
This Crayfish is not edible

Xia Che was a crayfish monster that cultivated to become a human, but from then on he was the epitome of unlucky. But because he was friends with a Koi fish, he was able to escape his predicament. One fine day the Koi fish disappeared and our silly little crayfish lost his luck. He was all alone for many years until an ugly snake landed on his lap. The snake turned out to have exponential luck. Xia che: “Let me pet you today as well little worm. I want to trip on a pot of gold.” He rubbed the coarse scales of the snake. Long Aotian: ‘How dare you try to pet this majestic dragon,’ he bit his offending hands and squirmed. Xia che: “Stop squirming little worm, I might cook you for dinner instead. I heard humans say that snakes are good for your liver.” Long Aotian: “You....You” The little ugly snake changed into a majestic dragon and pushed the crayfish down. He ate till his heart’s content. P.S- Cover art inspired by LinDu

Lullabybao · LGBT+
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275 Chs

Chapter 229 - Back to Senses

Long Ki softly sobbed. "Raijin, my brother. Have I lost you forever? Why won't you reply? Are you angry with me because I broke our seal? I broke it because I want you to be by my side as an equal nit as a servant or as a slave. So please, come back my friend." His words ended up in a loud sob as he watched the blank-looking wolf.

He slowly stumbled closer. "Raijin…..please…please answer me? Please, I beg of you," he whispered softly.

The grey wolf stepped back and suddenly growled at him.

"It's going to be okay, my friend, I will save you," Long Ki whispered with his hands outstretched, his spiritual powers flowed out like a soft stream towards the wolf.

Raijin became quiet, wary of it and evaded it. He jumped high and low, but Long Ki spiritual energy flowed behind him like a little tail. Frustrated, it jumped down from the building and changed towards the red dragon.