
Therapy Game 1

two twins a dead body trapped with a psychotic therapist follow along or stay behind your choice

weirdcreator · Teen
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3 Chs

We Don't Know Him!?

It was a regular school day, boring as usual until me and my sister were called up to the office. We were confused because we know our foster parents were at work so we shouldn't be leaving and neither one of us did something to be in trouble for, but we went reluctantly. upon reaching the office we could see a tall lanky man with nice clothing on and a freshly shaven beard. He kinda looked like our foster dad but we knew good and well it wasn't him. The front desk lady was talking to the man and was asking for his id. I caught a glimpse of the id picture and name before she ran it through the copy machine. Nia didn't seem to notice that it was our step fathers id. I told Ms.Malcom that I and Nia needed to use the restroom quickly and she let us go. As we walked away we could hear her calling out to our "father" telling him that he should wait inside then I heard the front door shut.

We turned around and told Ms.Malcom we would just hold it be she told us to go back to class because the man had left. I had a weird feeling about the situation so I stayed back to listen to the office ladies. Ms.Malcom was telling Mr. Green that it was odd how the man used our dead names when coming to get us. I found it even weirder that he looked like my foster dad but the fact he used our dead names would have meant we were in trouble. But he didn't look mad. I decided to text dad and ask him why he tried to pick us up. 2 minutes later he text me saying that someone had broken into the house and stolen his Id so he wouldn't have been able to pick us up. Almost right after my foster, mom sent me a news report saying that the same therapist from years ago broke out this morning.

After putting everything together I grabbed my sister and ran to the bathroom on the senior floor. I then texted both of our foster parents about what I had put together. The therapist broke out of jail, broke into our house and stole my dad's id, and went and collected money somehow to get himself cleaned up to look like our dad, finally, he came to the school to try and pick us up. Right after I hit send the school was put on lockdown because of an intruder. I and Nia booked it to the closes open senior classroom just before they locked the door and we hid in there. The whole school was so quiet you could hear the intruder's heavy footsteps as he came up the stairs to the senior floor. The senior floor is only the second story so if someone were to jump from that floor it wouldn't hurt. And that was exactly my plan, jump from the senior floor without our backpacks and try to book it home on foot or hitchhike if needed since we live 10 miles away.

I and Nia jumped out the window and got a head start on heading home when suddenly I turned around and saw the man not too far behind us running after us. We kept running trying not to think about what was going down until we saw a nice lady parked by the park that Nia and I usually hang out at after school. I picked up speed and ran up to her car and informed her of what was going on and she said she would be more than happy to help us get home. As soon as she pulled off the man stood behind the car with a knife in his hand. I and the woman both saw him and just sighed with relief. When Nia and I got home I quickly texted both of our parents and they came home earlier than expected.

Just as they settled down someone knocked on the door Nia offered to open it but luckily our dad said he would open it since we aren't expecting anyone. We waited impatiently for him to open the door wanting to know who could be at the door. He slowly opened the door with his shotgun in his hand to reveal the man we had been running away from all our lives. He said in a raspy voice " CaN miA And NIa ComE Out." I and Nia looked at each other then both screamed WE DON'T KNOW HIM!? and just as the man was about to lung at our dad with a knife our dad shot him and my mom called the police. He bled to death before the paramedics got to him. We were all brought in for interrogation at the station. From that day on Nia and I have been homeschooled and now we live together in our own house with our therapy dog named runaway.