
The Unplanned Murder

'Oh? The cooking flames started up quite high here.'

Black Alice took note of that as she watched Victor attack the man with a single kick. For a moment, she was taken aback by the supernatural strength and speed that Victor showed her compared to other normal humans, but it wasn't really any different from a normal person when compared to her. 

Besides, he had enough strength to fight against the average kind of monster in the center-south part of Ilias Continent. If he went to the northern side, he would only get raped and toyed around, not to talk about the monsters in Sentora.

Still, his violence sprung forward with such an unexpected shift that took her by surprise. The spices that she had thrown in the meat on the frying pan seemed to be a bit too much.

Actually, she could easily guess what was going on. She watched Victor alongside Promestein, Ilias, and Eden, although from a different point of view. She knows who he is, who he is traveling with, and who this 'Penny' is.

Penny is a monster, so it is extremely easy for a 500 years old Monster Lord like her to find her within a city. Even finding her within the edges of the continent from her current position wouldn't be a problem. Because of that, she also knew what Penny's state was, and she planned to use that opportunity to 'season' Victor while she was 'roasting him in the pan'.

She didn't expect him to go for a kill immediately, though… Maybe she miscalculated the cooking time, Black Alice might be able to eat her meal sooner than she thought. 

"Ah!" Just as the body Victor kicked landed on the ground, he seemed to have noticed the state of the pedophile and yelped in fright before falling down on the ground due to his weak knees.

...Nevermind, it was just his brain going a bit slow…

It was weird, though. Victor and Penny should have met only a few days ago. He should know that it would be fatal against any normal person if he kicked or punched them with his full strength, but he still used it against a person who was assaulting the little Dog Girl. 

No matter what he felt at the moment. For an uncaring person like him, it should be impossible to think about killing someone just because they harmed a friend they met some days ago.

Was it… because he didn't realize that his strength and speed are leagues above that of the average human man in this city?

That in itself is contradicting… How is it possible for Victor to not understand his own body? He isn't some kind of infant, he is totally able to walk and move like a normal person.

Maybe he can increase his strength through money? If that is the case, then things would be more difficult. She will have a time limit while cooking her meal…

Victor already recognized her, and if he can get both the necessary experience to kill along with the power to do so, won't she simply be trying to groom a branch with a rope connected to her neck in a hangman knot?

This is really getting more complicated…

But that is where the fun begins, right? What's the point of playing a challenging game if there is no thrill? Will she be able to prepare her prey to the perfection or will she become the prey instead?

After all, she is not the only one who has a time limit. If Victor is too late, she won't even need to eat Victor for his usefulness because she will have reached her goal.

Even with Victor's unexpected presence, the original plan is still ongoing… Rather, with Victor helping Luka in Ilias Continent, she will have a guarantee that Luka won't die too soon at least.

Black Alice walked closer to Penny and lifted the edges of her skirt before she crouched down at her side. Unnoticed by Victor and even herself, Black Alice's gaze softened upon seeing Penny's crying and suffering figure.

Black Alice pulled out the pedophile's sock from Penny's mouth and her red eyes started to glow with an eerie light, which magically healed the bruises on her body. Once the pain was gone, Penny moved in a curling position and started to cry louder.

"Shhh…" Black Alice stroked the little child's head and ruffled her golden hair. While she was comforting Penny, Victor was in a mental mess of his own.

He never had the intention to murder the pedophile, even if he assaulted Penny. The kick he performed was done with the intention of pushing him away from Penny, not instantly killing him.

What he had thought was to simply beat the guy until he was tired, and with 'he', it referred to Victor being tired. Of course, he wasn't the kind of guy who would sacrifice his own life or kill people just because his friends and family were harmed, even if he is soft-hearted inside… 

No, it was because he was soft-hearted, and even though he could imagine himself killing people within his 'mentally simulated scenario', he was fully knowledgeable about this subject when he was within it. Just thinking about the feeling he would receive when he would start cutting flesh and breaking bone gave him chills.

Slicing apart muscles and organs with a sharp object, letting blood flow out, snapping apart the bones on the limbs and crushing the ribs on the chest… Just by focusing on that scene, Victor felt uncomfortable. 

And now, he actually felt it with his foot… The impact was somewhat rough, but softer than he remembered since the last time he went in a fist fight with his classmates in the old days. It was uncomfortably soft, like trying to bend a steel bar barehanded and then it actually bent just like you wanted… It just didn't feel right in some way.

But the part that shook him more than anything else was the thought that the blood sprayed around like he just squeezed a plastic bottle of water, and there was bloodied flesh stuck on the person's mouth, as if trying to get out. Those were certainly his organs that Victor had almost squeezed out of his body with that powerful kick.

He started to take deep breaths as his arms showed off goosebumps due to the chills within his very spine. While he tried to calm down by taking deep breaths, he felt his stomach churning at the sight of the bloodied corpse.

However, he didn't puke. He might be soft-hearted inside, but that didn't mean he was a weak-minded person. He already traveled through the internet to see lots of mangled corpses or disgusting stuff that shouldn't even be on the internet, so he had a certain kind of resistance against disgust… At least related to his sight.

The bad smell of blood and guts reached his nose, snapping out from his stupor as he closed his nose and turned his head away. Even though he was already accustomed to grotesque images and videos, his nose was pretty sensitive to bad smells, and this isn't just a picture made of pixels...

He groaned as he slowly crawled further away from the body and then he let his hands slip out from the stone ground and sprawled his body on the ground. Victor looked towards the blue sky and groaned again, his current state seemed like he caught another fever, but this state was the consequence of a mental problem rather than physical.

"Fuck…" Victor cursed under his breath, feeling sick about these feelings. However, he can't just disable them or something like that… He closed his eyes and also covered them with one arm, seeing total darkness under his eyelids.

As for Black Alice, she ignored Victor for the moment and started to take care of the little and cute Dog Girl. It looks like they were just in time, because all the possible damage she may have was all external. 

A heartless tyrant she was in the eyes of everyone, but a gentle empress in the eyes of her followers. There is no reason to harm people who have absolutely nothing to do with, or are against her; although it would be a different case towards people who greatly interested her, such as Victor. 

Actually, if it wasn't for Victor finding her first, she might have dealt with the pedophile by herself instead of bringing Penny into her plans. Even if the timing was convenient for tempering Victor, it didn't mean that Black Alice was happy about leaving Penny into the hands of this kind of filth.

Black Alice lifted Penny's back up and made her sit while the little girl was hugging her tiny body with fear. After some hesitation over thinking about what she will do, Black Alice handed to Penny her bear plushie. 

"Hey, Penny."

"Ug… Uuuu…" Penny didn't answer at all, as she was still crying from the phantom pain left on her skin and the fear of being restricted down like the man did. However, after a couple of seconds, she felt something over her lap, and with teary eyes, she looked down on what was sitting on her legs.

"...*Sniff*...?" There was a teddy bear plushie standing on its own legs staring right at her face. The weird sight left Penny in a stupor, although her eyes were still red and her cheeks wet from the tears falling down.

The teddy bear lifted its furry arms and waved at Penny with both its limbs. While Penny was left surprised, Black Alice let out a giggle before she spoke. "This little guy is Beary, my friend. Beary, say hello to Penny."

The teddy bear, as if possessed, began to move in a comical manner while expressing a greeting through body language. Penny rubbed her eyes as she stared at the teddy bear with a curious expression. 

After she sniffed with her nose to clean it up, she slowly extended one hand towards Beary, who used both of its fluffy arms to pinch her hand and shake it, like they were actually greeting with a handshake.

"Hey, Penny." Black Alice called out with a smiling face, attracting Penny's attention as she turned her head in the blonde woman's direction. "My name is Alice, nice to meet you."

"...Alice?" Penny repeated with a curious expression as she rubbed away the tears on her cheeks. Meanwhile, Beary jumped off her legs and stood at Black Alice's side. After some seconds of silence, Penny continued. "...I have a friend called Alice…"

"What a coincidence, huh?" Black Alice asked as she cutely tilted her head. Her right hand went over Penny's head and started to scratch it, ruffling her golden hair along with her floppy dog ears. The scratch helped Penny relax and open herself up to Black Alice.

Penny sniffed her nose again and rubbed her eyes again, sweeping off the tears hanging on the corner of her eyes before she said. "Thank you."

"Fufufu. It wasn't me who saved you, it's your friend over there." Black Alice pointed to Victor, who was still sprawled on the ground like some kind of lifeless corpse.

Penny gasped in surprise before she rushed over to him with a more excited face, probably because she just noticed that Victor must have come here to protect her. "Victor!"

Victor didn't answer her call and merely remained frozen on the ground. In the meantime, Black Alice picked Beary with her arms and held it on her abdomen, before she started to walk in the direction of the corpse Victor had left a dozen of meters away from her location.

When she had reached halfway to her destination, while being right at Victor's side, she casually looked down and saw Penny tugging on Victor, speaking to him. "Hey, Victor, are you okay? You aren't hurt, right? If you are hurt, tell me!"

'Fufu, what a cute girl…' Black Alice held back a giggle as she walked past the two and approached the dead pedophile.

Upon hearing footsteps approaching and getting away, Victor lifted his arm from his eyes for a tiny bit and saw Black Alice walking towards the corpse, with her back facing him, while Penny was on the corner of his sight weakly pulling at his arm.

"Victor, hey, Victor…" She kept calling him and shaking his elbow in an attempt to get an answer out of him, but Victor merely stared at Black Alice, who had reached the corpse and lifted the corners of her long skirt while standing there and let a purple shadow come out from there, slamming on the entire corpse. 

The thing that came out from Black Alice looked like a mixture of purple tentacles and mouths as they started to envelope the corpse and drag it within Black Alice's skirt. And just like that, Black Alice was calmly digesting the corpse that her predatory monster organs devoured… 'Talk about 'haunted pussy', she is hiding a fucking outer god inside her panties.'

Yet, no matter what kind of attempt Victor thought of raising his mood, he couldn't feel anything resembling happiness or joy. His mind and heart had calmed down by now, which is why he started to remove his arm from his sight.

His movements attracted Penny's attention, as she smiled upon seeing Victor's entire face. "Victor!"

"Hmm…" Victor simply hummed and extended one hand towards Penny's cheek. His hand delicately touched her left cheek and gently massaged it, which made Penny's beast instincts lead her to push her head against his hand further.

Soon, Victor slowly sat up from the floor and extended his hand past Penny's cheek, and pulled her in a one-armed hug without saying a word. 

"Thank you!" Penny gratefully thanked Victor as she sat on her knees and hugged Victor back while her face was diving right on his chest. The familiar smell of Victor's body brought a sense of relaxation to her, while her dog tail, that was currently visible due to her ripped clothes not covering almost anything, was wagging left and right like the tail of an actual dog who just encountered their owner after a long time of absence.

Even after she showed her gratitude in such an affectionate way, Victor was still not smiling. What is there to smile about? He had just committed homicide… It wasn't about an 'Either Him or Me' scenario, but it was something he was totally capable of holding under control, and he let go of the said control with such ease…

This place is certainly one where he could risk his life for being careful, but that was the very reason why he wanted to live a peaceful life in a comfortable house on a nice beach. He had the money, so he should spend it to get away from his problems.

But he was still caught in this mess…

Victor shifted his gaze from Penny's golden-colored head to Black Alice, who smiled at him and held an index finger over her mouth before giving him a wink.

She still wants to keep this matter hidden, huh? Though, maybe he should be grateful for her to use her time to help him instead of not caring at all…

...What the fuck is he even thinking? This woman is much worse than anyone he has ever seen until now. She won't hesitate to eat him, and the reason for why she still didn't do it was a mystery for him.

However… Wouldn't it be too late if he wasn't so unlucky to crash on Black Alice back then? Wouldn't the pedophile have already raped Penny and carried her somewhere else by the time he arrived alone?

"..." Victor bit his bottom lip in self-deprecation. He will have to solve this matter once and for all, to make sure that Penny wouldn't fall for this trap once again.

In front of his eyes, Black Alice seemingly blinked out of existence. It still irked him that nothing had changed against these kinds of people even when he had bought Enhanced Agility for better reactions, but he can't complain now…

Soon after Black Alice disappeared, some footsteps approached his location. Victor casually turned around and saw Luka, Alice, Eva, and Granberia coming within this part of the back alley. 

"Victor, what the hell are you two doing here? It's already ten minutes past 12 o'clock." Alice asked with a frown on her face, not enjoying the stink and humidity within this part of the area.

Meanwhile Eva quickly approached the two of them as she noticed Penny's ruined clothes and naked body. "Victor, Penny, what happened here?"

"I think I can guess what happened…" Granberia was the one to reply to Eva's question as she stepped closer to the puddle of blood going for some couples of meters forward before smaller puddles followed after, along with drops of blood. The stench of fresh blood and iron was all too familiar for her, which is why she recognized immediately the situation that might have involved Victor and Penny at the same time…

"Is this… blood?" Luka asked in a stupor as he followed behind Granberia and looked at the blood with a surprised expression. His head bolted in Victor's direction and asked in worry. "Victor, what happened to you two?"

Victor didn't reply to his question and proceeded to look somewhere else with a really uncomfortable expression. Just the memory of what had transpired here made his fingers shake a bit and give him chills, but that was it.

"..." He quickly went through the system's store and bought another set of clothes for Penny, who looked similar to what she was wearing before they were ripped apart, but yellow instead of blue. He handed them to Penny before he slowly stood up from the cold hard floor.

"Let's just go." Victor told the group as he walked past his friends and left the piece of road they were in. The other five people stared at his back vanishing behind a wall as he turned away, before Alice turned in Penny's direction and approached her.

She crouched down to match her height and asked. "Penny, what happened to you and Victor?"

"Well…" With a slightly uncomfortable expression, Penny began to tell her the story from her perspective... 

How she was playing with her new friends in the central plaza by kicking a ball around… 

How she went to pick up the ball that was kicked a bit too far away… 

How she noticed a man enjoying a really colorful candy…

How she was curious about it and went to ask the man if she could get a lick from it…

How the 'seemingly' good-willed man told her he was carrying more of these at his home…

How he guided her in here pretty quickly…

How he pinned her down with a scary smile on his face…

How he tore her clothes apart and undressed himself…

Then, with a smile on her face, Penny began to tell everyone that Victor made the bad guy disappear, along with a gentle girl coincidentally called 'Alice' that was carrying a living teddy bear that comforted her.

By now, everyone had a pretty clear image of what happened… Penny got caught by a pedophile because of her faulty usage of her natural-born sense of empathy that every Dog Girl possesses. Even if you could feel which people liked you and which ones didn't, you should be at least smart enough to think about the situation; and being 1 year and half old didn't really help Penny in this regard.

Meanwhile, with the assistance of this other 'Alice', Victor had found Penny and the pedophile. And judging by the blood stains on the ground, and by the fact that Victor wasn't injured at all, they could guess that the pedophile must have gotten beaten up black and blue… Or he is now dead.

As for the disappearance of the corpse, it might be Victor storing it within his 'pocket dimension' or something like that. They didn't know Victor's side of the story, so they can't really be certain about it.

"Holy Ilias! Are you okay, Penny?!" Luka asked with a terrified expression, and Penny nodded back at him with a smile. "Yes! Victor saved me, after all!"

"Oh Goddess…" Luka simply hugged Penny in a comforting manner. Unlike Victor, Luka had a more affectionate opinion with his teammates. Even if they were strangers, he would gladly be their shield if they ever need it. So, hearing that Penny almost went through a line from where she could never get back from scared him a lot more than anyone else in the group.

As for Granberia and Eva, they could only sigh, although for different reasons. Granberia was just having a better opinion about this place, and it was ruined just like this.

She might appreciate people who do everything to fight, even if it is considered cheating for other people. Poison, hidden weapons, lies, escapes, scams, tricks, many-on-one… They were all things that she would let people use, even if it involved power obtained through sacrifice of other lives. After all, they had put some effort into that, or they simply got that kind of power by their own right.

Reading the novel that Victor gave her simply strengthened that mindset, as she approved of most of the actions of the main character within it… There were some exceptions such as him being distracted by some women instead of going forward through his agenda, but nothing was perfect for anyone.

However, if there was something that she absolutely hated, it was abusing the weak. People who were truly strong should be among people of similar caliber; if they stood among the weaklings, they were simply going to be unnecessarily arrogant. If they have the time to play around, they should use that time to get stronger.

This case right here was just like that… Pedophiles targeting weak and small children for their own twisted pleasure. If they wanted to have their way with women with child-like bodies, there were many imps at south from here who had the right age to have sex and still had their petite bodies; there is no reason to target actual children… 

The worst of it all is that Penny is even younger than her peers. While she looked 13 years old, she is actually 1 year and half old. At that age, the only people who know about sex is the children of succubi, and for a good reason too. If it was only because they were looking for an innocent personality, there were many people in the world like that.

Meanwhile, the target of Eva's sigh was Victor, who was clearly disturbed by his own actions against the pedophile in question.

The face he was showing was one of discomfort, and she had also noticed his shaky fingers. However, if Victor didn't want to kill anyone, why did he still do it? Eva knew enough to say that Victor had a great control about himself, there is no way that anger would blurry his sight that much.

He is also a bit distant from everyone else… Not in the sense that he felt like they were nothing more than acquaintances, but that his perspective of friendship was different from the one of someone like Luka. That might be because of his selfishness, though. After all, there is no reason to give up on something important for a simple friend, right?

However, he actually killed someone, barehanded or not. Why would Victor do this? She didn't have any idea. For that, she must ask Victor himself.

Eva glanced at Alice to see what she was thinking about this, and raised an eyebrow when she found Alice looking through the corners of this alley.

"...What are you doing, Alice?" The others also turned towards Alice upon hearing Eva, and Alice herself glanced around after being called.

"I'm trying to find something here..." She answered like it was the most normal thing to do in these circumstances and turned back to her searching around the alley. Her face showed a suspicious expression as she looked at every corner.

"..." Her answer made everyone speechless, with some shaking their heads. "...Alice, there are no candies here."

Alice glared at Luka and rebuked. "I know that, you moron. It's just that… something feels wrong here..."

"What is it?"

A sigh escaped from Alice as she shook her head in defeat. "Nothing, it must be my stomach playing tricks… Well, let's go to have lunch, I'm starving."

"My lord, you ate 5 burgers in this hour alone." Granberia spoke with a raised eyebrow, but Alice simply waved her off. "I'd need an extra 0 on that number if I want to get full with burgers alone."

Granberia sighed in return while everyone proceeded to walk out of this alley to join Victor in the main road.

Victor Luis' (future) Trivia Book: Age of Consent

We have seen a lot of monsters and other curious arguments to take into account within this book, and I am pretty sure some of you might think… At what age is it safe to have sex with a monster?

Well… Let me explain some stuff first.

First of all, there is no 'age of consent' among monsters, just like they would fuck you when they are 3 years old, they would not hesitate to grope a human infant. There are only three factors to consider when dealing with the good and bad of having sex with someone who either looks younger than you, or they are outright children.

The first factor is 'Consent'. That is quite the blurry line that separates normal sex from rape, and for the monsters reading this… Yes, rape is bad, even if the victim is a man. You can't just molest them and say stuff like 'your dick is erect, though', or 'your body doesn't lie'. Last time I checked, the brain is on the skull, not on the testicles. And just like that, the one to make the decision is the mouth, not a natural reaction that comes within every male beyond the age of 6.

Rape can be harmful for the women, who feel their purity that they wish to keep for their lover gone, and went through physical pain just to be the object of pleasure for the rapist. They are also targets of unwanted pregnancies, and are either forced to end their first unborn child with an abortion or live under the stress of their child coming from their own rapist, which is a scar that can't be really removed from life.

But this is also harmful for the men, who fell their masculinity and dignity gone in an instant, as they are forced by a human or monster to do such an act, and also have the chance of being infected with a disease if the rapist in question had been too much in contact with dirt and unhygienic areas. There is also the fact that the male victim could develop fantasies of revenge, with some anonymous reports of men buying weapons just to strike down their rapist.

Monsters, please, don't commit such an act. If you are hungry for semen, you can go to the red light district in human countries that let monsters in; you are more attractive than the majority of human women, why you have to resort to rape?

If it is because you want the man to be attracted to you, ask. Ask first. If the man refuses, you can't do anything about it, he won't like you even after you rape him. At most, he will like your techniques, which can be easily toppled by other monsters; 

The second factor is knowledge. Sometimes, it just happens that the monster that you want to have sex with doesn't know what sex is. In this case, don't you dare to use the excuse of it being an interactive lesson, you ain't going to trick anyone like that. Just tell her in the face what is sex, what it is considered as in symbolism, and in biology, while also showing the person what are the consequences of careless sex. 

If they understood, and still want to go along with it, good for you. If they didn't understand yet, don't just give up and rape them on the spot, just calmly explain them the parts that they didn't understand. If they simply aren't smart enough to understand what is going on, wait; it's not like it will be the end of the world if they grow up until they reach the age of 12 or 13.

The third factor, and the most important one, is the state of clarity. That is especially the case between monsters, which have certain groups that use pollen and aphrodisiacs to attract their men and let them give semen to them.

Ladies, if you want to make the erotic nights more exciting, you can use as much drugs you want, whether they are natural or artificial. If the man develops resistance in the end, that's not my fault, just like it isn't my fault if the man can't utter a single word. I told you, I warned you, now you will be stuck with a mentally disabled husband for the rest of your life.

However, do NOT use that kind of stuff to find a husband. If you want to be loved, work for it. If you are shy, ask for help from your friends; if you have no friends, there is something called 'sending letters'. 

If you can't even do that, that means you are under the delusion to want to be loved and you simply are looking for it because you are jealous of other people or simply bored. Love doesn't come like that, I know it, I've been 17 years without love and I can say that it's much cheaper than people make it look like.

You don't just drug someone to make them go like 'Honey, I'm back from work' while you answer with 'Husband, welcome back. Do you want to have dinner, a bath, or me?'. If I had known that you drugged me and suddenly had a clear mind to think properly, I would have beat the shit out of you for making me say that cringy stuff.

Once again, if you want to find the perfect husband for you, go to look out for him. If you can't really move from the place, then use your drugs in moderation. Giving people curiosity is one thing, outright brainwashing them is another.

These three factors I mentioned decides whether it is safe to have sex with a child-like or childish monster. If any of these three factors isn't respected, then you are committing evil and you will get back what you deserve one day or another, whether before or after death.

Gonna get a vaccine now so I will put this chapter under a timer for safety issues. keep supporting me to show that thinking with a dick and sending a gary stu in highschool dxd is not as good as the smallest bit of plot in a story.

Trial_of_Humanitycreators' thoughts
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