
The zZombie Evolution System

Unluckily for Ayden Cadell he gets transported into a world of war, sword, and sorcery after being hit by a truck on his way to the bank. As he got transported he was given a useful but one of the weirdest and cliche gifts...A system He is welcomed by a disturbing mettalic sound: [Host Recognized As Ayden Cadell] [System Preparation Initializing] [Preparation 40%] [Preparation: 60] [Preparation 90%] [Preparation Completed, Host Authorized] ... ... ... After Some Seconds og simence and feat he finds himself in a dark cave staring at the ceiling, will he survive or will his second chance cease to vain. [Zombie System Unlocked]

ShocKxRocK · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Ayden finds himself in a dark cave, he then hears growling but ignores it as he is amazed. He tried moving around and to his surprise, his senses were back and so was his physical body. Ayden was terrified but amused "Where Am I" Ayden asked the voice

[Host: Ayden Curr-]

"Stop! Stop!" Ayden shouted harshly "Stop calling me Host Ayden, Just Ayden" He shouted again.

[Approved, Ayden Is Currently In A Cave Near The Swamp Forest. You Are In The Kingdom Of Krone, Empire Of Vladier And In The World Of Miran]

The system answered, "So I got Isekai'd" Ayden muttered, the next moment his sherlock expression changed to pale and scared "What about my family, who knows maybe just an hour in that void was million years on earth. My family might be dead" Ayden said panicked

He tried looking around to analyze the cave and any potential danger, he tried walking but soon fell on his face "What, why am I falling like some goddamn toddler" he cursed.

[Ayden Just became A zombie, so after some short time he will know how to move efficiently]

The system said answering Ayden's question "Do I Have to learn how to walk, I? An early-aged man" Ayden hissed "Wait? Im A Zombie" he panicked "No! I Am A Brain Devourer" Ayden said. He wanted to puke but decided to hold it in "I will not believe it until I see it" Ayden said with a hint of pride.

[For Proof Ayden Should Try Thinking "Stats AND Skills"]

"Hmph," Ayden said "I might as well give it a try" he lifted his head up in the sir away from the cave ground "Stats"




[Host Name: Ayden Cadell

--Race: Lesser Zombie

--Age: 30 Minutes (Formerly 26)

-Health: 13

-Strength: 15

-Agility: 6

-Stamina: ∞ (He Is A Zombie, infinite Stamina)

-Defence: 40

-Mentality: 10



--Rotten/Zombie Energy: 25

--Rotten/Zombie Energy/per hour: 5]



-Analysis/Appraisal: LVL: MAX,

-Poison Slash: LVL:1, Poison Fang: LVL:2

-Presence Of The Reaper: LVL:1, Death Stench: LVL: 3

-Cannibalism: LVL: 2, Rage Mode: LVL: 3

-Zombie Create: LVL:1, Rot Step: LVL:2


-Passive Skills: -Self-Resurrect: LVL: MAX (Auto Skill), Night Eyes: LVL: 2

-Presence Sense: LVL: 1


-Resistances: Poison Resistance: LVL:1, Presence resistance: LVL:1


--TITLES: Former Human, Rotten Zombie, Human From Another World.


"What The Hell" Ayden screamed after witnessing the white screen in front of him, his shout echoed in the cave causing him to hear more growling. It soon hit him that he wasn't alone

[Shouting Not Recommended As A Beast Is In The Area]

The system said causing Ayden to get chills down his spine, Ayden quickly stumbled up using the cave wall as support "Syste- What Should I Call you" Ayden said mentally in a hurried way

[I am Alea 23758 The System] she answered "Okay Alea for short, so how do I defeat this beast"