
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · Celebrities
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18 Chs

제8장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong

제8장 | And Sometimes They Go Wrong


It's been hours since I discovered that Jungkook is already in a secret relationship, and discovered that Taehyung could be so carefree as well. What a night

"Junghee, I'm home" I announce, expecting the little bunny jumping around our dorm with some bag of chips on hand. "Junghee?" I called once again after not hearing any response. I closed the door and took off my footwear and placed my bag on the couch nearby and went to our bed area. I tucked my tiger plush on the bed and checked the bathroom, "Junghee?"

She's not here

With knitted eyebrows, I grab my phone to check her socials. She's not online, she didn't even post anything on her story (For years of knowing her, she would always post on her story on social media that only exist in 24 hours). "Where did she go?" I muttered to myself before sitting on my bed in deep thought as I reminiscence tonight's events


I groan and consciously stretch my arms and legs in habit as I fluttered my eyes open. I yawn and pause my actions when my hand came over to a figure… I could tell that this figure is a masculine. I turn my head to the figure's direction. "YAH! JIMIN!" I flinch on my spot and realize where on the bed. I immediately check myself and to my relief I'm still okay and still fully covered

"Hmm…?" I look at Jimin who's starting to wake up as well. "Oh? You're up" he muttered as he sat on the bed as well and run his eyelids to clear his sight. "Oh, it's completely dark outside now" he states the fact as he speaks on the window. I hope is still didn't past midnight or I'll be done

I tried to think as much as I can to remember what happened just earlier but to my dismay, this fricking headache is restricting me to. "What happened…?" I asked

"Oh," he cleared his throat before motioning on the other side of the room with a couple bottles of soju and some chips. "You were wasted" he chuckled and brushes his hair with his fingertips, I guess that's a cute habit of his. Wait, cute?

"Uh… D-Did we…?" I blink feverously hoping that we didn't do the deed even though I'm still fully covered, who knows he just dressed me back in my sleep? "Oh, no hahaha. I wouldn't do that, I'm not that kind of guy" he assures me. "You were already drunk so I carried you here on the bed then I join in right after, I did remember putting a bolster pillow between us though" he added

"I hope you're not comfortable" he scratches his nape. After hearing his story, memories starting to bring some pieces to the puzzle. He pulled me to his old house to drink, though he insists me to drink some non-alcoholic drink, I assured him to let me drink since Jungkook already lets me (because I'm a stubborn one) but of course, with a right and trusted person

"Oh, no. Not really, I somewhat remember some of what happened earlier" I nod. I noticed him look at me seriously before speaking, "Didn't you remember anything before you passed out?" he asks

I blink and shakes my head. "I just remembered us talking about other's backs, talk about our goals, pasts and…" A sudden blurry image starts to crawl in my mind, I blink it away since it starts to make my head ache once more. "Uhm, yeah I think that's it" I nodded

"Oh…" he uttered; I could feel a bit of disappointment in it. "Well, I think it's starting get late, we should head back now" he squints and I agree. Can't wait to ask Serin about what happened to her date with my own brother


Guilty. That's what I feel these days. I've been avoiding Serin and Junghee without them knowing the reason behind and it eats me up day by day. "So, this is where you live?" the man beside me spoke as he looks around my dorm. "Not really, it's my school's. Since I don't have a roommate yet, you could stay here for the meantime" I said, "Take this as a gratitude for saving me the last time, if it weren't for you, I could be dead by now" I said

"Not really a big deal but what can I say?" he smirks before plopping his whole figure on the couch comfortably. I've been avoiding my friends lately because of this guy. I'm afraid of what's going to happen when they get involved

"About that night. Thanks for saving me too, I didn't expect you to help me though" he chuckles. "You don't have to lie to the police, you know?" I bit my lip secretly as this nightmare is starting to creep me out alive

I know I did wrong, so wrong. I could be in jail because of this

"That buff guy has no much for me" he chuckles as he shows his pale skin muscle and biceps at me, showing off. "How's your wound?" I ask reminding him that he almost broke his rib and he's still showing off like an asshole. "It's healing" he replied shortly before glancing at my study table. "So, you're an art major" he speaks

I hummed in response, "What about you?" I asked back. "I didn't go to college" he replies. "Let's just say, I'm in the low rank in the community" he shrugs like it's not much of a big deal. I just lean my whole strength on the kitchen island, these sudden events are starting to overwhelm me too much and it's making me sick

My phone rang out of the blue making me flinch in fear. I guess the trauma is still in me. I took my phone and answered the phone, to my relief, the man… I didn't know his name even though I let him stayed in my shop for days already. To my relief, he doesn't seem like to care and let me have my privacy

"Hey, Serin" I answered. "Chaewu! By chance, are you with Junghee? She's not here" Serin uttered on the other line. "What? No, I haven't been with the both of you these days because of the shop" I said the truth and likely felt the pale man with me look at my direction as his gaze were slightly obvious even if I faced my back on him

"Oh, I see. Is there something wrong with your shop? Junghee and I could help as always", she asked

"No, it's okay. I can handle it, it's just an itsy-bitsy problem" I try to redo my tone to be more assure and quite convincing, "Okay, I'll get going now. See you soon~" I hung up right after, not answering her back

"Why did you lie?" I heard him spoke as I let my phone lay down on the kitchen countertop. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I mean, I don't think this whole situation is an itsy-bitsy one" he cooed, "Are you scared to tell your friends that you let a wanted gangster and drug dealer in your property?"


I stayed in the couch for a good couple or hours, waiting for Junghee to be back. To my relief she replied after all of my missed calls and ignored texts saying that she slept and was now heading back. The front door erupted a sound, making me stood on my own instincts and approach the young lady who just went in the dorm

"Where were you? I thought something bad happen to- wait, why do you reek of alcohol" I said and sniff her clothes. It was indeed a mixture of alcohol and… men's perfume?

My eyebrows automatically knitted at the scent of that perfume, it's not Jungkook's. "Who are you with?" I ask in a serious tone before checking some parts of her body. I definitely hope nothing happened to her while I was being a dramatic teen back at the amusement park

"W-What? Oh! I-I was with… w-with… A sunbae! I was volunteering"

"Oh, really? How's the volunteering? I assume you passed out drunk while working" I snitch. "I'm serious, Junghee. Who's the guy? And don't even try to hide it, you smell like a mixture of soju and men's perfume" I crossed my arms sternly

I noticed her fiddling with her fingers in habit as I wait for her response, "Who?" I repeat

"It's Jimin, okay? Definitely a sunbae. Remember? Jungkook oppa's roommate" she muttered guiltily. "Look, I was bored and lonely. I went to Chaejin's dorm but no one answered then I ran into Jimin who was strolling there as well. He was bored and alone as well since his roommate a.k.a. my brother was with you" she explained

"Nothing inappropriate happened, swear. He didn't even want me to drink, I insisted on my own" she holds my hands to release them from crossing. "I'm sorry, okay?" she attacks me with one of her snuggly hugs that only happens for once in a lifetime since she's not much a fan of a hugger

"Okay, okay" I gave up and pat her back for her to retreat. "As long as you're okay, that's fine. But do realize that you shouldn't behave like that especially with a male" I reminded her of her actions. "Yes, mom" she mocked, I chuckled

"You better tell me everything that happened with you and Jimin- "

"Woah, stop right there, sis. You are the one who will tell me what happened tonight on your date" she cooed as she pulled me to our bedroom and sat down on her bed. "Tell me in details and don't leave a single string" she said

"Fine, but before that, can you at least change? You stink" I covered my nose teasing her as she slapped my arm before grabbing some random shirt and pajamas on her closet and heading to the bathroom to wash up. I didn't know Junghee also had a night. I wonder what Chaejin is up to, did she had a night as well?

The next day, well, it turned out great unexpectedly. I thought some group of immature fangirls would attack me once my foot takes a step on the school hall but instead, still the usual. It's a Saturday so there weren't many students in school now

I went to my locker to grab a textbook where I remember that I last place my reference report. Once I took my only agenda of the day, I close the metal door of my personal compartment and made my way to the library where Chaejin and I planned to meet

"Oh, sorry" I bumped into someone when I was about to take a turn and immediately apologize. He was wearing a black mask and black beanie. Even though half of his face were covered, his pale skin was really evident. He didn't talk but notice him looking at the direction where my back was facing before walking nodding at me in apology and proceeding into a different direction

Because of a curious cat I am, I turned around to look what's behind me that the pale guy was looking on but see Taehyung on his locker, probably looking for something. I didn't greet nor approach him since I already have Chaejin waiting for me and knowing her, she would be really pissed if she heard that I was a little late because of talking to a guy. Get the point?

I proceeded on the library and checked my name in before looking for my best friend. A familiar back figure caught my attention at the carpeted area as I went to her direction, I took my shoes off. "Hey!" I greeted and sat on the comfortable and fined carpet, "Oh, Serin" she smiled in a not-so-Chaejin-I-know way. "What's wrong? You've been out lately" I said

"I know and I'm here to apologize for it. I was expecting Junghee would be with you, where is she?" she asks. I chuckle before answering, "Well, she's hanging out with someone else" I shrugged

I notice Chaejin react differently before I explain, "It's Jimin. Jungkook's roommate" I informed before she gapes her mouth in an 'O' shape, completely understood what message I was implying. "She's on a date" she concludes

"Yep" I said, giving the 'p' a stress. "Though she kept insisting it as a hang-out, I'm very sure it's a date" I added

"Care to explain anything? You do remember if you hide anything from us, Junghee would literally beat the hell out of you" I chuckled, sugar-coating my words in fear that maybe that what she was hiding was something very personal

"Uh… I, I'm going to drop" she said. I blink. And blink once again, "Excuse me, I think I misheard something. What?" I uttered

"I'm going to drop school. I… I just think I need to take some time for myself first" she nibbles her bottom lip. "I already booked a ticket to Daegu- "

"You're going to Daegu?" I gawked at the sudden announcement coming from her. "You're dropping and going to Daegu after days without hanging out with me and Junghee?" I frown. I noticed her starting to get teary, "I know, and I'm so, so, sorry… I just, it's the only thing left for me I…" she stuttered as one tear started to escape

"Chae… you know you tell me" I assure her taking her trembling palms into mine, warming her a bit. She shakes her head but let me hold her hand, "I don't want you guy to be involved…" she muttered lowly, her sentence caught me off guard "What- "

"This is my life, Serin" She cuts me off before I could ask, "I'm passed 18 and I know what I'm doing" she added. "I just want to spend my time with you guys before I leave"

"Are you still until Junghee's birthday tomorrow?" I ask. To my deep despair, she shakes her head and wipes her tear-stained cheeks. "I'm leaving today at 5 in the afternoon" she grimaces. I couldn't help but close my eyes and let all the emotions take over. "I'm so sorry…" I heard her sobbed quietly


After minutes of sharing each other's tears, Serin and Chaejin went out of the library with bloodshot eyes. Both of them decided to go to Serin's dorm (Since Chaejin is afraid that Serin might found out what she was hiding in her dorm)

"I'm going to make a phone call to Junghee to tell her that you're here" Serin said as she took off her footwear and place them neatly on the side. Chaejin just nodded, she's very sure that her voice will came out hoarse after sobbing quietly back at the library

"Hey, are you done yet? Chaejin's here to hang-out" Serin spoke with her phone against her ear, it's no doubt to not know where Junghee was. "C'mon, it's just a one-minute walk from their dorm to go here" Serin groaned before saying 'bye' and hung up

"Where is she?" Chaejin mumbled, sitting on the lounge couch. "She's at Jungkook's dorm," Serin answered before joining her at the couch. "I thought Jungkook has training every Saturday?" Chaejin asks, referring to Jungkook's gym lessons that Junghee talked to them about before

"Well, she's not hanging out with Jungkook" Serin motions her fingers in a unique way to tell Chaejin what she was pointing out. After processing what her friend meant, she gawks for a moment and nodded in understanding, "Oh, I see"

"I know, right. She's indeed turning 18" Serin sighs before hearing the door code making some sound. "Speaking of the one who's turning 18"

"Golden Maknae in the house y'all!" Junghee announces with a tremendous entrance that led her to accidentally hit her elbow on the wall… hard. "Oh! Are you okay?" Serin rushed with her lips concealed to hold her laugh. Chaejin on the other hand was covering her mouth

"I'm fine!" Junghee faked laugh before looking at Chaejin and runs to her, smashing her whole body with hers. "Ow! Junghee, get off- "

"Take that for not being around for days" The younger continues to stay still and managed to make herself heavier to make the older suffer more. "Get off me, you brat!" Chaejin couldn't help but laugh and spanks the younger's butt (which she hates the most) and gets off. "You do know I hate being spank on the butt!" Junghee exclaims as she palms her bottom. "That's why I did to make you get off me. Gosh, what did you eat? Your so heavy…" Chaejin uttered and stretched her body from being smashed

"Tch, you like it either way. I heard a lot of guy were daydreaming about me on- ", Serin this time was the one who shut Junghee up with a pillow she grabbed from the couch. "That's so disturbing! Why the hell announce that so casually!" she laughs at the younger's sudden revelation

"Hey! It's already obvious because I'm such a sexy beauty~" Junghee jokes before posing some funny and hilarious positions, acting like some model. The two couldn't help but laugh. How ironic, this funny little baby is gonna be an adult in the less 24 hours

Serin mentally sigh. She wished these adorable memories would last but unfortunately, she has to lift a huge mountain in order for that to happen. The three made their day a huge blast and ended up having some dozens of food deliveries, movie marathon and turn their dorm upside down. A complete fun accompanied by a big mess

"Damn, she does have the guts to write such letters…" Junghee took a big scoop of popcorn. "Hey, no swearing" Serin scolded, looking at the younger. Not knowing that Chaejin is taking this chance to steal a big bite on her Hawaiian pizza. "Oh c'mon, I'm gonna be 18 either way" Junghee shrugs and continues to watch on the TV

"Honestly, I don't like how Peter was first shown in the movie like, I really thought he was just a supporting role. Like, he has his arm around and secured on the mean gurl" Serin uttered, "True. But I got to say, no one asked nor cared about your opinion" Junghee chuckled

"Really feeling of being an adult now, Junghee?" Chaejin teased. "Of course! I could do a lot of things that I couldn't do before like getting my license and allowed to ride the scariest one at the amusement park!" she exclaimed, remembering that she's left alone waiting because the ride forbids people who are under 18 and passed 60

"That was a complete nightmare…" Chaejin grimaces at the memory. "I remember puking my guts out right after"

"That was hilarious" Serin added and look back at the pizza in her hand with horror. "Who stole a bite on my pizza?" she interrogates her two friends but neither of them cared a single thing and laughs, so focused on the movie that was playing on the Television

"Not fair" she pouts playfully seeing her two friends were teasing her as she shrugs away and ate the other half of the pizza in her hand

The three watched until the end of the movie as they all stretched their numb muscles, "Well that was a little cliffhang. Wonder what happened to the last letter" Serin

"There's a sequel actually, let's watched it next time" Junghee said as Chaejin is trying to conceal her frown before checking the wall clock on the corner of the dorm. It's almost 4:30 in the afternoon

Serin noticed where Chaejin was looking and couldn't help but frown as well. "I'm going out for a moment, gonna buy some… things" Serin announce, before reaching to Chaejin with her eyes, as if sending a message with her visions which immediately Chaejin understood what Serin's intention was

"Okay, be back soon~" Junghee who doesn't have any idea agreed and wave at her best friend


"One lemonade, please" I said to the cashier and gave her my payment. I thought that maybe to give Chaejin an alone time moment with our youngest as she explains what will happen soon. I don't want them to be interrupted or to cry with them since I already got the chance back at the library and the fact that Junghee is a soft-hearted girl pains me more that one of her best friends is leaving on the day before her 18th birthday

"Here's your drink, ma'am" I thank the counter as she gave me my drink and proceeds on the other orders. I look around the café for any vacant single seats until I heard a familiar baritone and thick tone from not so far

"I'll have one citrus honey, please" I turn around to see Taehyung. I was about to call him when the lady behind him who was also falling in line to take an order call him

"Hey! Are you single?" He ignored the lady in a calm manner but ignoring a person's sentence is rude, right? Especially if that person is not close to you. He continues to look at the cashier and gave his payment

"Uhm, excuse me- "

"Can you get us a table, honey?" He suddenly faces my direction out of the blue. My eyes widened at his sudden action. Honey? Is he talking to me? I blink furiously, "H-Huh?" I uttered after finding my voice, looking at Taehyung then to the girl he ignored

"Get us a table, I'll wait for my order. You can go first" he said and motions me to continue look for a vacant table. I followed his words even though my brain is still trying to process the whole situation before giving any decisions. I sat down on an empty table I found in a corner beside the glass window showing all the view outside the café