
These Oceans Between You and Me

A story between two boys in love and their struggle to find each other through life. Inspired by the song Oceans by SeaFret. Romance/Drama/LGBTQI+

kyracross · LGBT+
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22 Chs


I peer curiously into Adam's bedroom after hearing furious fumbling noises from the other side of the door. "Hey, your father told me that you were busy and couldn't waste any of your time. He almost didn't let me in," I say as I enter his room. "He warned me to be quick about it."

Adam and his father have a fight over one stupid thing or another at least once a month. I try to stay away from his house during those periods of time. The man doesn't like me much and I have no idea why. I try my best to be extra polite, respectful and quiet – more quiet than my usual – when I'm at his house, but I get the feeling I rub him the wrong way, no matter what I do.

"What's going on? Did you guys have a fight again?" I ask, closing the door after myself.

"I guess you can say that…" Adam mutters darkly.

It is then that I notice the explosion of clothes scattered all over his room. Adam is angrily shoving pieces of clothing into an open suitcase over his bed.

"Planning to run away?" I joke, watching him furiously pack.

"I'm being forced to go to the East Coast this weekend." he replies curtly. "We're leaving tonight."

"Oh. Okay," I say, confused by his anger. He should be happy to spend the weekend by the beach.

"It's not just for the weekend. We're moving there," he says while he shoves another shirt into his bag.

"What?" I ask, confused. "What are you talking about?"

"My dad got a whooping promotion for this new job, but it's at the East Coast branch. They have a big emergency and they need him to put out some fire. They're flying us all there this weekend, so we can see if we like the apartment they selected for us to live in."

"But you are coming back when the weekend is over, right? You guys are just going to check the place out to see if you like it, before deciding anything, right?"

"Dad's not coming back, he starts work on Monday. Mom says we'll come back on Monday to finish packing the rest of our things. But moving out is already decided."

"I don't understand… so… what does this mean?" I repeat, my mind going blank in denial.

"It means I'm leaving, Ben."

"B-but… they can't do that to you!" I protest. "They can't decide this without asking what you want first!"

"Yes, they can. They are my parents, Benjamin. I have to go with them, there is nothing I can do."

"So you're just going to let them?" I snap angrily.

"Excuse me?" He bristles, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You heard me. Are you just going to stick your tail between your legs and let them? Aren't you going to fight them on this? Aren't you even going to try, Adam?"

"Don't you think I haven't tried, Ben?" He demands. "You know what my father is like. This isn't open for debate, okay? He's forcing me to go!"

He resumes his packing, shoving things forcefully inside his bag while I stand at the middle of the room, gawking speechless back at him.

This is really happening, I suddenly realize.

He is really leaving and there's nothing I can do to change it.

Adam is leaving.

My shock swiftly turns into anger. My hands turn into shaking fists.

I can't accept he's leaving. I just can't.

I can't cope, so I lash out.

"That's it, then? That's all you're going to do? Pack your bags with a pout and leave?"

He stops packing again and exhales a frustrated huff of air. "They're not listening to anything I have to say, Benjamin! What else do you want me to do? Why are you being such a dick about this?"

We fume at each other for a few seconds before he turns round and resumes his packing. It makes me angrier, because I want him to stop. I want him to stop packing those damn clothes into that damn bag. I just want him to… stop leaving.

"You're a coward, Cooper," I mutter angrily.

I'm falling apart. I can't control the words coming out of my mouth any longer.

He freezes for a second, before turning to me again. "And you're a spoiled brat, Holt. Just because you snap your fingers and make your parents do whatever you like, doesn't mean the rest of us get to do the same, all right? Not everyone has magical snapping fingers like you do. If all you're going to do is whine like a spoiled little baby because things aren't going your way, then try shutting up for once, will you? I'm sick and tired of hearing your nagging."

"I'm nagging? What about you? You are pathetic!" I lash out like a cornered animal. "You're so afraid to fight with your parents that you're going to let them drag you to fucking anywhere without even asking for your opinion on the matter. You're leaving without even putting up a fight! You're such a wimp, Cooper!"

I get the response I want when he stops packing again. This has always been his father's favorite insult to throw in his face, whenever they have a fight. I know it's a low blow and I definitely shouldn't have done it, but I can't help myself. I am angry and I can't understand how Adam can be so passive about this whole situation, so I keep pushing his buttons until I get a reaction from him other than obedience.

I might have gone too far. For him, it looks like this is the final straw.

"Fuck you, Benjamin! Get out of my room and leave me the hell alone!" He shouts, losing his temper.

"Fine! I'll leave! You have a nice life in the East Coast being a wimp and a coward then!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Fuck you, Holt! Go to hell! I fucking hate you!" He's so angry that he starts to pull clothes and shoes out off his bag and throws them in my direction, to push me out of the room.

The fight is bad.

I can't control myself while I tell him all those awful things, because my heart is hurting so much and my head can't process all the feelings that are imploding in my chest.

I feel like I'm drowning and I'm trying to grab a hold of something to keep me afloat, but everything is moving way too fast, and the currents are so strong and I can't grip onto anything long enough, before it just slips from my fingers.

I storm out of Adam's room and leave him there to pack the rest of his things by himself.

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