
This could be us

He destroyed her entire world. But faith brouht her to his own world,to find her true nature and rescue the Ascaria kingdom by his side. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roxy, a famous popstar engaged with Marcus the vampire prince unaware of his realnature. Living ablissful life and having all the wealth in the world, what could she ask for more? But her dream life crumbled down to ashes when Marcus' enemies trick a sextape making everyone believe that she was indeed the one in the videos and pictures. Marcus knew from the beginning that she wasn't the one. But because of an incident thzt happened between them, he released it to the world wanting her to come back crawling at him but things took an unespected turn. Now sent to his mate and saviour of an entire nation will she help him? Or deliberately refuse and side with the enemies?

Roxane_Christina · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Doggy Style

Roxy just finished her tour and was tired. She wanted to relax. But most of all, she wanted to see Marcus back. She wanted to be in his arms. She wanted him to hold her tight so she could relief the stress of the tour. It was 12:00 a.m in the night when the tour ended. She went back to her hotel room and started sending Julie, her personal assistant.

'' Julie please can you bring me a pasta, an orange juice and a digestive tea?''

'' Yes rox. Want something else?''

'' Can you reserve the whole Sunday at the spa for us ?''

'' Got it.''

'' And... A bath before you go take my pasta?''

'' Alright.'' Julie said smiling then want to prepare Roxy's bath.

Through the 3 years of her musical career, Roxy and Julie became very close. Their friendship grew so much that they went from being boss and assistant, to friends , then best friends and now sisters. Roxy had offer Julie to stop being her assistant because she couldn't handle sending Julie. so she wanted to start a business for her but Julie refused. She was perfectly fine with what she was doing. beside, she was not sure that any other person would take care of Roxy out of true love.

In her bath, Roxy's thoughts drifted to Marcus. How was he? What was he doing? He didn't answer her calls and messages. And when he did, he always had excuses to end the call after 15 minutes. She suspected him of cheating on her but she quickly dismissed the thought because of all the good memories she had with him. But she didn't totally dismiss the thought because before her tour, when they were in a heated moment, she stopped him. When Roxy was thirteen, she made a promise to herself that the only man with whom she would ever be intimate would be the one who would put a ring on it. She was a full God believer so if there's one sin she has the power of not doing, she wouldn't hesitate. Since then, Marcus became distant and a little cold towards her but she ignored it and stayed the same towards him. That is why she was so eager to see if he had missed her as she had missed him. She washed off the soap from her body, put on a simple pink night gown and went in her room. Julie was already back with what she asked for. She finished eating and went to bed.

The next day when she was inside the plane, she got a notification. She took her phone and opened the message but what she saw ruined her day. She saw multiple pics of Marcus and on each pic he was kissing different girls. She felt her eyes well. She dialed Marcus number but felt on his voicemail. She ran into the plane toilets and cried for hours. When she came out, 9 hours were left before she reached her hometown so she decided to sleep in order to stop thinking about it. When she woke up, she got prepared then took her breakfast. As soon as the plane landed she climbed down and asked the driver to take her to Marcus' house.

'' Roxy are you not going to the spa anymore?'' Julie called out.

'' No I have something to do!''

While in the car, she tried to call Marcus multiple times but got no response. She was raging, sad and felt betrayed. Raging because she had missed him but it seems he did not, betrayed because she really trusted him and sad because her first ever true love was a wrap. When the car stopped in front of Marcus' house and she stepped out, the guards immediately let her in because they knew her. She directly made her way to Marcus' room with her phone in hand to show him the proves in case he denied anything but she stopped right in front of him room's door when she heard a girl moaning hard.

'' Oh... OH Marcus yeah... OH!!!'' Then Marcus moan '' Mmmm! Oh yes baby!''

She couldn't bear it so she flew the door wide open anger and pain clear in her eyes to see Marcus in bed with a blonde girl in the horse position.