
There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

Zein was a rogue Guide living in the god-forsaken land of the red-zone, guiding for money and survival. Until the guild he used to work with caused a tragedy. Driven by sorrow and guilt, Zein became a mercenary guide in the land bordering the forbidden Deathzone, working like a suicidal monk. One day, an overbearing Esper suddenly appeared and told him, “If you’re so hellbent to die, why don’t you come with me to the Deathzone?” A strange proposition, a nostalgic smirk. Had Zein actually met him before? Following the man into the deadly zone, will Zein find the respite he seeks, or will he get engulfed in a storm? But there’s no such thing as love in the deathzone...is it? * * * The story is set in a sentinel-verse, so there will be: - Sentinel (Esper) and Guide - Dungeon! - Romance - Action - …smut? ;) It’s a (kinda) love story wrapped in dungeon system shenanigans, with abilities and action and whatnot

Aerlev · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
556 Chs

Chapter 521. All Battlefield Are The Same

"Our first target is D-7, please prepare your position," Kei spoke to the speaker, instructing the assist team. "Do it well, Naoya."

[Have I ever not done well?]

Kei wanted to scoff at the archer, but they had no time for jest. She turned to another screen and tapped another channel. "They are preparing to shoot, Commander."


Right after she relayed it, a massive mana increase could be felt from the right side of the Fallen Star's clone. A dozen giant stakes, each was enough to pierce an eye, appeared and hovered in the air. The sudden increase of mana pulled the frenzy clone's attention and temporarily halted its movement, and the tentacles it used to move forward were lashing out toward the creator of the stakes.

Ah...it was truly an incredible show of power that made 5-stars even swell with envy. 

But there was no leeway to admire it.