
Thirty Days: The Bet

Three Best Friends, Lia, Anna & Rose decided to play a mindful game since there would be graduating from college. Rose Lee, daughter of a prestigious family, Anna Roy , daughter of a military officer and Lia Carson, daughter of a well-known actress & father, a popular artist. 'A Game Of Heart Break' A bet to capture their crush's heart for fun within 30days and break it on their graduation. They make you fall in love with them and break your hearts on graduation. ~~~~~~~ "What the fuck, Mark? You can't just barge into a girls room like that!. Have you lost your mind?. Have some shame at least." Rose yelled at her brother. "A little birdy told me you're doing something very bad, of all people 'AXEL'!. You're playing with that psycho's feelings now. You didn't see Jack, Max and the rest, Huh?" Mark asked, almost yelling at her even though he tried to suppress his anger. "So" She scoffed, while saying. ~~~~~~~~ Anne's turn "It's over Jason, I was only playing with your heart" Anne said in a cold tone, staring directly into his eyes. "W-why?" Jason asked stuttering, trying to know why she lied. why she broke his heart. She laughed out unexpected, making Jason to bent his head in a pleading tone. "Remember when you broke my heart, Ten years ago today. Feel the same way I felt and cry. How I followed you around like a sheep without his owner. How I stood crying under that rain, that made me sick and all you could ever do is shout and ignore me. If I ever tell my Dad that it was your ' dear Sister' that pushed me on the floor that day, which lead me been in the hospital. I don't think she might still be with you now." She said in one go, before stressing the word sister purposely. ~~~~~~~~~ Lia's turn "We are officially not a couple. Not dating and never will I" Lia said coldly. "Fine that's what you want, don't care" ~~~~~~~~ Lia's Turn "What has my brother done to you for you to break his soft heart like this?" "He's in his room for two days now and hasn't come out. Not eaten or even drank a drop of water" Kiara yelled angrily. why do you think this three best friend came up with a mind blowing game? There's more family drama, Hidden Secret and More Fun. ~~~~~~~ Photo not mine by Pinterest

Nancyjohn · Teen
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9 Chs


"Have you guys heard the news" Rose said, climbing on top of her bed. She was having a video call.

"Yes, I know that too" Lia face popped in the video call.

"Ah" Anne's voice echoed in the background.

"I don't want to go back. I feel so lazy to even think of it" Anne groaned, placing her phone on her face for them to see her expression.

Lia and Rose giggled seeing her dramatic behavior on the screen.

"It's not a must, you know!" Rose enlightened, telling her. Lia hummed in response, agreeing to her.

"Yes, but if I stay at home I'll be the only one left out. I'll be an outcast"

"Yeah, yeah, baby Anne is crying" Lia mocked playfully.

"You!" She was suddenly interrupted with heavy footstep echoing close to her room

"Anne" Her Mom called her name while knocking on the door.

""Mom" Anne called back, turning her back to check her door if her mother would come in anytime.

"Sorry guys, gotta go. Mom's calling me" Anne said immediately, clicking on end to remove from the video call.

The door opened a little''Your brother is back!" Her Mom's voiced filled the entire room.

Brother is back!

Anne quickly rolled on her bed. She looked into a mini mirror which was next to her bed, checking herself.

She removed the scrunchies from her hair, throwing it on her bed. She opened the cupboard, taking out a pink lip balm. She opened the covers, took a little and applied it on her lips.

"Am coming!" She screamed happily, smiling at the mirror.

She ran to the bed for the second time to carry her cellphone, before zooming out.

Sounds of laughter could be heard from a distance in the sitting room. She was walking a little fast to the place not minding if she could fall.

As soon as she was near, she saw a figure of a person. Her smile immediately turned into a frown.

The person she didn't want to meet was here. Would he like to see her?

His back was facing her so he couldn't see her. A girl was sitting close to him. Laughing and touching him on his shoulder from time to time. He was obviously talking to her brother by the way he stood.

His words was still lingering in her mind even when everything has been cleared "Why do you keep forcing yourself on me like a pet. You look like a doll with no owner. Stay within your childish fantasies while I stay in reality"

Remembering that, a tear slowly dropped from her cheeks. She quickly cleaned it, turning around to go back upstairs.

As she turned a maid was coming down stairs, holding an empty tray. She was about to speak, Anne turned her head and placed a finger on her lip, indicating for her to keep quiet.

She nodded her head in response as if knowing what had happened.

Who didn't know in the entire Mansion that their Young Miss has a crush on the First son and heir to Gomez Incline Limited & Company.

The way she calls his name, talk about him and even defends him when he gets wrong by others but what did she get in return insult,curses and pain.

"I won't talk" The maid mouthed, coming down from the stairs slowly.

The maid walked, standing beside her. She wanted to say something. A word of calming to stop Anne's worries But she couldn't.

Anne shifted to her side a little, she bent her head and whispered something instead her ear.

Linda nodded her head, agreeing to what Anne told her.

"Linda, where's Anne?" Anne's brother, Andrew asked glancing at her.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, wanting to hear what she would say.

"Well, She's sleepy'' Linda answered, looking at everyone.

The kind of hatred she had for this Jason boy was beyond explainable.

Look at him pretending to care.

His expression turned grim thinking of what the maid had said.

Didn't she wanted to see him or has finally realized that clinging to him won't make him to like her.

Why was he even thinking about her her?.

"Oh" Andrew hissed in annoyance. Wasn't it to early for her to sleep. They was still time. It was already '8:10PM', to early for a girl like his sister to doze off.

"I'll take my leave now" Linda bent down her head a little, rushing out  from there.

Anne ran to her room, opening the door She turned off the lights, closed the door. She slowly fell on the floor, cover her face with her hand, using her leg as support.

"Is it a crime to love?" Anne laughed, hitting her head on the hard door.

"Why doesn't he likes me?." She faced the ceiling, her back touching the floor. She closed her eyes inhaling deeply.

Her eyes turned glossy with hot tears pouring out from her eyes. She felt dizzy all of a sudden, her head throbbing in pain.



She could hear faint voices of someone calling her name from outside her room.

A light knock resounded in the room. She tired to move, tried to say a word but she couldn't.

She held her stomach trying to reduce the overwhelming pain, closing her eyes are bit her lips silently.

Her vision was slowly blurring till everything turned dark.

The next morning, She felt something warm touching her skin, from her hand to her face, nudging her body.

She slowly opened her eyes, glancing at a white  dog.

"Maxy" She said, rubbing the dog's back a little.

The dog responded by barking two times.

"Shhh" Anne quickly placed her hand on her lip. She didn't want her Mom to find an animal living inside the house. Her Mom will get mad.

The dog shut his mouth, sitting on the floor.

"Good dog" Anne praised, standing up from the ground.

"Let me wash up first, get dressed and find you some food" She headed to her wardrobe, carrying a bathrobe and a set of clothes.

"Lia" Her Mom opened the door with a loud bang, causing her to wake up. She threw a stuffy rubiscle at Lia"Ouch it hurts" Lia pouted in pain, holding her face up.

"Stand up" Lia faced the sound of the voice, opening her eyes widely.

She imagined her Mom's expression like a 'angry red Tom trying to pounce on Jerry'.

"Daddy help me" She whispered softly, sneakingly glancing at the door.

"Did I tell you not to use my car?" Katherine yelled, twisting Lia's ear tightly, not enough to hurt her.

"I thought it was for us"

"Us?" Katherine gritted her teeth. She sat on the bed, holding her head.

"Didn't your dad asked you, if he could  buy you a car?, You said no that you were too young!"

"Sorry, Mom don't be angry. I promise I wouldn't do it again" Lia turned to her Mom, holding her hands gently. She looked like she could cry any moment from now.

"Am not crying. You already promised so don't take that back" Katherine said, cleaning her fake tears.

"Mom, you tricked me"

How can she forget that her Mom can be like this.

"Yeah, yeah, so am not going to be at home from 10:00AM to 5:00PM, am going for some photo shoot and I want to finish my schedule for this week, bye." Before she could talk, her Mom was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, Geez" She fell on the bed, hitting her arms on it.