
There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

Zein was a rogue Guide living in the god-forsaken land of the red-zone, guiding for money and survival. Until the guild he used to work with caused a tragedy. Driven by sorrow and guilt, Zein became a mercenary guide in the land bordering the forbidden Deathzone, working like a suicidal monk. One day, an overbearing Esper suddenly appeared and told him, “If you’re so hellbent to die, why don’t you come with me to the Deathzone?” A strange proposition, a nostalgic smirk. Had Zein actually met him before? Following the man into the deadly zone, will Zein find the respite he seeks, or will he get engulfed in a storm? But there’s no such thing as love in the deathzone...is it? * * * The story is set in a sentinel-verse, so there will be: - Sentinel (Esper) and Guide - Dungeon! - Romance - Action - …smut? ;) It’s a (kinda) love story wrapped in dungeon system shenanigans, with abilities and action and whatnot

Aerlev · LGBT+
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560 Chs

Chapter 236. Impulse and Consideration

When Lex came out of Bassena's office that evening, he was greeted by Zein walking down the hallway with a folder in hand.

"Is he inside?" the guide, as usual, always went straight to the point. 


Lex replied while blinking. People usually just asked the person they wanted to meet in person through the commlink, especially when they were close enough. But Zein rarely did that, since he never had commlink before. He just came and went back if the person wasn't available. 

"Thanks," Zein said briefly before going inside, looking calm and nonchalant, but with a slightly more swiftness than usual. 

Watching the guide disappear behind the closed door, Lex hummed as he continued walking toward the elevator. "Might as well have a coffee break," he muttered while looking at the time indicator on his commlink. "Maybe dinner?"