
Thief in Harry Potter

Guy ends up in Harry Potter after Death, he goes with his Thief system to help him survive in the world. Weasley Bashing for Ginny, Ron and Molly the others I have no opinion and I love the twins. I own nothing but OC and original Ideas, Cover not mine but was on google so I am using it.

Pink_Ghosty · Movies
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9 Chs

001-The System, World

(A/N: Starting a new job soon but I am doing this no matter what, tired of seeing people drop them, this will not be dropped ever!!!!)


Sitting on a bench Sam cracked his neck while watching people pass him by, eventually he raised his hand and pressed the screen in front of him, a few words going after he did.

[Now Becoming a Thief to anyone within Twenty Yards of User! 30 Seconds Left!]

Sam just sat there before opening the pizza box next to him and munching on it, at the moment he was in the body of a nine year old. He says that because it isn't his first life, no he did in his past and now ended up here, but he can't even remember how he died at the moment.

When he woke up again he ended up in this body in London, it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the eighties, he wasn't use to that yet. He didn't think anything of it not even when he got the current system he is using, its main advantage being able to let him steal anything.

It was called 'Great Thief System' and was meant to help him survive in the world, which was lucky since he woke up as a hungry orphan living on the streets. There were no background Memories so he didn't know why that was and didn't care, he just went with it.

At the moment he was storing all the money he got before he finally started to invest in the future, he knew what was coming so why wouldn't he use it to his advantage. After awhile he looked down at the things he looted, at the moment there were still the same four people in the park with him.

[X1 Baby Bottle

X1 Binky

X1 Darcy's Thong (Used)

£50.00 Pound

X1 Blue Steven Sock

£22.00 Pound]

Shaking my head I was happy for the money but seeing the sock and Thong made me shake my head, this always happened since whatever I got was random. Though when it was something physical that wasn't money it was taken completely, hence why the woman, Darcy, was looking wide eyed at the moment.

The weird thing was that she didn't even try to take her baby away from their afternoon in the park, instead she leaked a smile and opened up her legs some. At the moment she was wearing a summer dress that was fluttering in the wind, each time the dress came up enough for a peak she would grin more.

With a twitching eye Sam stood up and threw away the rest of his pizza, he was heading somewhere else since he already could tell he wasn't going to get much from them. "Status." He said while walking past Darcy whose dress happened to lift at that moment, she was... never mind but she did grin when he saw.

[Name: Sam Sterling

Age: 9

Title: The Thief

Str: 9

Def: 10

Int: 30

Dex: 10

Luck: 50 (Max)

Cha: 25

Mana: 0

£82.50 Pound]

He could never figure out why there was a Mana stat since no matter what he did it didn't go up, the rest all went up at least once while he was doing something. Though they were all slow moving since he never really trained for anything, since he wasn't a protagonist in a book he didn't need it.

All he was worried about at the moment was opening the store function in the Thief System, it was something greyed out since he had came to this world. He didn't know why but he was trying his best, at the moment he was trying to figure out if it was a different world or time travel.

There were a lot of similarities from his past life knowledge and this world but he didn't know if there was anything hidden. Since the only mystic thing to happen to him was the system then he didn't even care.

Moving through the streets it was just turning noon, he was headed to downtown since most people moved through there for lunch. This was a daily routine so that he could get the most money, though usually it was all gone in a days time with him spending it on stuff.

Since he was an orphan kid people over charged him to live places but he didn't care since it all came back soon, moving through the people he stopped at his bench. There were some beggars around but he didn't pay attention to them and kept on with what he was doing, he started stealing from people.

[Now Becoming a Thief to anyone within Twenty Yards of User! 30 Seconds Left!]

He was just lucky that he had a storage space, otherwise it would be awkward for him to be seen with everything in his hands, like the thong he took this morning. While waiting for that he looked to the sky, London was a dirty place at the moment, well at least it looked that way but it was still fine, though the factories made the air terrible.

If he wasn't sure that he was fully healthy then he would be worried that he would die from air pollution, looking around he started to bob his head while it was still stealing.


X1 Str Point

X1 Derek Thong (used)

£60.00 Pound

X1 Mana Point

X1 Gun Mastery Skill

X1 Driving Mastery Skill

X1 Stella Bra and Pantie Set


There were a lot of people passing through at the moment until he stopped the stealing it would keep going, he usually kept it going until the street started to clear. While sitting there Sam could hear the shocked gasp of people who getting stole underwear, they would look around before walking faster, some women though would blush and see if people noticed.

Sam could only shake his head a that an let it go on, he was glad to see the skills he would be getting, though he lost track of what he knew already since this always happened to him. There was no skill level so he couldn't actually see how advanced the skills though were, but he knew that he had more then enough.

Looking at his stats he saw that some of them were going up some, the automatically added to his stats with his doing it himself since they were meant for them.

[Str: 12

Def: 16

Int: 33

Dex: 15

Luck: 50 (Max)

Cha: 25

Mana: 5

£250 Pound]

Although not a large increase in stats he still welcomed them, they were rare though he got them about once a week so he probably wouldn't see this many again. This was how he got a lot of his own too, since when he came to this world they were all at zero so he was little beaten by the wind.

Once he got the mana he felt himself change slightly, it was like there was a warm current flowing through his body at the moment. He smiled and stopped the system when the place started to clear out, now he need to find something to do for the rest of the day since he was bored.

He also wanted to try this mana thing but their were no instructions so he didn't know what to do, while in a secluded place he tried many things but they never happened. All he could do was sigh while going back to his 'house' which was a motel that was willing to rent to him at the moment.

Going past the main desk he waved to the woman who ran the place, she was a kind woman but she also was the employer of the woman of the night who worked on the corners. They used her place as a place to bring John's which is why she was willing to let him stay, it made her look nicer when she did it.

Inside his room he flopped down on the bed and looked back at the system trying to wonder what he would do with this mana, when he still couldn't think of anything he closed it.

The moment he closed the status screen the Store button that was locked for months was finally flashing with some light, smiling widely he didn't hesitate to open it. Inside was only three options though; Spells, Magical Items, and Miscellaneous.

Since it was opened Sam started to look through to see if there was anything that could catch his eye, though he didn't even know why he would need these things. When he started to read the spells though he got an idea of what was going on, a lot of the spells he was seeing were ones that he seen or read in books and movies.

Specifically they were Harry Potter spells, seeing this made his laugh while also worry some, he didn't mind the world but at the same time did. At the moment he was obviously Muggle born and there was a crazy man who wanted them all dead.

At the same time he knew about the 'Evil' Dumbledore's but those were all Fanfictions that were made, sure there was sketchy things he did but it wasn't true or false. So at the moment Sam kept a neutral mind about the man, of course he was going to Hogwarts, he didn't think there was anywhere else to choose.

In his past life he read some about Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, Durmstrang Institute, and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry but he wasn't to familiar with them. He wanted to stick to something he knew, even if he would have to stay off radar to do it.

At the same time he wanted to meet the main movie and book characters, not just for looks but if Hermione looked like Emma Watson then he would be golden. She was a brilliant witch while at the same time beautiful then he wouldn't mind that at all.

He still remembered the location to Diagon Alley and if it wasn't for the fact that he had just spent the last five hours going through the store and looking things over then he would be heading there. Now at the moment it was dark and he needed rest.

Before that though he made sure to double check the prices of the things he was currently looking at to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

[Untraceable Soul Wand- Bound- Rare

Description: A wand that will fit any user and become their soul bound wand, it will grow stronger as the user does, perfect match every time.

Cost: 2,000,000 Galleons, 500 Mana]

[Basilisk Egg- Soul Bound- Legendary

Description: An Egg of a Basilisk that is soul bound to the user the moment they by it, takes two months to hatch.

Cost: 50Million Galleons, 1,500 Mana, Parseltongue ability]

[Parseltongue- Rare

Description: Ability to speak to any type of snake, this does not include dragons.

Cost: 500,000 Galleons, 50 Mana]

Those were the top three that he was looking at at the moment but he didn't have any Galleons on him plus his mana didn't meet the requirements at the moment. There were plenty more that he wanted but he also couldn't afford them so he didn't bother to look anymore.

Since he found out about this then he thought it was time for him to go to Diagon Alley to steal, he no longer needed to take from muggles. Well unless he wanted Pounds then he wouldn't need it.

Though he could get that all from the goblins they would stiff him so he didn't bother them, sure he could be their friend but that would take time to complete. With a huge smile and after a long shower, Sam fell asleep to the sounds of moans going on around him at the moment.

The Next Day.....

Putting on a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and shoes with a white hat that he tilted some to cover his forehead he nodded in the mirror and left. Sam wasn't bragging but with his shaggy black hair that curled at the ends and light brown eyes he was attractive.

He still had some baby fat on his face but there was no denying that he was going to be a lady killer when he grew up, it was just a matter of time, though he wasn't after a Harem like most.

With his hands in his pocket Sam took the map he found and followed it with the directions he knew to the Leaky Cauldron. It was sandwiched between a place that could be doing way better, the neighborhood was run down but some people still lived here.

Although a day ago he wouldn't be able to see it since it was magically enhanced today he could, walking forward he didn't hesitate to open the door and walk inside. When he opened the door he saw that the inside didn't look better then the outside.

The place looked poorly lit and like someone could get r*ped at any minute from the shady looked people gave, but it was also a nice environment some. While he was looking around a man had walked over to him with a friendly smile, "Hello there what can I help you with, by the way the name is Tom."

Sam stopped looking around and turned to the man raising a brow before speak his face blank the entire time, "I need help into Diagon Alley."

The Bricks were going to be to high up for him to reach so of course he needed help from someone else to get inside.

"Sure thing little man, I will help you out. Follow me." Tom said while shoot a look over to the person who was behind his bar counter.

"Thanks." Sam said while dipping his hat lower and following Tome into the back alley.

Sam watched as he pressed each brick remembering it himself, he was planning to live in the leaky cauldron when he got the money. After a minute the wall was finally done being moved and he went through the opening waving to Tom who smiled a him.

Like a trigger went off in his head Sam started to look for the busiest place at the moment, he noticed since he got the system his mind would do it every time so he went with it. Soon he found it since countless people were entering and leaving what seemed to be Gringotts, he didn't hesitate to move over there.

[Now Becoming a Thief to anyone within Twenty Yards of User! 30 Seconds Left!]

He didn't hesitate to start stealing the moment he got in range, he saw the irony looking at the door in the front which was meant for thieves like him. Smiling to himself he kept his head down while he went and started to watch the gains roll in.


X50 Mana Points

X10 Mana Points

X20 Mana Points

X200 Mana Points

X1,000 Galleons

X20 Galleons

X10,000 Galleons


This went on for a straight hour before Sam moved away, he could see some of the Goblin guards staring at him and didn't want them to do anything to him. After walking around awhile he finally stopped at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour, the place had some parents with kids.

Sam didn't stop the system while he walked to the counter and got himself some, luckily they sold some flavors that he knew since some looked really weird. Getting a cone with cookie dough he went and sat at the outside tables while watching it all come in.

[Warning! Body is to weak to handle more then 500 mana, excessive mana will be held on until body grows more.]

Sam already expected this and was going to use the excessive mana to sell to the system for the store items and Galleons, he saw that he could do that last night. At the moment his mana Maxed at 500 but inside his storage it was still increasing.

[4,510,900G 4,500Mana]

Nodding his head he got up and started to walk around Diagon Alley looking it over while his money increased, he noticed he wasn't getting any stat points besides Mana. Wizards probably didn't work out enough to even gain any.

Sam came to a stop when he saw someone from the movies, a head full of white blond hair was walking with an older woman who smiled down at him. The little boy had Grey/Silver eyes and smiled at his mom as they were enjoying their day out at the moment.

Sam watched as they entered the candy store and decided to follow, he was always thinking that Draco could use a good friend, and if his mom wasn't a muggle hater then he had one. Sure he might already be corrupted by his dad but Sam was sure that with a true friend then Draco wouldn't me so much of an ass.

"Mom can I have those chocolates?" Little Draco said wit a smile while pointing at the box that was on the side of the wall.

"Sure thing sweetie." she said while levitating them down to them since they were so high up on the wall.

Sam smiled and walked over while 'accidently' bumping into him, "Sorry about that." He said with a smile while looking to the two.

"No need it was an honest mistake." Narcissa said with a friendly smile.

Draco looked him over there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes but Sam could see deeper that there was some excitement meeting someone new. "Yes as mom said it is fine, are you here with you mother too?" he asked while looking around to see if anyone was with me.

"No I am all alone today. Ahh sorry I forgot to introduce myself my name is Sam." He said with a smile while looking at the two.

"Draco Malfoy pleasure." Draco said using some of his pureblood etiquette.

"Narcissa Malfoy." She said with a friendly smile, her eyes widen slightly as Sam took her hand and kissed the back of it.

He wasn't doing it because she was a beauty or anything but he just got an Etiquette skill from someone and knew it was proper. They both smiled a little more seeing that and Sam was glad to make a good impression, he wasn't going to have the same daddies boy that the books and movies knew as a friend.

"So what are you two doing today?" Sam asked while grapping a Lemon drop from the side, he figured why not.

"Mom is taking me out for the day. I was really hoping to get a wand or something but I can't until it is time to actually go to Hogwarts, what about you?" Draco said, Narcissa was standing to the side with a smile watching them.

"Oh I was just exploring today, I was raised in Muggle London and just learned about all this so I thought that I might explore it." Sam said with a smile, he was going to see how Draco would react to this.

The was a pause as his eyes widened but he didn't say anything bad which surprised Sam some, "Muggles really? What is it really like out there, father says they are nothing but animals but you don't seem so bad." He said thinking it over.

Sam laughed and threw an arm around Draco while walking towards the counter to pay for the candy, "Well there are some who are but not all muggles are bad it depends on who you meet. Just like in the wizarding world there are bad and good people."

Draco nodded knowing something about that since his dad was counted as one of those bad people, "What is so great about them though? Isn't it boring living in a world where there is no magic?"

"True but also false. In the muggle world there are things that you can do that you can't do in the wizard world, same goes for the wizard and muggle world. Take our clothes for example." Sam said while pointing between the two of the wearing different things.

"Yeah you do look weird in that." Draco said being honest since he wasn't use to not seeing someone wearing wizarding robes.

"Same goes for me to you. We see the differences and because we were raised in two different places then it is normal that we would have different appearances." Sam said while handing over his Lemon Drops and a Galleon paying for them all.

Draco nodded agreeing while Narcissa went to paying for their stuff, the entire time she had a small smile on her face while listening to their conversation. "Come Draco we should get home, your father will be back soon."

"Okay mom. Well...." Draco looked hesitant while looking at Sam.

"Don't worry I am sure we will meet again. How about in two days we meet at the Ice-Cream Parlour and we can take a trip to the muggle world, I will show you some things." Sam said with a smile, to get him to change some he needed to let Draco so the Muggle world too.

"Mom can we?" He asked a little eagerness in his voice.

She looked at the two with a smile on her face still, "Sure but we have to make sure to keep it from you father or he won't allow it."

Draco looked conflicted for a moment but then nodded, "Well then let's meet in two days then Sam." At the end he was wearing a smile as he left with his mom waving to Sam.

After seeing them leave Sam dropped his hat and walked away, he made his way back to the Leaky Cauldron and got a room from Tom who just nodded and agreed. The room was a single that was pretty big, it was better since it was away from all those moaning men and women.

Sam smiled as he looked at his gains.

[14,510,900G 10,500Mana]

The entire time he was with Draco and his mom he didn't stop stealing from others, going into the shop he bought the first three things he wanted since he had the money for them.

[Parseltongue- Rare

Description: Ability to speak to any type of snake, this does not include dragons.

Cost: 500,000 Galleons, 50 Mana]

[Untraceable Soul Wand- Bound- Rare

Description: A wand that will fit any user and become their soul bound wand, it will grow stronger as the user does, perfect match every time.

Cost: 2,000,000 Galleons, 500 Mana]

[Le Fay Bloodline

Description: Direct descendant of Morgana. Since she had no family after her death you gain her bloodline and being the direct line of the Le Fay house.

Cost: 10,000,000 Galleons]

After buying them he noticed that in his name section he now had the name Le Fay included in it, nodding he looked over and bought some spells too which brought it down more. Luckily they were only worth Galleons and not Mana.

[200,900 Galleons 9,950Mana]

Was how much was left when he was done, since he had never done the spells or anything it cost him a lot to buy them. He also bought some books which made it a lot lower, they were rare books that couldn't be found anywhere so he was fine spending the money.

For the rest of the night he spent it reading the books and smiled seeing them, with the rest of the Galleons he bought the last thing he really wanted. It was a touch screen phone that could be used no matter how much mana was around.

He bought three which drained him of the last of the Galleons he had, well almost all her still had 10 left, enough for him to spend three months at The Leaky Cauldron. Bringing out the phone he saw that it was basically an iPhone 12, it was resistant to magic and could be used like a normal on in the twenty first century.

A lot of the stuff was locked though since he set his main phone as the manger for the other two, he didn't need his friends who would get them to question what they were. Plus they were finger print locked so no one else could get them, didn't need anyone opening that can of worms.