
This could be us

He destroyed her entire world. But faith brouht her to his own world,to find her true nature and rescue the Ascaria kingdom by his side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roxy, a famous popstar engaged with Marcus the vampire prince unaware of his realnature. Living ablissful life and having all the wealth in the world, what could she ask for more? But her dream life crumbled down to ashes when Marcus' enemies trick a sextape making everyone believe that she was indeed the one in the videos and pictures. Marcus knew from the beginning that she wasn't the one. But because of an incident thzt happened between them, he released it to the world wanting her to come back crawling at him but things took an unespected turn. Now sent to his mate and saviour of an entire nation will she help him? Or deliberately refuse and side with the enemies?

Roxane_Christina · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Ex - girlfriend

Anger and pain clear in her eyes to see Marcus in bed with a blonde girl in doggy style. When Marcus turned and saw Roxy, his eyes widen and shock was clear on his face. The blonde girl tried to turn due to the sound of the opening door but Marcus stopped her, but his manhood stayed up inside her and she thought she even saw him deepen into her. The image was just too much to bear so she ran out of the room to the car. She even expected him to come after her but he didn't. All she wanted was to cry herself to sleep so she waited in the car for what felt like centuries.

When the car stopped in front of her house, she quickly stepped out to make her way directly to her room but met Julie midway.

'' Roxy you ...'' She stopped when she saw Roxy's face. '' Are you okay?'' She asked worried.

'' Yes yes what did you want to say?''

'' Oh yes. Tomorrow you have a bikini and swimwear photoshoot early in the morning and an award ceremony at night. So after your shooting you will get the time to rest well and get prepare for the ceremony.''

'' Okay something else?''

'' No that's all.''

'' Alright thank you.'' She walked pass Julie as she could and locked herself in her room. She wanted to cry all her pain out but relax before doing so. So she went to her bathroom, took a bath with relaxing herbs, did her skincare, put on a soft white unicorn pajama with rainbow hairs, a smooth smelling pafume, ate and brush her teeth. It was 6:00 p.m when she locked up herself in her room again, off the lights and started crying her face buried in her pillow 'till she fell asleep.

She woke up at 4:00 a.m the next day determine to pursue her journey. A heart break won't stop her from working. She went to her shooting, then to the spa. When she got home, she expects to be alone but saw someone she didn't expect to see.

'' Are you alright?'' He asked coming closer.

'' Marcus what are you doing here?''

'' To see if you are doing well.'' He answered innocently.

'' Why?''

'' Because you are my girlfri —''

'' Ex - girlfriend.'' She cut him off but he chuckled.

'' You won't last a month without me. Wait a week. You'll miss me.'' He said in a mocking tone.

'' My whole tour, I've missed you so so much. I sent you thousand of messages but you never answered. When I called you, you always had stupid reasons to end the call after 15 minutes. When I was in the plane on my way back here, I received these pics.'' She said angry showing him the pics and his eyes widen. '' You cheated on me with multiple bitches and the worse of it all was yesterday...'' She said with tears flowing on her cheeks. '' Why Marcus?'' She sobbed. '' Why?!!" He looked down feeling sorry.

'' I am sorry.'' He looked up.

'' Is it because I said not before you put a ring on it?'' She asked between her sobs.

'' Yes... I...'' sigh. '' I'm sorry.''

'' Marcus I love you but... between you and I... It's over.'' She said and tried to walk pass him but he grabbed her wrist. She tried to get away from his grasped Bec he was hurting her.

'' Marcus let go off me !''

'' You can't break up with me unless you want your career to end. You'll loose everything.''

'' You can't do that.''

'' I made it start... I can make it end.''

She yanked her wrist off his hand. '' Do what you want but I'll NEVER EVER come back to you!'' She said and started climbing up the stairs.

'' Roxy...!'' He called out. '' Think about it very well. I am your hell from now on.''



Hi Christies. Sorry you might be confused with the previous book. I had a Gmail account problem so I had to restart back in another Gmail account. Anyways this is two chapters hope you get along with it well. Love you guys.


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