
They Said Goodbye in July

As the rain comes in July, so is their goodbye. - A very short story about the yellow umbrella -

nikkisea · Realistic
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2 Chs


Isn't it just stressful to watch two people who always cross paths but never take a different turn? Gelo and Ynna were the best of friends. Their friendship was never short of happiness, confusion, denial, and goodbyes. High school, college, med school, hospital. They were always bound to meet. Every step of the way, they always doubted if they can afford to disturb such stability and let their hearts falter.

It's been almost a year since I last saw Gelo. Despite some doubts, he accepted my invitation. It was always like him to dilly-dally before saying yes. Perhaps he also wanted to visit the city on that rainy July. He came into my office with his dripping yellow umbrella. Yes, that umbrella that he would never discard.

"Long time no see." I immediately slapped his back like in the old days.

Though he would push my arm and smile like the friendly and likable buddy I met in college, his eyes were not as bright as they used to be. I did not want to make it obvious that I noticed his change. I immediately offered him something warm and said the typical "how have you been" conversation. There was no longer a need to delay. After all, he was there to tell me everything.

"Okay," I said then made a huge sigh. "How did the two of you meet?"

by nikki sea

IG: @itsnikkisea

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