
They Said Goodbye in July

As the rain comes in July, so is their goodbye. - A very short story about the yellow umbrella -

nikkisea · Realistic
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2 Chs

Where It All Begun

There is nothing special about our first meeting.

I admit it. I was the first one. I could not exactly pinpoint when my feelings started to change but perhaps it was in the ninth grade. I never thought that the girl who I always thought of as my annoying friend who loves to nag at me can give me butterflies in my stomach. Did I feel that way because she was the first person who looked at me after I was hit by a volleyball? But why did my feelings never change after I placed an ice pack on my head?

After tenth grade, I had to transfer to another school. It was an opportunity I could not pass. That school offered to help me to prepare better for the university I have always wanted to enter, The National University. Though it would mean that I could no longer walk with her after school or chat with her in the cafeteria, I knew there was always a way for me to keep in touch with her.

Back then, all I wanted was to be able to admire her from a distance. I didn't expect more than just being one of her closest friends. I did not have enough confidence to tell her about my feelings. I was afraid that she would never talk to me again if I told her. What if my feelings suddenly change and I would regret losing a childhood friend?

My last two years in high school kept me preoccupied. I did not have the opportunity to meet Ynna until I suddenly received a message from her. I was invited to her 18th birthday party.

There were many familiar faces at that party. I was able to greet everybody I know but I could not find Ynna. Suddenly, she came out more beautiful than how I remembered her. I could still see her in that blue dress walking down the stairs. But wait a minute! Why was she only looking at me? The way she fixed her eyes on mine as she approached all of us was so different from before. I was confused but then, who knows how far my imagination could go?

By the time it was my turn to dance with her, she immediately asked me,

"So you are going to The National University in Pine City?"

"Yes, I'll be majoring in Biology", I replied.

"I'll be seeing you in August then."

Even if there were parts that were short and make-believe, that was still a February that I could not forget.

by coleche page

IG: @chelseabagni

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