
They Say Opposites Attract

*Requested by FeralG3 on Fanfiction.net* Takes place a week after Descendants 2. Ben invites Cato, Katniss, and Peeta, 3 students from Werepack Prep, to attend Auradon Prep. OC, Mei, signs up to be a part of the welcoming committee, leading to her becoming the trio's tour guide and friend. As Mei starts to spend more time with trio, her new friendship with Cato slowly turns into something more. (Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS. I DO NOT OWN THE DESCENDANTS MOVIES, BOOKS, OR CHARACTERS.)

Shipperandfanficer · Movies
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Just Us

Cato's POV:

"Greetings son. Destroyed any possible future allies to us with your foul temper yet?", my father questions. I see we're getting down to business immediately then, and casting all pleasantries aside. "No, and I don't intend to do so father. I am keeping the best interest of our pack in mind, always.", I respond. "Good, good, that's what I like to hear. Keep up that mindset and you've be a fine leader.", my father compliments. I slightly beam at his praise. My father may see quite cold and detached compared to the fathers here at Auradon, but in reality he treats me like an equal when it comes to serious topics that must be discussed. When pack duties and responsibilities aren't involved, he's much softer and takes up more of those typical father like qualities. "Thank you, father.", I reply. "Yes well, making sure that you were staying out of trouble wasn't the only reason I called.", my father informs me. This is regarding something serious I'm assuming. His voice would've turned into a more light hearted one otherwise. "Is there trouble with a rival pack?", I ask. "No no, nothing of the sort thankfully. When you return from your stay at Auradon Prep, I think it's time you finally ascend to pack leader. If all goes well and you're able to forge an alliance with fairly closed minded human, then you're more than ready to lead this pack.", my father tells me. I could almost howl with excitement! I assumed it'd be years before father thought I was ready! This has to be the happiest moment of my life. "Thank you Father! You won't regret your decision I will be the best pack leader I can be, and make you, mother, and all our fellow packmates proud.", I gush. My father lets out an amused chuckle. "I know you will my boy, but there's just, one more thing that must be done before you can be appointed.", my father informs me.

Mei's POV:

My anxiety is killing me, figuratively. I know he's gonna shut me down, I'm just not sure if he's going to act harsh or not. If he was still acting the way he was yesterday, then I'd brace for the worst. Today he's been much kinder towards me, and that almost gives me hope that he might like me too. Which I obviously know isn't the case, who would even think about liking someone like me? He'll just, let me down a bit easier in his own way. He might be a bit rough around the edges, but he's not a bad or mean person. After a little bit Cato comes back with a blank look on his face. "Hey, how did things go with your father?", I ask him as he sits back down next to me. He looks away for a moment before picking up his sandwich. "Fine, he was just checking in on me and such.", he replies. I pick up my sandwich as well, and we finish our meal in silence. Is it just me or does things almost feel, disconnected, now? I wonder what really happened during that call. He doesn't seem okay.. "Our afternoon classes will be starting soon.", he remarks. I try not to sigh as I stand up. I guess it's not the right time to talk about my little crush, which is fine. Gives me time to get over this feeling. I feel him grab my wrist, so turn in his direction. He's standing up too, but looking down for some reason. He's really not okay, I can tell... "Hey, I'm not exactly sure what happened, and I won't push you to talk about it if you're not ready to. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help you, okay?", I tell him after taking a step towards him and making eye contact.

Cato's POV:

Why does she constantly have to treat me with such kindness? Always smiling at me, giggling, blushing, happy to be around me. So delicate, fragile, like a glass figurine. I drop her wrist. She takes a step closer and slightly raising her arms, not verbally asking for permission. The question is in her eyes, I bring her in and let her hug me. She rubs circles in my back, attempting to comfort me without even knowing what the problem is. Respecting me enough not to push the subject, letting me be. She lets go after a few moments, not being overly clingy. Not doing this for herself, but for me. "What do you usually do for fun?", I ask her. She looks fairly stunned at my question of course, since it did come out of nowhere unprompted. "I don't really get out much, I'm usually in my dorm studying or reading. I go for walks sometimes, and that's about all.", she informs me. Well I can't say that's too surprising, I doubt her joining any clubs would go over too well. Though there are plenty of other hobbies she could branch out into. "We'll have to fix that, I'm sure Katniss and Peeta would be more than happy to share with you their hobbies.", I tell her. I can feel that the idea pleases her, but that she's thinking of a way to get out of it. "I wouldn't really wanna impose on the things they-", she starts before I cut her off. "You're making excuses. Let me guess, you have a fear of failing and not being able to live up to your sister's accomplishments?", I ask her. Fleeting defensiveness drowned out by vulnerability tinges the air.

Mei's POV:

Darn it, forgot there's no sense in being dishonest with him. I nod my head. "Don't compare yourself to anyone, even if that person is your sister. That's not helping your self esteem one bit. I understand looking at someone else and using that to strive to do better, but you're using it as an excuse to not try at all. That's not acceptable.", Cato tells me. That's easier said than done, especially when everyone else compares me to her. "Even if I stopped doing that, everyone else would still compare me to her anyway. There's not much of a point in that.", I explain to him. He runs a hand through his hair, and I try not to stare at the motion too much. "That doesn't matter okay? It doesn't matter what others may say or think about you, it matters what you say and think about yourself. Don't let others negatively affect you like that.", he says to try and convince me to try more. I bend down to start cleaning things up, but Cato stops me. "I'll text Peeta and have him teleport this.", he brushes off. "Why are you so focused on my self esteem and how I interact with other people?", I ask him. He went from wanting nothing to do with me, to wanting to help me so much. I'm really happy about that, I am, I just don't really get why. Him wanting nothing to do with me made more sense. "If I have to watch you be everyone's punching bag for the rest of the semester, I'll go insane.", he claims as he starts leading me away from the Enchanted Lake and back to the school grounds. "Why does it bother you so much?", I try asking.

Cato's POV:

Watching someone much weaker than everyone else being put down, so that any chance personal growth is trampled, is truly unfortunate. Completely unfair, especially when certain individuals could be so much more. "I can tell that you're unhappy, and that no one else is prepared to do anything to help you. You, deserve better than this. If you'll give yourself the chance, you could be so much more.", I admit. I believe I was so annoyed by her initially because I wanted her to be just as terrible as Audrey and Chad. That her kindness was nothing more than a front, and her willingness to help was just an excuse to kiss up to her King. "I'm happy, sort of... What if, this is me? What if this is as good as it gets? Would you be disappointed?", she asks me as we come to the bridge. I stop her, and give her a pointed look. At least she was partially able to admit that things aren't unicorns and rainbows for her. "I'll be disappointed if you decide to give up before you even begin. I know there's more to you than being a cheerful yet defenseless pretty 'princess'.", I reply. I hear her heart stutter. "Y-you think I'm, pretty?", she asks with wide eyes. I let out a snort. Of course that'd be what she focuses on. I suppose I can cut her some slack, I doubt she's used to being complimented regarding her looks. "That's really all you got from what I said?", I ask in an amused tone of voice. She immediately shakes her head before clearing her throat. She looks away and out into the forest.

Mei's POV:

"I'm not asking you to change the core of who you are. There's nothing wrong with that part of you. Keep an open mind, and don't be afraid to try some new things. I think that starting with something like hobbies would be less daunting than standing up to your snobby classmates. It would definitely help you branch out and build up some confidence.", Cato tells me. I'm still trying to recover from him calling me pretty. He didn't deny it either, and now he's saying there's nothing wrong with who I really am. He just wants to build of my confidence and stuff like that. "Here I thought you disliked me, and would jump at the chance to change all of me.", I joke in a lame attempt put off agreeing to let him and his friends help me. "Don't think I can't see what you're doing. Just for the record though, I like you the way you are.", he says before starting to walk kinda fast in the direction of the school. I force myself to keep up with him while my brain completely blanks out, and my heart flutters like crazy. He likes me, I heard that correctly didn't I? I know he meant as a friend but still. I wasn't expecting us to reach that point so soon. "Okay, I'll do it.", I pant out right before we hit the school grounds. He stops to let me catch my breath I'm assuming, he'd have no trouble responding while walking. "I'm assuming you're referring to trying some new things? Also you weren't even jogging this time, how are you out of breath?", he asks me. "Out of.. shape.. remember?", I pant out. "Clearly, we'll have to work on that as well if you plan to spend so much time with us.", he tells me.

Cato's POV:

I give her a few moments to catch her breath. Her lack of stamina is quite amusing in this case, in other cases it would be quite unfortunate. "Maybe that's not such a bad idea either.", she says as she straightens herself out and brushes off her dress. Not entirely sure what she's brushing off but I won't call her out on it. "Let's have lunch again tomorrow.", I say as we continue our trek back to the school building. Excitement bubbles over, quite refreshing from all the internal panicking from me saying that I didn't dislike her. "That'd be great! I can't wait to see what Peeta will-", she excitedly starts rambling before I sling my arm over her shoulder. She stops mid ramble, her heart rate increases, her emotions rapidly shift, and she almost trips over air. "I meant, just us.", I clarify. I almost choke on the amount of hope and joy that clouds the air. Are all women this simple, or is it just human women? "J-just us? Almost like a?..", she rasps out. Maybe her simplicity is special to her. It wouldn't be the only thing that's special to her. "A date?", I finish for her. Now she really trips this time. I easily catch and steady her. We're in clear view of the school building, now would not be the time to make a big scene of things. Let's see if she can keep it together for the remainder of the school day. "Yeah but t-that's obviously not what you meant right? My dumb brain was just-", she starts rambling out. I cover her mouth with my hand. "We really do need to work on your self esteem if you think that little of yourself.", I say before removing my hand from her mouth.

Mei's POV:

DOES THAT MEAN? NO, it can't be, there's no way. Yet it really seems like he's implying.. "So then?", I whisper out. He lets out a sigh before wrapping his arm around my shoulder again. I try to remember to breathe as he urges us to keep walking. "I am, officially asking you on a date.", he tells me. I try my best to act cool, but I'm sure he can feel how much I'M FREAKING OUT ON THE INSIDE. I've never been asked out or on a date before! No one's ever looked at me like that before. "So do you accept?", he snorts. OH! I didn't think it was an open question. I look at him and brightly smile. "Of course I accept!", I exclaim. Oops, that probably came off as too cheery. I slightly blush and look ahead when I realize how desperate I probably sounded. "Your cheery nature oddly works for you.", Cato comments. He must've felt my embarrassment, and he wanted to reassure me. "Oh um, thank you.", I shyly say. He can be really sweet when he wants to be. He reaches into his pocket with his free hand, and starts messaging someone. "I'm letting Peeta know he can teleport the remnants of our lunch. I've also asked what his and Katniss' next class is.", he says. We walk into the part of the building that holds all our afternoon classes. He lets his arm fall from my shoulders and shifts away a bit. I'd be hurt by this if the hallways weren't really crowded. He's probably not comfortable showing that much physical affection in front of crowds. That's completely understandable.

Cato's POV:

"What's your next class?", she asks me. I slip my phone back into my pocket, and slide my bag off of my shoulders. I retrieve my class schedule. "I have home economics.", I inform her. Her excitement increases. "So do I!", she exclaims. Of course even little things such as this would make her happy, truly simple indeed. Her need to be around me is quite interesting and though I'd never care to admit it, quite pleasing. My phone buzzes in my pocket. So I fold then place my schedule in my empty pocket, before slipping on my back pack and fishing out my phone. "Apparently Peeta and Katniss also have Home Economics this period.", I inform her. No doubt she'll want us all to walk to class together. One can only hope she won't gush to those two about my proposal for lunch tomorrow. They'd no doubt thoroughly grill me as to why my drastic change of heart. I'm not in the mood for such things. "Eepp! That means we can all walk to class together and next to each other in class!", she chirps while slightly bouncing. A few passers by eye her funny. I place my hands on her shoulders to stop her bouncing. It works, but it doesn't wipe the huge grin plastered across her face. I inform Peeta that we'll be picking him and Katniss up from their lockers, as we have the same class. He asked about how lunch went, I ignore that. "We're meeting them by their lockers, so let's go before we're tardy.", I tell her. She immediately nods and goes to grab my wrist. I snatch her hand mid moment, and interlock my fingers with hers.

Mei's POV:

I can feel my face heat up, and I try to look away. Cato lightly yanks my hand, I whip my face back in his direction. "I can sense how you're feeling remember? There's no sense in hiding that it does no good.", he says while gesturing to my face. Oh shoot, he's right. I swallow before nodding my head and setting off in the direction of Katniss and Peeta's lockers. I'm not dragging Cato behind me this time, he walks in step with me. I never thought he'd wanna hold hands with me, especially in a crowded hall way. Maybe since it's a smaller show of PDA it doesn't really bother him. No one would really notice unless they were looking at our hands. I'm honestly still confused about all of this and why on Earth Cato would wanna go on a date with me. That's probably the 'low self esteem' talking, and I guess he sees something in me that I don't. After a few turns, we see Katniss and Peeta leaning against their lockers laughing at something. They look so content just being in each other's presence, I wonder if Cato and I could be like that 1 day. I know I'm getting way too ahead of myself, but it never hurts to hope. Cato drops my hand right before they notice us. Oh right, they probably still don't know about our date. Is it supposed to be a secret? Is that why he dropped my hand? I try not to feel too hurt as I warmly smile at them. "Hey guys!", I greet once we reach them. "Hey Mei, how'd the rest of you 2's lunch go?", Peeta immediately asks me. How am I supposed to answer that? I have to stop myself from looking over to Cato for the answer, that would surely make it look like someone's being dishonest about something.

Cato's POV:

Of course that oaf would ask her that right off the bat. "Good, those sandwiches had to be the best I've ever had.", Mei tells him. Oh thank God she's behaving some with intelligence. I know she picked up on the fact that I dropped her hand before we reached them. I could sense her disappointment and hurt. Peeta thanks her, but I can feel that her not answering the real question he was asking irked him. Peeta can be so impatient at times. "How'd your talk go?", Katniss bluntly asks. It seems that Peeta isn't the only impatient one at the moment. I don't really see how it's either of their business honestly. I don't sense any concern from them, just a burning curiosity. So they clearly don't think I was cruel to her, which is a good thing. "It was good as well, Cato convinced me to try out some new hobbies.", she tells them. I must say I'm pleasantly surprised that she didn't bring up the date this time either. I'll have to praise her for it later. "Like what?", Katniss follows up. If they're trying to make her slip up, they're doing a rather poor job at it. "I told her that we'd all share with her our own personal hobbies, see if she'll like any of them. I'm assuming that won't be an issue.", I tell them. Peeta immediately shakes his head. "Of course not, I'd love to teach her how to bake and paint.", Peeta says. "I'm always up for some bow practice and more time outdoors.", Katniss follows up. "It's settled then. Come on let's go, you don't want to make Ms. rainbows and sunshine here late do you?", I ask them.

Mei's POV:

"It seems like you're the 1 who's more worried about getting to class this time than I am. You know, we don't always make food in Home EC right?", I joke. Cato lightly chuckles while Peeta and Katniss laugh much harder. "You say that now, but when the tardy bell rings you'll be the only one of us panicking. As for food, I'm not the food obsessed baker of the group. He's standing to the left of me.", Cato replies. I let out a giggle as Katniss smirks, while Peeta sports an offended look on his face. I almost panic before he lightly slaps Cato's arm and dramatically rolls his eyes. Cato turns around and starts walking down the hallway, even though he has no idea where the Home EC classroom is. I jog after him while Katniss and Peeta walk behind me. I grab his wrist, and he turns to look at me. I'm still allowed to grab his wrist right? He doesn't complain or pull away. He lets me lead him and everyone else to the right classroom. I drop his wrist before walking in and taking the table in the very back. It's empty of course, and just big enough for the 4 of us. I sit in the very corner, and surprisingly enough Cato chooses to sit next to me. Peeta sits next to him, and Katniss takes the aisle seat. The class goes really well, and we all have a fun time. The 3 of them get introduced to the class, and no 1 shoot them any dirty looks! After Home EC, Cato and I sadly don't have any other classes with Katniss and Peeta. The next 3 classes all go about the same, except for people laughing at me and looking at me funny. That's something that always happens though, so it's fine.

Cato's POV:

Our last class for the day FINALLY ends, and I drag Mei out of that room as soon as she has her belongings gathered. "We're meeting Katniss and Peeta by their lockers once again before heading to her new dorm. You still have to inform your sister and Audrey of this change.", I tell her. Her anxiety spikes up, but I can't tell if it's the prospect of telling Audrey or her sister that's making her nervous. I hold her hand once again. "Everything will work out fine, there's no need to be nervous.", I soothe. She shoots me a grateful smile, but still doesn't say anything. I of course have no idea how things will pan out once she breaks the news to them, and I'm sure she knows that as well. You know what they say though, it's the thought that counts. I don't let go of her hand once we reach the duo, they immediately notice. "Someone's a bit nervous about telling her sister and Audrey about the room change.", I calmly slide in before they start asking questions. Mei tucks a strand of hair behind her ear with her free hand, and looks away. Peeta shoots her a sympathetic look, and Katniss places a hand on her shoulder. Causing Mei to make eye contact with her. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. Cato, Peeta, and I will all be right here. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.", Katniss tells her in hopes of that calming her down. I see she thinks Mei's anxiety stems from having to talk to Audrey, but I don't entirely think that's her problem. "I know you'll all be there, and I'm grateful for that. Though I think I'm more worried about how my sister will take the news.", she admits.

Mei's POV:

"Didn't you say she was friends with Audrey?", Peeta asks me. I nod. That's not really my concern, they'll get along just fine. My real concern is how she'll react to me admitting that I volunteered to room with Katniss. We haven't even really made up after our fight last night, we haven't even spoken yet. "Then everything'll be fine.", Peeta dismisses. I nod again as if that would somehow convince me that Lonnie's the type of people who would take things lying down. Maybe she won't make an issue out of things since Katniss, Peeta, and Cato will all be there. She'd probably just ask to talk to me in private and drag me out of the room. Oh well, it's too late to back out now. I wouldn't wanna back out even if I had the chance though, I will not let Katniss go back there. That's not an option. "Determination looks good on you.", Cato comments before pulling me towards the door. "Oh, thank you, and niceness looks good on you.", I compliment back. I hear Peeta crack up behind us. We step outside and Cato starts walking even faster, he's almost jogging at this point. "It going this fast really necessary?", I pant out. He looks over at me, rolls his eyes, then slows his pace. "I wasn't even going fast, and to answer your question, yes. Before you lose your nerve.", he replies. I suppose he once again has a point there, the more I think on things, the more likely I'll be a nervous wreck when we get there. "Not fast for you maybe.", I snort. He rolls his eyes before yanking me towards him. I yelp before he swoops me up in his arms again.

Cato's POV:

"It this gonna become a regular thing for us?", Mei laughs out. She loves being this close to me and having this much physical contact, I can feel it. Well that's new, no one's actually wanted to be near me this much because they cared about me as a person. It's usually been because of me being an alpha. By default, alphas tend to pull crowds, it's just nature. Once they realized I'm not just any Alpha, but the future leader of the pack, they'd see me as an opportunity. To move up in the ranks and to show off to their peers. Katniss and Peeta were a different story. They're not afraid to try and put me in my place if they disagree with something, they've never tried to put me on a pedestal. I appreciate that, few others care to see me for more than my title. Even Clove is guilty of going along with things, always having calculated responses towards me. Whether she claims she's just practicing being a good mate, or because she refuses to get on my bad side and risk not being chosen. It's quite odd because everyone knows that there isn't really an other option besides Clove, she the best suited for the job. "If you want it to be.", I tell her. She tries not to blush, and I can tell she's about to say yes. She stops herself, assumingly because Peeta and Katniss are near. The look in her eyes tells me all I need to know though. We reach the dorm building, and I set her down. She takes a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside. The three of us follow her inside, and up the right staircase.

Mei's POV:

"So, how many times have you carried her exactly?", I hear Katniss ask Cato. "A few times.", he immediately responds. "Since when do you carry people bridal style?", Peeta asks him in an amused tone of voice. "I don't.", Cato flatly replies. It doesn't sound like he's enjoying this particular conversation. "She must be the exception then.", Katniss comments. Thankfully we reach my dorm room before the conversation can escalate any further. "We're here!", I loudly exclaim. I slide my back pack off of my shoulders before digging around for my keys. I unlock the door, and when we walk inside, Lonnie and Audrey are sitting on Lonnie's bed. Lonnie shoots me a pointed look while Audrey looks disgusted. "Ugh, did you have to drag ALL of them here with you?", Audrey complains. "Yes, I did. I can bring my friends to my dorm room if I want to.", I reply as I cross my arms. Audrey raises her brow at me before going back to filing her nails. "Fairy Godmother told us about the arrangement you made behind our backs.", Lonnie starts. Oh boy, here it comes. " I OF COURSE, have no problem with it. I'd much rather room with Lonnie than that freak.", Audrey interjects. Katniss takes a step forward, I hold a hand out to stop her from doing whatever she's planning on doing. The last thing we need is another fight to break out. "I'm glad you agree to the arrangement Audrey, but Katniss is not a freak.", I calmly say while trying to hold back my frustration. "You really want to share a room with someone you barely even know over your own sister?", Lonnie asks me after standing up.

Cato's POV:

I was right in thinking Audrey wouldn't be her problem here. I can't believe her sister is attempting to make her feel bad for this. So what if she wants to room with someone else? Or is it because Katniss is a shapeshifter? "Katniss is really nice, and I know her better than you do. Audrey's been acting very rudely towards her if you hadn't noticed, and Headmistress Fairy Godmother said there wasn't anywhere else she could put her. It won't kill you to share a room with Audrey for 1 semester.", Mei responds. I must commend her for holding her own really well so far. "Can I talk to you, alone please?", her sister asks her. Mei shakes her head. "There's nothing to talk about, my mind is made up.", she tells her. I can feel how proud and impressed Katniss and Peeta are of her right now. "It's my job to look out for-", her sister begins before Mei cuts her off. "That doesn't mean I need you hovering over me! If I wanna room with someone else, I should be allowed to without worrying that you'll start a fight over it.", Mei snaps. Well this is starting to get intense. I can tell that Katniss feels bad for thinking she's the cause of this, but it feels like their issues stem deeper than just sharing a room. "You're always crying about everything and everyone all the time, so clearly me 'hovering' isn't enough. You can be so childish sometimes.", her sister spits back. Mei's clearly taken back by this, but determination still burns inside of her. "Okay well, this is getting ugly, and as we all can see, I don't do ugly. I'll be in my dorm if you need me, don't need me.", Audrey obnoxiously claims before leaving.

Mei's POV:

"You're the only 1 who's being childish and clingy right now! Where were you exactly when all the times I was upset about something? Where were you every time people were mean to me? Were you looking out for me then too? Give me 1 good reason why 1 shouldn't room with Katniss!", I yell. Lonnie just rolls her eyes before stomping towards the door. "I'll be back later to get my stuff.", she snaps before slamming the door on her way out. I quickly walk to the door, throw it open, and stick my head into the hallway. "Don't bother! Your crap will be in your new room before you are!", I scream before slamming the door shut. "Peeta, would you mind teleporting her stuff please?", I ask as nicely as I can manage at the moment. He nods and as he gets to work doing that, I plop down on my bed and let out a grumble. Cato walks over to me, and sits next to me. "You're kinda cute when you're angry.", he jokes. I bust out laughing, and playfully shove him. Which really only slightly rocks him, mad he's strong. He looks amused. He thinks I'm kinda cute! "What about when I'm not angry?", I ask while quirking my brow. He clears his throat, and I'm prepared for him to back pedal on what he said. "Let me rephrase that then. You're even more kinda cute when you're angry.", he says with a 'are you happy now' look on his face. I giggle before grinning widely at him. "I could say the same about you.", I remark. He looks like he's about to say something, but stops and looks across the room. I look over too, Peeta and Katniss are sitting on Katniss' new bed, facing us. "So, are either of you going to tell us when all of this happened?", Peeta asks. "Or are we going to have to separate you both and grill you individually, until one of you cracks?", Katniss immediately follows up. I glance over at Cato, and he doesn't look too pleased. Uh oh.