
Thirty Days: The Bet

Three Best Friends, Lia, Anna & Rose decided to play a mindful game since there would be graduating from college. Rose Lee, daughter of a prestigious family, Anna Roy , daughter of a military officer and Lia Carson, daughter of a well-known actress & father, a popular artist. 'A Game Of Heart Break' A bet to capture their crush's heart for fun within 30days and break it on their graduation. They make you fall in love with them and break your hearts on graduation. ~~~~~~~ "What the fuck, Mark? You can't just barge into a girls room like that!. Have you lost your mind?. Have some shame at least." Rose yelled at her brother. "A little birdy told me you're doing something very bad, of all people 'AXEL'!. You're playing with that psycho's feelings now. You didn't see Jack, Max and the rest, Huh?" Mark asked, almost yelling at her even though he tried to suppress his anger. "So" She scoffed, while saying. ~~~~~~~~ Anne's turn "It's over Jason, I was only playing with your heart" Anne said in a cold tone, staring directly into his eyes. "W-why?" Jason asked stuttering, trying to know why she lied. why she broke his heart. She laughed out unexpected, making Jason to bent his head in a pleading tone. "Remember when you broke my heart, Ten years ago today. Feel the same way I felt and cry. How I followed you around like a sheep without his owner. How I stood crying under that rain, that made me sick and all you could ever do is shout and ignore me. If I ever tell my Dad that it was your ' dear Sister' that pushed me on the floor that day, which lead me been in the hospital. I don't think she might still be with you now." She said in one go, before stressing the word sister purposely. ~~~~~~~~~ Lia's turn "We are officially not a couple. Not dating and never will I" Lia said coldly. "Fine that's what you want, don't care" ~~~~~~~~ Lia's Turn "What has my brother done to you for you to break his soft heart like this?" "He's in his room for two days now and hasn't come out. Not eaten or even drank a drop of water" Kiara yelled angrily. why do you think this three best friend came up with a mind blowing game? There's more family drama, Hidden Secret and More Fun. ~~~~~~~ Photo not mine by Pinterest

Nancyjohn · Teen
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9 Chs

Am Sorry

A phone suddenly vibrated, disturbing their emotional talk. Katherine opened her mini bag, carrying a phone.

Oh I forgot

She groaned a little before answering the call.

"Hello, hello where are you?, Everyone is waiting for you Katherine. The directors are shouting and angry too. I can't keep them waiting for too long." Michelle, her manager urged patiently.

"Am coming, tell them to wait. Give me 20 minutes and I'll be there, Okay?" Katherine said finally, reassuring her.


With that the call ended.

"You can go" Sophia pulled out of the hug, saying.

"Okay, I promise to call you as soon as I am done."

"Be safe" Sophia said.

Katherine nodded at her, before carrying her bag.

She bent down a little, pointing her index finger towards Sophia. "Katy"...."Phia" Sophia answered back, placing her own index finger on Katherine's index finger.

"And friends we are, happy together" The duo yelled happily, bursting into a fit of laughter.

Thinking about something, Kate whinced

"Bye, bye, Am already late" Katherine ran, leaving the stunned Sophia.

Sophia smiled, gazing at the running figure. A silhouette suddenly came into her view.

"Mom" Rose pouted, leaning on her Mom's knees lazily while sitting on the carpet grass.

Her Mom answered, humming in response.

"I think Grandmother is angry with me. Did I offend her?" Rose asked.

"You don't think,You know she's angry with you. Have you apologized to her?" Sophia asked, patting her daughter's head.

She usually do this to calm her down when She was upset or crying.

"No" Rose whispered, covering her face with her Mom's dress.

"Go apologize to her. She will listen to you, I just know of it" Sophia smiled, resting her back on the bench. She let out a sign of relief.

"Ok" Rose said. She stood up from the floor, cleaning herself before hugging her Mom for a while. With that she ran entering inside the Mansion.

Nobody was around, seeing that she quickly entered the kitchen. There, she met the chef.

The man has been working with them for over a decade now. Even though he was an amazing chef, she still prefer her Mom's dishes.

The chef turned looking suprised" Oh Miss. Roseline what are you doing here?." She asked, still arranging the kitchen utensils.

"Am cooking" The chef stilled hearing what, Rose said. She slowly turned to look at Rose.

"Co-cook, You-

"What I meant to say is the Young Miss wants to cook but she just finished eating dinner" Abigail explained briefly on the matter. At first she almost said something that absurd, forgetting her manners. This mouth of hers will lead her into trouble. She was sure of it.

"Yes, are you done with work?" Rose asked, leaning on the counter.

"Yes, when am done, I'm going back home for a month. Austin and Aaliyah misses me." Hearing that Rose paused.

Seeing her reaction, Abigail asked" If I may ask, What is the Young Miss planning to cook?"

"Pancake. Am making them for Grandma. She seems a little angry, you know." Rose said, carrying a clean bowl from the hanger. Her eyes roaming around looking for something.

"The flour is in store, let me get it for you." Abigail said.

"No, leave it. You can go and meet the kids, okay" Rose assured her

Abigail hesitated a little, before agreeing.


"And do greet the children for me, it's been long I've seen them."

"Okay, I will. Bye bye" Abigail turned, walking out of the kitchen.

"Now, it's cooking time" She assured herself.

I can do this

"Flour, flour, flour" She whispered to herself, turning around using her eyes to scan the place.

Store, yeah the store

She walked up to a door close to freezer. Turning the lock, she opened it. The room was a little dark with the only source of light, the window. Entering the store, she turned by her left and saw the switch.

She tapped the switch, making the light turned on. Every item was arranged uniformly, in rows and columns. She hurriedly walked up to a shelf, which had flour. She gently picked a packet of flour, walking to her left, she carried a tray and placed the flour inside.

It was already night time, the Mansion was quiet with all the lights been turned off.

Knock knock

"Come in" Lady Ruby said, carrying her walking stick before sitting down on her bed.

The door opened slightly, Rose peeped in smiling at her Grandmother.

The Old Lady frowned at her.

"Nana" She grinned happily, before pushing the door widely. She opened and closed it gently, hiding the bowl at her back.

"I made you sometime"

"What's that?" The old lady asked.

"Pancake. I hope you like it" She said, glancing down feeling nervous.

"Bring it here" Lady Ruby said, patting a spot on the bed for her to sit.

She walked up to her, and sat on the bed.

"Am Sorry, I-..

"It's okay, I was angry with you but now am feeling better and energetic" Lady Ruby said, placing the plate of pancake on the bed.

"Really" Rose said, wiping a tear drop from her eye. Her Grandmother wasn't angry with her.


"Yes, I want you think about it. Why don't you go on a date with him, if it doesn't work I won't force you. Just try" Her Grandmother urged her.

"You're already twenty-three now, am not saying it's too late, there's still time I know. It's early on your Mom's side. She doesn't want you to be in a relationship till you become want you want to achieve...but just consider it" Lady Ruby said, reasoning with her.

"Must it be him?" Rose asked patiently

The Old lady didn't reply to her.

"No" Rose signed breathing out a sign of relief.

"Why the question?"

"Coz, I don't want him or any other man to be from someone Dad or another knows. I want him to a person I know or don't know"

"Well, that's nice.. I would say."

The place was dead silence afterwards, till

"The principal called me" Rose groaned angrily, closing her eyes before laying on the bed.

"What did he say this time around?" She asked, turning to face her Grandmother.

Why does this man always call at the wrong time. Doesn't he gets tired.

"School is resuming next week, it not about school work but just a couple of social activities and fun for the students." The old lady smiled, waiting for Rose to see her reaction.

"Am going" Rose opened her eyes and stood up abruptly.

She's not missing this type of fun.

Ring ring

Rose's cell phone vibrated in her pocket. She took a look at the name and smiled happily.

She happily turned to her Grandmother, hugging her tightly before leaving.

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Happy Father's Day, to all the Dads around the world, especially my dad.

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