
Thin Line.

10,000 years. A war between vampires and werewolves is set to take place after 10,000 years. It was a war that filled dread among the supernaturals for blood would be shed, lives would be lost, kings would be dethroned and most importantly the losing species would become extinct. It was a massacre with the outcome unknown. Both species were ready to die fighting for them to thrive, slavery wasn't an option. It was a rare scenario; a fair fight. Both sides had equal strength but in the end, victory lay on the remaining species. Fate was the only hope. ... "Ain't you a little too young to go looking for fights you can't handle." "You wanna test that theory?" "You're cocky for a little guy. Be smart enough and surrender to us." "I don't think so. You came here to fight, didn't you? Are you backing out now? I'll go easy on you." He knew that would get a reaction out of the latter. And as expected the other king pounced.

Christerbelle_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Novermber 1st


3rd person p.o.v

After a long sleepless night for all species, dawn finally arrived. The forest was quiet and calm; it was the calm before the storm. The heavens were watching for blood would be shed in the lands. It was the day history would be made. Nobody knew what side would win; the war was in the hands of fate.

The werewolves were all standing in their borders eager for the enemy's blood. They were all shifted into their wolves snarling into the dark. They were awaiting the king's order to attack. Miles away from the werewolf kingdom, the vampires were all positioned within their territory, waiting for the battle to commence. Unlike the werewolves, they preferred fighting within their forests. They knew every corner and every set trap from the back of their hands. They would have the upper hand in terms of familiarity.

The werewolf king walked his wolf to the edge of their territory. His wolf was pure black with golden eyes and larger than all. His being radiated power making all wolves bow their heads into submission. His wolf howled and ran into the dark forest. Other wolves answered his howl and ran into the forest signifying the battle had started. The sound of paws on the forest floor could be heard from afar as other animals living in the woods fled or hid for safety. The ground trembled under the weight of thousands of running wolves.

They moved faster than the speed of light such that the human eye would not be able to see the running wolves. In five minutes, the wolves on the front line had reached the vampire territory led by their king. They stealthily crossed the territory heading for the gates. With their focus on the gates, some got caught up in the traps.

The king seethed in fury. The war had barely begun and he could already feel some of his people die. He yearned to see the vampires fall, to see them beg for mercy and acknowledge him as their king. He loathed their king such that the thought of him had his wolf agitated. It had been engraved into his mind since childhood to hate vampires. The thought of being dominated by them added fuel to his already burning hate. He scoffed in disbelief. Traps! They had to use human weapons and some wolves were stupid enough to get caught in them.

"Watch out for the traps," he barked to the rest through the mind link.

True to human beliefs, werewolves had mind links. But it was only limited to one's pack. Only the king could link with all wolves right from birth. He could tell when and where there was an addition of a wolf and also the death of one. It wasn't as easy as it seemed, he had to train for years before he managed to tune out every living wolf. He also could see through someone's eyes though those that were close to where he was.

The vampires weren't so different either. Like any other species, they had a hierarchy with the strongest being the higher-ups. They had up to 30 covens all over the world who answered to one king; king Dmitri Zyn. He was said to be the greatest vampire king to ever grace the lands. Only a few people had seen him in person. He was a mystery even to his people. Word going around said he had eyes as red as blood and a voice that would bring anyone to his knees. They said his voice traveled to the soul of one's being and his eyes seemed to unfurl everyone's secret. Maybe it was one of his powers. No one knew of the extent of his powers, they only knew he was a powerful king. Some said even more powerful than the werewolf king.

The werewolves got to the gates in due time only to find the enemies waiting and eager to fight. The king's composure almost faltered. Seems they had been anticipating them at the gates after all. The two sides clashed in a bloody battle for the strongest. Werewolves were proud creatures. The king couldn't accept the fact that his plan had failed. The vampires were slowly having the upper hand due to their numbers. He had to abort his plan and call for the remaining troupes that had gone to the north and the remaining group that had stayed behind. He tore through the enemies' throats as he hastily searched for their king.

As much as he tried to deny it he knew he'd lose many people to the enemies and vice versa. The battle of the kings would prove who the winner was. He had to defeat their king.

The king's wolf picked up a powerful scent that belonged to none other than the vampire king. In all his years as a ruler, he had never seen Dmitri. But one thing he knew with certainty was he would not lose to him. He had been preparing all his life for this very day. Victory would be his.

He followed the scent, swatting any vampires that got on his path like flies. The scent was leading him away from the fight, deep into the vampire territory. Just when he thought he had him, the scent changed direction to a different location. He was furious. If Dmitri thought he was leading him into a trap, he was in for a rude shock. The further he went, the stronger the scent got till he reached a point where it stopped but the other king was nowhere in sight.

He shifted and stood at the clearing and used his werewolf instincts to pinpoint the prey. His sensitive ears and nose couldn't sense the king. Maybe he was too much of a coward to fight. The thought had his wolf ecstatic and proud. From the corner of his eye, he caught a silhouette of a man watching him. Damien masked his surprise with a blank look. The fact that the other king had been watching him step away and couldn't be sensed had him and his wolf agitated. Not even the best spies from his kingdom could manage to hide from his wolf. His basic animal instinct was telling him to get rid of the competition.

The vampire king walked from the shadows he had been standing. He had been watching the king from the time he set foot into his kingdom. From then it was pretty easy to lure the king out from the rest by directing his scent straight to the clearing. For a powerful king, he was gullible. From a look, he could tell what sort of person he was. Years of staying in the shadows had taught him the art of reading people through their body language.

The werewolf king was no exemption.

What side will win??? Any thoughts?

i've never written any book on war, this is the firts time. Sorry if it's not descriptive enough. I'll try to make the second part more informative.

.....Thanks for reading......

Christerbelle_creators' thoughts