
Things Will Stay Like This

Darian Jains a young teen the age of seventeen gains a crush on the rebellious and delinquent Giselle Stein. Darian was a young man of integrity, aloofness, and constantly felt a sense of nothingness in his life. It was as if everything was as mundane as a beige still life image. Giselle in her last year of highschool is just trying to stay out of trouble. Constantly dealing with a bitch named Fae and her cry baby tears Giselle has become the schools delinquent after beating the brats ass. After seeing a fiasco in the lunch room Darians life suddenly becomes colorful, Giselle has become his muse. How far will he take it though?

Potatoegirl_uwu · Teen
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14 Chs

A Book

Darian's POV


Now Darian was sure of it. When Sedrick came to say hello to Giselle it was out of pure intentions. Before Giselle even noticed Sedrick approaching Darian could see the look in his eyes, that was the look of someone who was platonically in love. No one ever mentioned Giselle having a brother, they looked nothing alike. Darian thought Giselle didn't have any friends but now he sees that the spot has been taken.

Darian in that moment felt a flare of something. It reminded him of when kids would try to play with his favorite toy. Jealousy.

Another feeling Giselle has caused. He almost wanted to take her by the hand and drag her away from Sedrick. Darian could tell Sedrick noticed this, because Sedrick felt the same. They both knew mutually. Darian had Sedrick's secret, but Sedrick had Giselle's trust, an obstacle in Darian's tracks.

Knowing this, they both were hesitant to make any sudden moves.

After eating, Darian set out with Giselle. The first task on the list of her month's worth of detention was getting the library books in order. Now this was something.

As they entered there were two floors and wooden shelves lined together higher than 6 meters. Taking care of the Library was going to suck a couple years off Giselle's life span.

"Well this is going to be relaxing." The ends of Giselle's mouth switch up alitte showing a hint of a smile. Darian was surprised she'd be the type to enjoy these things .

"What other things do you enjoy? I wouldn't take you to be the sorting type." He asks.

Giselle leads Darian to the back room where unsorted books lay. Picking up a box for each of them.

"Hah, only if you tell me what you enjoy first." She teases.

Darian's eyebrow peaked, an interesting response, most people are happy to go along talking about themselves but Giselle refuses to share anything right away.

Giselle leads Darian out of the room with the books waiting for a reply to her question.

Darian hums and tilts his head as he says, "I guess I enjoy getting to know people, maybe just the deeper meaning behind things in general. Just like the flowers. Which reminds me you're alot like a flower yourself. "

Giselle's eyebrows knit, "How's that?" she asks.

She starts putting the books in order, wishing she brought a stepladder. Giselle resorts to using the whole bookshelf as support for a higher shelf.

Darian starts placing books back where they belong, "It's kind of hard to explain, you just-"

A hard slam was heard above Giselle's head as she bumped back into Darian, a mountain of books about to fall on her at any moment if Darian were to move his arm even an inch. For a split second, it was as if the world paused, Darians eyes widened from his actions in that current moment.

He could feel her breath reaching his neck, and a small bit of her weight on his chest. It was as if a warm ghost was lightly touching him.

Giselle instantly moved out of the way and Darian let the books down gently as she grabbed them, "Holy shit, are you okay?" she said.

The concern floating across her face for him almost made him smile. Darian couldn't believe himself.

"Yeah I'm fine, you're the one who almost got knocked out by books." He chuckled a little.

Giselle let out a sigh of relief. "Well that's good, I suppose you're right, here let's clean this up before the bell rings."


Giselles POV


Giselle finished class as usual that day, finding out Darian was in two of her other core classes. It was almost starting to bother her how often she's been seeing him since the flower shop. Maybe he was lonely? No, that doesn't make any sense, he's just friends with everyone, everyone treats him nicely, despite him not being the most popular or most spoken about everyone seems to know his name.

Giselle wasn't sure if she saw right, but that moment in the library there was a look on his face. It was panic for sure, but not the kind of panic you'd see when someone almost gets hit by books. It stuck around on her mind as she made her way home.

"Hey! You're that girl Giselle aren't you? The one who gets into fights right?"

Giselle turned around to see who was asking. It was a girl, "Hi, my name's Cicilla, you are Giselle right?"

Giselle looked around, no one else was in sight, this short stack was out here by herself, "Uhmm... yeah, who wants to know?" she said.

Cicilla smiled, "I just recently moved around the neighborhood, I happen to go to the same school as you, I don't think we've ever met before. I notice you hang out with Darian, he's my friend, so I figured I'd say hi."

Giselle wasn't sure if she was comfortable with how straight forward this girl was. Her smile was off, there was definitely something amiss. Giselle subtly looked off in the distance behind them. A man in a hoodie was watching from afar, it was getting dark so Giselle couldn't see him properly. Cicilla's eyebrows twitched, the gig was up.

Giselle smiled awkwardly, "I see I see hahaha... Well if that's the case maybe you and I should walk home together, delinquents like to roam around every now and then."

What Giselle said wasn't entirely false, but what she didn't mention is that she had already beaten and brawled with those thugs, one at a time, slowly but surely, they began to disappear. It was as if a black lion of smoke swept through the streets.

Giselle whispered as they walked, "You got a stalker or something?"

Cicilla nodded, her true expressions coming to light, she was definitely scared.

"Okay, just lead the way then, take a few odd turns, we might be able to lose them." Giselle whispered.

Cicilla did what Giselle suggested and eventually made it to her house. Giselle made sure to look around before heading into the street Cicilla lived on, the stalker was gone.

as soon as Cicilla reached the front gate she busted into tears. " Oh my god hic! That was so fucking scary! wahhhh!" Cicilla started crying very loudly.

Giselle looked around frantically not knowing what to do. "Uhm there there! don't cry, please! uhm uhm, your safe now!" Giselle awkwardly patted Cicilla on the back.

Cicilla coughed on her tears, "Thank you so much. I really thought you were gonna leave me back there! Everyone at school says you're a thug, but you're actually really nice!"

Giselle wasn't sure if she should be irritated by that but she was glad to be of help. "Well, you're home safe now, I should get going myself , it was nice meeting you, Cicilla."

Giselle waved and left, meanwhile Cicilla tearly waved back, "Get home safe Giselle!"