
Thin Line.

10,000 years. A war between vampires and werewolves is set to take place after 10,000 years. It was a war that filled dread among the supernaturals for blood would be shed, lives would be lost, kings would be dethroned and most importantly the losing species would become extinct. It was a massacre with the outcome unknown. Both species were ready to die fighting for them to thrive, slavery wasn't an option. It was a rare scenario; a fair fight. Both sides had equal strength but in the end, victory lay on the remaining species. Fate was the only hope. ... "Ain't you a little too young to go looking for fights you can't handle." "You wanna test that theory?" "You're cocky for a little guy. Be smart enough and surrender to us." "I don't think so. You came here to fight, didn't you? Are you backing out now? I'll go easy on you." He knew that would get a reaction out of the latter. And as expected the other king pounced.

Christerbelle_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

War Day 2

3rd person p.o.v

The sun had begun rising to bring light to the massacre that was tainting mother nature's creation. Out in the open, both kings stood, steps away from each other.

Damien had been left speechless. It was the first time seeing the other king in person. He had always imagined a bulky man with an ego bigger than the size of his dick. The man standing before him was the opposite of what he expected. His head reached his shoulder, probably a height of 6'2 compared to his towering 6'6 height. He was not bulky but rather on the lean side. He had a pale complexion, paler than any vampire he'd ever seen. His curly white hair reached his upper thigh. His facial and physical features weren't either masculine or feminine.

He had the bluest eyes that would almost be considered white with completely white eyebrows and lashes. And to think everybody said he had red eyes. He looked young, younger than his actual age but his eyes held wisdom he'd never seen before. He didn't seem like a fighter but he wouldn't estimate his enemy. His aura held so much power that it was almost suffocating. As much as he denied it, the other king was beautiful, not handsome beautiful. He despised him, he didn't know why but he did. More than one would hate an enemy. Everything about him had him and his wolf yearn for blood.

"You don't seem like quite a fighter. You seem pretty weak to me," the werewolf king said out of spite.

Dmitri was expecting that. By the other king's body language, he wanted to make him react. Patience had always been a virtue he had since he could remember. Many people didn't know him but he knew a lot of people. The king is one of them. He studied people and made conclusions about what sort of people they were. What they liked and what made them tick.

"For a fighter, you seem to forget the first rule; never underestimate your enemy." The other king was seething with fury. His knuckles ached to punch the blank look on the other king's face. Even his voice made him mad.

"Ain't you a little too young to go looking for fights you can't handle."

"You wanna test that theory?"

"You're cocky for a little guy. Be smart enough and surrender to us."

"I don't think so. You came here to fight, didn't you? Are you backing out now? I'll go easy on you."

He knew that would get a reaction out of the latter. And as expected the other king pounced.

He threw a punch aiming for the ribs which Dmitri foresaw but got out of the way too late and ended up getting hit on his jaw sending him a few steps back. Damien was going for the kill. A werewolf's punch would shatter bones and if he hadn't gotten out of the way he would be nursing broken ribs. Damien didn't hesitate and sent a kick to the gut which the other king surprisingly caught and sent one to his groin."

"Fucking vamp," he said seething and breathing through his teeth.

"Tsk tsk, your anger is making you reckless."

Damien had never been angry as he was then. Deep down he knew the other king was right, he was being driven by anger. He didn't appreciate being reprimanded by a fucking vampire. He wasn't one to be led by emotions but something about Dmitri made him feel things he's never felt. One would think being alive for more than 1000 years would make him know all that was there to know. For the first time, he was unaware and that fact didn't sit right with him or his beast.

"Let us make this more interesting. You and me, a fight for the strongest. The loser submits to the winner."

"I could just kill you and make your species extinct."

Damien held back from acting out in anger. "You don't seem like one to do things simply because you've been told. Or am wrong and you don't have a backbone." A strange emotion flashed through Dmitri's face and was gone before he could tell what it was. It was the first emotion the king had shown other than the blank look on his face. Beneath the hard and closed-off exterior, he felt emotions, if you dug deep enough.


It was time to end things. Damien shifted into his wolf while Dmitri took a defensive stance. The battle of the kings began. They moved too fast even for supernaturals' eyes to see. The only proof of the fight happening was the destruction left in their path. Fallen trees from colliding bodies and punch-sized holes on the ground.

The fighting wolves and vampires a distance away could feel the shift in the air. The aura emitting from their leaders was enough to have them all cease the fight and submit. No greater power like that had ever been felt before since time immemorial. Oblivious to the kings, the weather was shifting the longer the fight lasted. The rising sun had been hidden by dark clouds bringing darkness to the whole land. The wind blew strongly, strong enough to uproot trees and blow off roofs.

Unknown to all, the fight between their kings was one-sided. The vampire king was not fighting back but rather defending. The other king realized it minutes into the fight. The fact caught him by surprise such that he almost stumbled. The kings shared a look for a second before Dmitri sent him a strained smile.

Things went downhill from that point. He simply stopped defending.

Damien's wolf forcefully took over in rage and went for the kill. Trapped in his mind, Damien couldn't understand why the other king wouldn't fight. It was almost as if he wanted to lose. But why? That meant his people would be enslaved. Didn't he care for his people? Did he intend for that to happen all along? Nothing made sense.

The vampires could feel their king weakening; he was dying.

Damien took control before his wolf killed Dmitri and shifted into his human form. Howls of victory rang throughout the kingdom as Damien stood over the unconscious and bloody man. He tried looking for answers by looking at him but nothing. An emotion passed through him on seeing the powerful king laying lifeless and bloody on the ground.

The dark clouds dissipated allowing light to shine on the people beneath. The heavens witnessed the end of the war; the countless deaths that had happened on the lands, the vampires submitting to the werewolves, and a troubled king standing over the unconscious male deep in thoughts.

The vampires had lost.

Why did Dmitri want to lose??? Any thoughts?

Am finally done with the war part. I hope my explanation of the fight was descriptive enough.

........Thanks for reading.........

Christerbelle_creators' thoughts