
Things Will Stay Like This

Darian Jains a young teen the age of seventeen gains a crush on the rebellious and delinquent Giselle Stein. Darian was a young man of integrity, aloofness, and constantly felt a sense of nothingness in his life. It was as if everything was as mundane as a beige still life image. Giselle in her last year of highschool is just trying to stay out of trouble. Constantly dealing with a bitch named Fae and her cry baby tears Giselle has become the schools delinquent after beating the brats ass. After seeing a fiasco in the lunch room Darians life suddenly becomes colorful, Giselle has become his muse. How far will he take it though?

Potatoegirl_uwu · Teen
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14 Chs

Secret Keeper

Fae's POV


Fae's bruises were healing nicely after the beat down from Giselle the other week.

She knew what she said to Giselle was going too far but she couldn't help herself. Seeing Gisele look happy with someone like Sedrick made her insides boil.

Sedrick wasn't worth Giselle's attention or time. At least in Fae's eyes. Had Giselle just taken her up on her offer in elementary school things wouldn't have gotten this far. It's not like it was the first time Fae got hit by her either.

It almost felt like yesterday Giselle hit her that day on the playground. Fae never met someone as cool as Giselle. Fae tried her hardest to be Gisele's friend and gain her favor by bullying other kids in front of her. Fae would try flaunting how well her dad treated her, or just plain bribing Giselle. After multiple failed attempts of getting Giselle's attention Fae couldn't help but start to feel jealous of the other kids around Giselle.

Giselle made it clear she had a strong hate for Fae, But she didn't care.

Fae had a secret, only one person knew about. Even then they were just a nobody, Fae was safe...

If it weren't for Fae, maybe Giselle would still remember what happened in elementary school. That hot summer, when all the bugs sang. The two girls had ended up going to the same summer camp the last year before middle school. The counselors partnered all the children together to go hiking in the woods.

Waiting at the top of the path a set of stairs awaited below the two girls. Giselle was alone, and so was Fae. The counselor had lost track of them as they were the only ones behind.

"Why won't you be friends with me?" Fae asked.

Giselle's eyebrows knit in frustration,"because, I don't want to. You're mean, and you don't have an ounce of goodness in you. Why would I be friends with a monster like you?"

Giselle's hard words and expression broke Fae's last straw.

Fae muttered, "B-But I did everything I could! Why do you still insist on not liking me!?"

As Fae grabbed Giselle by the collar of her shirt and the two began to struggle. Giselle lost her balance, falling and cracking her head on the steps.

All Fae remembers is the blood from Giselle's head dripping onto the stone. The counselor that was in charge came running back after hearing Fae scream. Giselle was taken to the hospital, and when middle school started it was as if Fae never existed to Giselle.

It was then that Fae began to say all kinds of things about Giselle. Soon one by one her friends isolated Giselle. If Giselle wouldn't be friends with her, Fae decided Giselle just wouldn't have any friends at all.


Darian's POV


After what Giselle said in the pool. Something began to click.

It wasn't her fault that she couldn't remember him or the time they spent together in elementary school. It was something else. Or rather someone. He remembered that one sketch page he made, of Fae, two girls by some steps. Fae never mentioned who it was but now he was certain of it.

The way Fae treated Giselle at school.

The lack of memories from Giselle.

The lack of context and difference in perspectives.

The relationship between them was obvious, but only now Darian realized it was much deeper than that.

Not only that but,

...Giselle, didn't have any secrets.

She's just a genuine and balanced person. She sticks up for people, she isn't swayed by greed or other's interests. And she doesn't go out of her way to badmouth others despite them being wrong. Darian felt his whole plan shatter to pieces, he was almost sad but he was even more angry at Fae for ruining the little thing he had going. The one page in his book he'd started, would have to be torn.


Giselle's POV


After that day at the pool Gisele got an eerie feeling. Like she was being talked about or something. That wouldn't really make any sense though, someone was always talking.

When entering school she noticed people looking around as if they were suspicious of her. But she soon realized it was because a certain news has recently hit.

"Apparently a girl went missing, I don't know who but she goes to our school." Sedrick ate his breakfast like it was no one's business as he said this.

"So what's the deal, are the cops looking for her yet?" Giselle asked.

"Not that I know of, the local news station only briefly reported it from what others have said, but they didn't have much details. No one saw who with or where she was last." Sedrick explained.

Giselle cocked her head in confusion. Then the idea of the stalker came to her mind. "No fucking way..." she whispered.

Sedric, about to take a bite of his waffle says, "what?"

"I think I might know who it is... holy shit."


Darians POV




Darian sighed with relief. The girl was really stupid after all.

Darian looked at her, with pity, but no regrets.

Darian dragged Cicilla's unconscious body by the arm, making sure his gloves didn't touch the blood dripping from her face.

"I know you can't hear me or anything, but I really despised you. I can't stand being constantly watched when I'm trying to indulge in my hobbies." Darian tilted his head back to look at her face as he said this.

He dragged her all the way to the garage door, where he placed her in the trunk of his car. Cleaned up his mess very well. Then took her for a little ride, in his mind, Cicilla was getting a vacation at the beach.

As Darian took her sealed body out of the trunk he couldn't help but suddenly find inspiration to draw. Late in the night, Cicilla laying breathless with the sand. Swimming with jellyfish, sea urchins, and dolphins. Colorful blues and purples covered her face. He tore the page, and left it with her.

Deep, deep, in the ocean.