
Things Will Stay Like This

Darian Jains a young teen the age of seventeen gains a crush on the rebellious and delinquent Giselle Stein. Darian was a young man of integrity, aloofness, and constantly felt a sense of nothingness in his life. It was as if everything was as mundane as a beige still life image. Giselle in her last year of highschool is just trying to stay out of trouble. Constantly dealing with a bitch named Fae and her cry baby tears Giselle has become the schools delinquent after beating the brats ass. After seeing a fiasco in the lunch room Darians life suddenly becomes colorful, Giselle has become his muse. How far will he take it though?

Potatoegirl_uwu · Teen
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14 Chs

A Gem and a Jeweler

Darians POV


As Emerlad walks off with Giselle, Darian begins to feel a sense of discomfort. Giselle was there when Cicilla was dropped off to his house. But he heard her from afar, she pretended to live in the same neighborhood, and that it was her house instead of his. Cicilla's intentions weren't innocent at all, whatever she was planning while they were alone, he was glad to have put an end to her existence when he did.

What was upsetting was the fact Giselle had to get involved. Darian only wanted to know her secret. He already knew what happened to her in elementary school, and she hasn't had a record of anything in highschool either. Darian almost felt a sense of rage towards Fae, until he realized he and Giselle didn't see each other in middle school. He was abroad. The spark of curiosity was back.

While in class with Giselle, Darian always makes sure to share his notes with her. He enjoyed the compliments when she looked over at them, "Wow, your handwriting is super good, and the notes are really easy to understand, You're so smart, how come you're not top of the class Darian?" Giselle looked over at him curiousness.

Darian shrugged and smiled, "I just don't like to be the center of attention." While saying this out loud he only thought of being the center of Giselle's attention. Despite the fact Fae ruined everything Darian wanted to get closer to Giselle, his small magnum opus.

He had it all planned in his head, A statue of her, a world unraveling just to pierce her thoughts. At this point Darian was willing to sacrifice many pages of his sketchbook to make her his own living and breathing art piece.

He decided to have a small talk with Sedrick at lunch. When Darian made his way over to the table he noticed Sedrick was conveniently by himself.

"Say Sedrick, has Giselle ever told you about her middle school days?" Darian asks.

Sedrick contorts his brows, almost in anger. "Why the fuck would I tell you anything, Giselle has nothing to hide, especially with things in middle school. "

"Well, if she has nothing to hide then I'm sure you wouldn't have a problem telling me then? I mean, I'm sure Giselle would love to hear that her most important friend plans to abandon-"

"Shut up." Sedrick glares at Darian. As if daring him to say another word.

Darian smirks, things were getting interesting.

"Well, got any fine ideas in that little head of yours?" Darian says.

Sedrick looks down as if in defeat, he knew it was a mistake to trust Darian. He sighs and hands Darian a note with a phone number on it, "her name's Kendra, she was one of Giselle's friends. Talk to her if you want, but I refuse to say a fucking word to you."

Just like that Sedrick decided to skip lunch. Darian smiled alittle, satisfied with the results.


Giselle's POV


Walking down the hall to lunch Giselle notices Emerald walking with a taller male, his hair was a dishwater blonde while his eyes were practically grey. He wore a v-neck sweater and jeans. He seemed happy and cocky at the same time while talking with her. Something about him told Giselle this this was that Toby guy Emerlad and Darian mentioned earlier.

"Y'know maybe you should learn some manners from a woman sometime, since you seem to love them so much!" Emerald grinned as if she had won.

"Hah! And what does a tomboy like you know about manners, I have plenty of charm to make up for it." He seemed to shoot back with a smile, but Emerald was ready for it.

Giselle heard this as she was passing by and decided she wouldn't meddle in the conversation.

"Oh! Hey Giselle! how's it going." Emerald waves.

Giselle hesitantly stops, "Oh, hey, Uhm, I'm just chillin, it's lunch time so-"

"Woah...Well damn Emerald, where have you been hiding this one? Not to cut you off or anything, but you are damn good looking, name's Toby." Toby interrupts politely.

The comment earned Giselle a confused but blushed expression, "Uh- uhm- Well damn dude, that's a pretty bold way to put it. Also my names Giselle, in case you didn't hear." Giselle grabbed the back of her neck, she didn't understand why she felt so shy. Then again, it had been years since she really received a compliment on her looks.

Emerald laughs, "Hahaha! Don't pay any attention to this girl-magnet, Toby is a total dickhead don't let him fool you, I'm only friends with him because I haven't fell for his flattery."

Emeralds face lights up, "say, we should all head to lunch together, I'm sure Darian is waiting for us by now, then again he hasn't sat with us since you punched Fae in the face. He must like you or something!" Emerald gently held onto Giselles arm and walked side by side to the cafeterias tables.

"Hah, no way, we literally met like two weeks ago." Giselle laughs alittle, as if the idea was silly, but in the back of her mind, it didn't feel wrong to deny it either. The idea of someone liking her though, to that extent, seemed impossible.


Darian's POV


Darian was just about to leave the lunch room until he saw Emerald walking over with Giselle.

"Hey Mr.Man, we brought Giselle with us. Any updates on Cicilla?" Emerald looks at Darian, as if she expects him to know something.

Darian laughed, "Hah, no, I passed out the posters like you asked, but some of these people don't even know who Cicilla is."

Darian didn't make his scorn for Cicilla obvious. In fact he was more concerned with why Toby was even in the area when all he does is hang around girls from the cheerleading squad.

"So Giselle is part of the group now? Since when? How come no one updates me on this stuff." Toby pouted playfully.

Giselle seemed a little nervous, like a stray cat being brought inside a house for the first time. She has no problem punching someone when she's mad, but social situations are not her thing. "There is no group, Giselle is my friend, you two need to mind your own business." Darian felt a protectiveness in him, something he wasn't familiar with, he could barely place it.

"Well I hope you don't mind Darian but I would love to steal her away from you. Say Giselle, you like music? I can invite you to a concert." Toby looks at Giselle with a smile, he was being innocent for once. Darian could tell Toby had actually started to gain a genuine crush on her.

"Oh yeah! There is supposed to be a concert coming up! Check this out..." Emerald steals Giselle's attention.

Darian and Toby make eye contact, Darian gets close placing a cold hand on Toby's shoulder. His other hand holds a sharpened pencil close to Toby's ribcage, as he whispers in his ear.

"Unless you want me to tell everyone, here right now, in this very moment, how you raped Cicilla and the others like the ingrate you are. Back off of Giselle. She's mine." Darian looked at a mortified Toby with the kind of expression Toby only seen once. The expression of an empty killer. It was enough to put chills down Toby's back.

Darian presses the pencil enough to hurt Toby, "You Understand, right Toby?"

"I understand completely," Toby replies, a crooked smile traveling across his face, the pain reaching further in.

Darian releases the pencil as if it were never there and returns to having a normal and content expression as he looks over at Giselle. Toby sighs with relief.