
Therapy Game 1

two twins a dead body trapped with a psychotic therapist follow along or stay behind your choice

weirdcreator · Teen
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3 Chs

The Man Downstairs

Brooklyn and Bianca both made it to the top without making noise luckily there are rats all over the place. Once on the top floor they realize there are four rooms, two are connected ones and office the other is a bedroom. then it all made sense they weren't here for an appointment they are here to be victims to the man down stairs.

Brooklyn being the oldest sister checked all the rooms as quietly as possible except for one the office. Neither sister wanted to know what was behind the door waiting or lurking but it was better than standing in the cold hall. Already 15 minutes had passed since their mom called the police and still no sirens in the distance and the man was still checking the last 30 rooms they had another 10 minutes before he moved up to the second level the girls had already entered the office and were quietly trying to find out the name of the man downstairs.

With no luck 10 minutes passed and they heard the man walk up the stairs screaming their names over and over. Bianca was scared and Brooklyn was close to tears with no way out how were they to survive. Suddenly they heard sirens and a million footsteps at the first floor then second then all the doors flung open at once it was the swat team. After that experience they became foster kids, managed their tempers and got new names mia and nia but got an unexpected visitor at school.