
Things Will Stay Like This

Darian Jains a young teen the age of seventeen gains a crush on the rebellious and delinquent Giselle Stein. Darian was a young man of integrity, aloofness, and constantly felt a sense of nothingness in his life. It was as if everything was as mundane as a beige still life image. Giselle in her last year of highschool is just trying to stay out of trouble. Constantly dealing with a bitch named Fae and her cry baby tears Giselle has become the schools delinquent after beating the brats ass. After seeing a fiasco in the lunch room Darians life suddenly becomes colorful, Giselle has become his muse. How far will he take it though?

Potatoegirl_uwu · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Giselle's POV


It was never on Giselle's mind that people at her school could've been orphans. If anything, why would that be on anyone's mind.

Before Giselle left Cicilla's house she noticed no one came to greet her. No lights were on either. The stalker happened to leave just a street or two before they arrived.

It was as if it were planned.

Giselle was getting an odd feeling about it, as if Cicilia could've been lying.

But there was no possible way, or evidence, Giselle simply thought it were her trust issues eating away at her again. Trust issues, a survival mechanism of the mind. Giselle had to admit she was worried for Cecilia, but it didn't feel right to be, Giselle was scared to care.

"Maybe you should see a therapist" Sedrick said.

They were in line for lunch again. Darian was also near, something in what Sedrick said almost made him flinch, but Giselle didn't notice a thing.

"Nah, a therapist wouldn't do me any good, they'd think I'm a bad kid and try to change me, make me afraid of the world." She explained.

"Then what about your parents? I know I can at least trust my mom, she's a pretty nice lady if you ask me." Sedrick said.

Giselle looked at Sedrick, almost in disgust, "My parents? No way, my dad doesn't pay enough attention to my mom, and my mom is a control freak because of it. I'm lucky to be alive right now." Giselle talks as if a long time grudge suddenly came back.

Sedrick side-eyed Giselle as he grabbed an apple about to head for the lunch table, "Well damn, sounds like someone has trauma."

Giselle lifts one eyebrow at Sedrick like he said the dumbest thing on the planet, "No shit Sherlock, I think we've all had our fair share."

"Hah! agreed." Sedrick smiled.

After that line they both laughed and parted ways. As Sedrick walked to the table and Giselle started for the Library for the fourth time in a row that week, she noticed Darian was oddly quiet.

"Hey Darian, what are your parents like?" she asks.

Darian follows alongside her for several awkward seconds as if waiting for the hall to get quieter.

"Well, I guess you could say they're mysterious, not very warm, but definitely generous. Hard people to understand I guess." Darian shrugged.

Giselle could see an empty look in his eyes as he described them, as if his parents were just a figment of his imagination. The light smile that crossed his lips, only seemed to try and cover and comfort Giselle as the information reached her ears.


Darians POV


After that day at the flower shop Darian had been digging.

"Hi teach, how's the syllabus? I got a favor to ask, about a certain student, Giselle..."

Darian slowly but surely raked in and reaped the rewards of all the secrets he kept for the teachers. The drugs they sold to students. The test papers they gave to the rich kids, like Fae, to memorize. The teacher that was caught cheating with a student. Even the innocent ones, hoping that Darian wouldn't tell their boss what they do in the bathroom during their spare time.

All for her, to get to know her, just a little bit more. That feeling of closeness, the same sense of closeness he could see between her and Sedrick. It was Giselle's birthdate, her grades, where she lived, her track record, what classes she chose. Things that interested her. Emails to and from her teachers, sometimes from home about personal things. Darian felt he was close, close to the secret Giselle had to hide.

But first he had to do something else. He had to tie up a loose end.

Cicilla was really never meant to get involved. But he knew she had a crush on him. More so, a serious obsession. That was her secret.

Darian gave her a call, "Hey Cici, the other day you wanted to hang out with our friends, we should do that..."

Only, it was just Cicilla. Just her mousey figure and brown bob haircut. He invited her to a cafe, the idea of doing this made him sick to his stomach. If he thought Cicilla was annoying before, he hated her now. The problem with her was that she knew, she knew about his parents, that they weren't around, that he was living by himself. Information only she found out, by stalking him.

Cicilla nervously sat across from Darian. Sweating, wondering what he could possibly have to say while they're alone. The rainy weather, the warm lights above, the soft seats, her heart was going to explode. Darian was just as aloof as ever, his golden eyes empty, and unsmiling. He felt, if anything, that the room was too bland.

"Cicilla, I have a favor to ask you. Something only you can do." He says with a soft expression.

Cicilla, her poor heart races, the attention she'd been craving from him was finally coming to her at last.

"Yes? what is it then, I can do just about anything!"

Darian grins, "I need you to come over to my place, but the timing might be alittle weird, are you alright with that?"

Cicilla nods eagerly.

"Cool, I was wondering if you could help me with some decorations, my mom recently told me she'd be coming for a visit so I want to surprise her." Darian lies through his pearly whites as if he had a halo in his head.

His request was quite innocent. Cicilla was hoping for something alittle more, but she was happy with this.

She didn't think she would get stalked on the way to his house. When she got there she was estatic as soon as Giselle left. Darian saw everything, because he was behind them the whole time.

Only now, he was in his house, at the door, waiting for Cicilla to invite herself in. As she clutched the door handle Darian breathed a sigh of excitement.