seemingly wrote down every breath I took, my intonation and all the facial expressions I made (more of the former and less of the latter I'd imagine). What a hardcore info-broker. She was too far gone to answer though, so I just continued as I wanted to share this info at some point anyways.

Fighting him gets easier when following these two simple tricks:

(At this point I nudged her for a silver almond and she even gave me two, she's so easy to extort money from)

He tends to lean on his right foot before striking. This makes it possible to anticipate his charging windows and allows for reaction without being overwhelmed as he tends to overlap his charge with his long-range attacks that are supposed to result in sensory overload.

He also places a LOT of value in his appearance. The reason is simple, his top hat and his cape give him the feeling of superiority (he's the only chicken I've ever seen that wears both a hat and a cape). This is also true for his followers, they feel inferior to him. And of all the possible things they could do, they choose to worship him (???). This leads to his insurmountable confidence. In conclusion, disrupting his appearance is an easy (Hey, on paper at least!) way to cause dissonance among his peers and in turn damage his overbearing confidence.

Some more trivia about him:

He's a weirdo that thinks chicken are the best species on the planet, despite even someone like me, who is dense at times, knowing that turtles are superior compared chicken in literally every way imaginable (and it's not close).

He studied at cluckademy of musical arts and graduated with honours, a feat that's probably lead to his special combat style.

Before becoming a freelancer, he worked for the local police force. He had to leave when it was discovered that he had ties to the local mafia branch 'chicken wing' though.

His favourite song is "4'33", it's also the only song he knows by heart and his favourite colour is green (this is probably the only thing we agree on).

I slowly ran out of things to say at this point. Falling out of my flow of storytelling, I turned to look at the nightingale. She fell asleep. Seriously... No refunds! And I won't repeat myself either! I carefully shoved her off my property (we were at my doorstep the entire time, I didn't invite the insolent bird inside) and entered my house. Looking back at the things that happened, I did achieve everything I wanted that day already. Now all I had left to do was to find a new hiding spot for my spare key...