
the coma

he walked in on me while he thought I laied sleeping he came closer because he saw a stain thinking it was a shadow as he came the stain grew showing it was fresh and wet he took off the covers in a hurry i was bleeding out the sorrows off a broken world because my curse was too be born in this city well not the city but the wrong time and place as salty tears flowed over my facial wounds i bleed more and more loosing a grip off reality my sight blurred cries loudend and numbers was dialed sirens was later heard then came black....i later woke up in a hospital whit bandages and blood packs giving me blood too cover the amount i lost strangers stood over me i didnt know or nor could i hear them i got scared and the only thing i heard was the monitor going faster and louder until some left,for what? I dont know but i know that at that time i blacked out i was free i didnt feel nor worried over a thing i was dead? no.I was alive i was in a coma so technically trappd in my own mind for awhile i felt sudden sorrow and hate trowards the world and myself but i cant blame myself so ill blame the meta physical (the gods?)

whit no faith in life anymore i sat down devestated i counted 5 years before i woke up everything was different it had been a while i left at 15 im now 20 and have alot too explore