
This Feeling • 김태형

A Kim Taehyung Fanfiction "They tell me think with my head and not that thing in my chest but they don't know what this feeling is like" Opposites really do attract. In which a girl shouldn't fall for someone she shouldn't MellifluousMeadow - All Rights Reserved Inspired by the song "This Feeling" by The Chainsmokers made. 20 May 2020 published. 16 June 2020 finished.

MellifluousMeadow · Celebrities
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18 Chs

제7장 | We All Get Expectations III

제7장 | We All Get Expectations III


"Where are we going?" I ask Jimin as he pulled me to somewhere who knows where. After satisfying my now full tummy and contented taste buds, Jimin asked me to accompany him somewhere as a 'thanks' for helping him discover some delicious food. Well, food is my specialty, and I won't flatter myself furthermore

"You'll see," he said as he pulled me into a dark alley across the streets. It's barely filled with people-oh, no. not barely, it looks really deserted

"Uhm…" I let out an audible mumbled to get his attention which it did, to my relief. We stop our tracks as he turned his head towards mine. "You know…" I uttered then motions my hands to our surroundings, hoping that he'll get the picture since I don't want to tell it specifically or it'll sound rude in my perspective and I don't want to be rude

"You're uncomfortable…?" he states the obvious. I nod briefly and subtly before explaining, I don't want him to get the wrong idea, of course. "Look, uhm… not to be judgemental or something but… you know, I might as well be cautious…" I cooed

"You know my brother's going to be a police officer anytime soon and he's really a buff fighter so…" I shut my mouth as I noticed him didn't give any reaction. "Yeah… I know your brother is a good fighter and a criminology student, yeah" he shrugs

"Look. If you had something in mind that you wanted to do, then I suggest you don't do it…? You know it's really tough to be in jail even though it'll just be in a couple of weeks- "

"Hey, if you're worried about me getting in jail because I just hung out with a minor, then don't. No one's around in the are at this time, it's just us" he replied. As much as I don't want to be more worried in contrast of what he said, I couldn't

"It's really okay" he gave me an assuring smile that looks really and genuinely innocent. I can't help but check him out for a little while when he grabs my hand and pulls me once again, snapping me out of my senses. I gulp mentally and let him


"Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded at Jungkook in assurance, "I'll be fine, promise" I smiled as he hops on the black saddle of his motorbike and wore his protective helmet. "Be careful, Serin. I really had fun with you" he smiles one last time before engaging the vehicle and drove off

I clutch on the tiger plushie I had in my arms and uttered to myself, "One last time…"

He will never be mine

Staying on the same spot for a brief moment for me to just progress what I just decided to happen and to sink the feeling in, I close my eyes for a moment feeling my chest getting heavier and heavier. But I don't feel the pain, thinking about it makes me feel more heavy

Didn't I like Jungkook? Or love him?

Taehyung's words again rang. It was all okay when he didn't say something. Or is it for my benefit to realize what I truly felt? I kept on tailing and stalking Jungkook for decades and…

Is it just a small attraction?

"Didn't expect you to follow what I said" I opened my eyes and turn around. I unconsciously gulp and feel submissive, "I didn't. Jungkook wanted to go here so I don't have a choice but to agree as well, I don't have any places in particular either way…" I mumbled as I stare at his black rubber shoes not having any feels to look at him in the eye

"Come with me" not so long the rubber shoes that I was staring moved making me looked up and follow him like a lost puppy. I can't disagree this time, I have no where to go anyway. Plus, maybe Taehyung could give me a ride back to the dorm or accompany me, it's dangerous for me to walk alone during the night

We came to a stop on a line to the Ferris wheel. "Where's your ticket?" he asks after a couple of moments of silence between us. "Huh?" I uttered

"Your couple ticket with Jungkook"

"How did you-" I purse my lips when he turn his head fully on my direction with his stormy and… slightly intimidated gaze. "Okay," I uttered submissively and use my other hand to scoop the ticket from my jean skirt pocket while my other hand is still supporting and holding the plush tiger. I gave Taehyung the ticket and ripped it apart. "What are you doing?!" I gasp

He ignores my statement and continues to ripped the paper to my total dismay, "Hey, stop that" I remarked and action to grab the already ripped paper from his hands to keep him away from damaging it further but defeated

"You don't need it either way," he replied plainly before throwing the pieces into the trash bin nearby

"But you don't have to ripped it…" I muttered. I could've kept it as a last memory. "You have that tiger doll he got you, you don't need that ticket" he shrugs as we heard the park worker announce the gate line to be opened. "But I chose this tiger because of something else…" I uttered in a low voice

"Next," Taehyung and I took some steps forward. My eyes bulge on the worker man who was been asking for tickets from customers. Taehyung just ripped mine. To my surprise, when it's our turn, Taehyung showed the man a familiar looking ticket

It's a couple ticket

"You may come in, ma'am, sir" the man motioned us to enter the boundary as he looked at the next persons' tickets for them to enter the amusement ride

"You…" I utter

"Get in," he said as the other worker move the next available cable car of the Ferris wheel for us to enter, I decided to shut my mouth up and probably go to Taehyung's flow. Once the cable is now stable for us to enter safely, I step in first before Taehyung did. "You know what to do," I heard Taehyung and notice him giving the worker a curt nod

I gave him a confuse and cautious look. What is he up to?


(The night when her bracelet was torn)

I sat down on the same spot for a couple of good minutes feeling numb. It just shattered like a piece of thin paper. This bracelet is so… dear to me. "I can't believe I just cried over an odd-looking, fragile bracelet because of my clumsiness" I chuckle in disbelief

Fiddling the loosed thread between the locks of my fingers I flinched when I heard another stack of books came in contact with my shop's floor. I could feel anxiety starting to overflow through my veins. Ghost aren't real for started haha, right?

"Ugh, this is my shop why would I be scared at my own shop" I let out a small laugh and wiped my dry stained tears and stood up on my slightly wobbly legs because of how long I crossed them when I sat down on the cold floor being such a dramatic teenager crying over a childhood bracelet

If I'm not mistaken, the sound was coming from lane 12 as what I could figure about. When my foot take place at lane 12, I only saw two books lying on the floor. Not wanting to think about the supernatural and scare myself furthermore, I just grab the books to put them back at the shelf but one book made me pause my actions, it feels like there's something that's stuck between the pages

I put the other one back to its proper place as I let the weird one stay in my hold. I use my left hand to open the pages since my right was holding unto my torn bracelet. A white looking powder inside on some plastic packet caught my sight. I furrow my eyebrows and took the plastic sachet to examine it-

"Are these drugs?" I gawked

"LOOK OUT!" My head spin around at the sudden call followed by me shrieking when one buff looking man was about to charge at me but I saw another paler one jumping on the buff's back restricting him to get to me further. I kept on screaming in fear as I felt my adrenaline rush so much that I could feel my heart was about to burst

"RUN!" I don't know how but I manage to use enough of strength to move my wobbly legs and ran away from the area. I unconsciously drag myself in my shop's restroom and lock the door. Nibbling my fingernails and slump my whole form in a corner I let out an audible snob when I heard the restroom door being banged so loud. I'm scared that it'll break into pieces

The banging stopped

I felt myself slowly calming down as I place my palm on my mouth to conceal and to lower the volume of my cries

But scream once again when the door broke and two bodies smashed against the frame hitting each other. I couldn't but only scream in fear. I tried to keep my mind straight and try to look for help as I hurriedly went inside the most end cubicle and step on the small iron handle and open the small window at the top. "HELP!" I scream with all of my might hoping that somebody would hear me. "PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream when I felt myself getting pulled

I whimper endlessly when I saw the buff man grabbing my arm painfully. "Don't touch her!" The paler one pulled the buff one which made him loose his grip on my arm. I covered my mouth with both of my palms crying when I already saw mirrors shattering with stains of blood

"Did somebody call for help?" I heard a masculine voice call from the window as I climb once again with all of my might to reach the gap. "HELP ME!" I scream

"Are you okay, miss?!"

"PLEASE CALL THE POLICE!" I scream then heard a loud smash making me flinch on my spot. "Help is on the way, hang in there!" I heard

I took that message as a relief but it didn't since the buff man wouldn't stop punching the paler one. I feel myself getting tense noticing the guy who helped me starting to go unconscious judging his gazes and now weak form. My eyes wander on the cleaning mop on the side and grab it in instincts, without wasting any time, I use all of my force to swung the handle right through his skull as much strength as I could

I release the mop from my hold when he buff man's form slumped on the side. With shivering hands, I went through the paler man with a swollen face and bloody nose and lip. "Please wake up," I stutter and try to pull his form up from the floor, scared if the buff man would wake up sooner

"Ugh…" I heard him groan. "Please endure, we'll be out in no time" I shiver in fear as I tried my best to keep him standing as I places my arm on his lower back for support and his arms over my shoulder. "You need to help me; you need to stand up" I asked desperately

He follows my words as we walked out of the restroom and placed him on the neared study chair with difficulty. I rush towards near the counter and grab some duct tape from the drawer that was used for packages and some scissors and immediately went back to the restroom

With shaking hands, I try my best to calm down and duct taped the buff's man hands on his back and feet before cutting the excess tape with the scissors I had in hand

I made sure that the tape is secure enough before letting out a breath in full relief and went back to the pale man that I left. Once my foot step out on the restroom, I fell on my knees, my weakness flooding all over my system as I let all of my tears out

I don't know what happen when that everything ended to this point as I could already hear some faint police sirens coming nearer as I let myself slumped on the cold floor and wait for the cops to get rid of the buff man I tied up at the restroom


"Please refrain from moving furiously for prevention of any damage and injuries…" The voice of the operator beamed through the mini speaker attached to the corner of the ceiling. I continue to hold my tiger plush which I just realized that I've never been able to not hold it for minutes until now

"Why did you choose that tiger?" Taehyung breaks the delicate silence. "Huh?" I uttered after just waking up with my small daydream of just looking at the distance without speaking or even maybe blinking. "That tiger. You said you chose it because of something else and not Jungkook" he said

"Uh… I was supposed to pick the bunny since, Jungkook looked like one" I muttered

"Then, why you did not pick the bunny?"

"I don't know. Honestly, it just grabs my attention so suddenly" I admit, feeling this mysterious and slightly intimidating man beside me so weirdly and somewhat comfortable to talk to

He didn't give any response right after as the we started to move up. I didn't move a single muscle as the words of the operator were ringing in my head and already imagining some scenes that are not should be imagining

The ride went slowly as it should be as I gaze over the distance. "Uhm… when are we supposed to be okay to stand up? I mean… to see what's under us since we can't move yet?" I state, trying to divert the topic to save my pride for a few moment

"After when we're the only passengers left" he replied casually. After his words left his mouth, my head jerked up to his side. I could seriously feel a slight ache because of my sudden move. "What do you mean by… only passengers left?"

"I asked the operator to let us stay here after some minutes" he replied without giving me a single attention from his eyes. "Oh" I breath out. Totally don't know how to react at the sudden… confession

I cleared my throat before speaking, "So… are we just uhm, going to… stay put until we're the only ones left?". He nods as response. I nodded as well awkwardly. The fragile silence engulfed us once again in a not so comfortable manner. "How are you?" I squeaked

I felt him turn to my direction. I move my pupil to the corner of my eyes to get a small glimpse of him. "What?" he asked, still had this soothing thick baritone of his

"Uh… you were ignoring me for weeks and, we haven't catch up since then" I said but turn my head to face his. "So, I asked if how are you". I waited for any reaction coming from his face, even just a small detail whether it's his eyebrows of from the corner of his lips but didn't

His infamous poker look remained stable

"Ahah… I shouldn't ask" I scratch my nape in habit. "I'm fine" he said, making me stop doing my habit and looked at him fully. "Hm?"

"I said, I'm fine. What about you?" he throws back the question to me. "Oh, I'm fine, as well. Still the usual" I replied at full ease. "That's good" he said, "I hope you don't have any threats or whatsoever?"

"Threats?" I uttered before continuing, "I actually did- "

"When?" his sudden change of emotion startled me to the bone. His eyebrows crease together and his gaze turns sharper and clear. "Ah… from a fangirl of yours" I chuckle nervously, don't get why he would react this so serious to an immature threat

"She threatened me to stay away from you because she's yours" I pursed my lips after stating the fact. "It was just a fangirl threat, not too serious" I added. After then, I noticed his expressions slowly morphed from something deadly to now relieved. "You… okay?" I uttered, more like a hushed and whisper

"Yeah," I saw his manly adam's apple bobbed. He's nervous… A new emotion I just witnessed that he really has, a new hidden emotion was now revealed. I can't help but feel some small tingles at pit of my stomach and smiled

He coughs and cleared his throat, composing himself back to his original position. I find him amusing as he's been showing his feeling assertively right now. "Oh, I see…" he uttered. "Why?" I asked


"Why did you asked that someone threatened me? And you look… scary just a moment ago" I explained. Wanting to have at least some knowledge about what was he worried about

"It's nothing" he said plainly, a frown went back to my lips. He's being the intimidating guy again

"You know, it doesn't really hurt if you're going to open up or tell someone about what you're thinking or worrying about" I offered. "You can tell me". He turns his head to mine once again and spoke, "I'm not scared of getting hurt telling you. The question is, are you going to be hurt if I tell you?���

My heart stopped for an unknown reason. I bit my tongue in my mouth in habit, his question was so sudden and mysterious that it makes me shiver and… terrified. "What do you… want to imply?" I stuttered. He pulls our eye contact off as he looks at the window of our cable cart before standing up and led me his hand

With doubts, I took it and silence my feelings of how overwhelming and comforting his touch is. I stood up with my other hand held with his and the other holding my tiger plushie. "Look over there" He pointed towards the flower stand by the corner. Since it's already night, there are a lot of people going to the park with their families and loved ones for the upcoming fireworks

I look at the location Taehyung told me carefully. A familiar physic caught my attention holding a big bouquet of red roses and gave it to the girl beside him. "Jungkook…?" My voice turns into a soft whisper as I slowly loose my strength and drop my tiger plush and Taehyung's hand but he grips on it as if on instinct to give me some small comfort

"He… He loves someone…" I uttered slightly gawking in disbelief. "I… I've been tailing him for so long… and…" How am I so stupid? Years. I've been dreaming for this guy for years. Such a waste of time I did…

It hurt really bad. But it feels like a different kind of hurt. I let myself consume all of my emotions and unconsciously close my eyes as crystal tears slowly slid out of their den to my cheeks and hold to Taehyung's hand in comfort since it's the only thing left for me to hold to as my tiger plush was on the ground and I have no strength to move my body and pick it up

I feel disappointed and stupid. I wasted so much for years just to know that… He already has eyes for someone in the first place. "You okay?" I heard Taehyung spoke, I nodded subtly. "Yeah…" I replied with a hoarse tone. I felt him move his hand up and pull his long sleeves up to his palm that was connected near to his wrist and wipe my cheek. "I don't have a handkerchief" he said

I broke a small smile at his sudden confession, making him knitted his eyebrows together, "What are you smiling about?" he asks. I shake my head before explaining, "You're being cute right now" I confess, just to know what I just slipped out of my mouth

Oh, how embarrassing

"W-What?" he stutters. Wait, he stuttered? "You think I'm being c-cute?" he gawks. I continue to check him out- wait, that doesn't sound like it should be. "Me? Cute? Are you insane? I'm not cute. I'm scary, okay?" he rants in a most amusing manner ever. "It's just a normal instinct for me to give you a handkerchief because you were crying, do you want me to just let you be like a fucking moron? And I have a brain, okay? That's why I'm using my sleeve as alternative" he shoots, not knowing that he's been showing the hidden side of himself right now

"What are you looking at?" he mocked. I broke into laughter, "How can't I? You were showing a different side of you" I wipe the remaining tears on the corner of my eyes before proceeding. "Wow, I didn't know you could talk so carefree, Kim Taehyung" I chuckle once I notice him just realizing what he just did

"Too late for you to be so intimidating Tae" I shake my head and chuckles. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it. I'm a keeper" I wink, teasing him more before looking back again to Jungkook who was now sitting on park bench with the luckiest girl, her head resting on his broad shoulder

"I guess this will be the last time that I'd be looking at him as my crush" I said and let out a breath. Puppy love, indeed

"I really expect you to cry like an immature teen I knew in the movies with some bucket of ice cream in hand" he speaks, using his monotone voice once again. I mentally chuckled, he doesn't have to hide it to me, I already witnessed it

"And I didn't expect you have a carefree side" I replied. "I really expect that tonight's going t be different…" I added. Not gonna lie, I really expect myself to have some guts to confess to Jungkook and him returning my feelings just as the park's fireworks erupting on the background. I think it's a good decision to not confess or else I won't have any face to face him next time for the fact that I'm roomies with his sister

"We all get expectations" he stated, "It's already in our nature to expect" I nodded. "But might as well, expect the unexpected" he added, "Who knows, this small experience of yours is up for something better"

I nodded, "You knew, didn't you" I let out a small sigh before picking up my tiger plushie on the ground and held it in my arms once again. "Knew what?" he asks

"About Jungkook" I said before facing him. He blinks twice before replying his infamous line that irritates me to the brim, "It's better if you know nothing" he breaks a small chuckle after releasing those annoying words

I can't help but chuckle as well and find his revelation cute as I heard fireworks starting to erupt on the background. Me and Taehyung at the top of the Ferris wheel, watching fireworks at the amusement park. Kind of Romantic